3. General and particular, Pfal. li. 3, 4. with the feveral Aggravations of them, Dan. ix. 13: 4. With loathing and abhorring our felves for it, Dan. ix. 4, 7. Pfal. xxxviii. 18, 5. With Prayer to God, Dan. ix. 20. 1. To pardon, Luke xviii. 13. Pfal. li. 9. Who fo thus confeffeth his Sins, God will for- 2. To Men, Jac. v. 16. Efpecially when the Confcience is troubled, and God eminently provoked, 2 Sam. xii. 13. IV. Refolutions against Sin, Pfal. xvii. 3. Pfal. xxxix. 1. Josh. xxiv. 15. This must be, 1. With ferious Deliberation. 2. In the Name of Chrift, and by the Grace of God, John xv. 5. 3. Strengthned with Prayer, Pfal. cxli, 3, 4 Pfal. xix. 12, 13. Į. V. Converfion. 1. What must we be converted from? Sin and Wickedness, Ezek. xiv. 6. c. xviii. 30. c. xxxiii. II. Ifa. lv. 7. 1. From Sin, as Sin. 1. As it is the Tranfgreffion of God's Law 1 John iii. 4. Rom. vii. 11, 12. 2. Contrary to his Nature, Ifa. iii. 8. 3. Difhonourable to his Name, Rom. ii, 23. 1 Sam. ii. 30. Mat. v. 16. 2. From 2. From all Sin, one as well as another, Ezek. xviii. 30, 31: Jac. ii. 10. And by Confequence from our darling Sin, Pfal, xviii. 23. 1. That which our Hearts are most fet upon, Ezek. xxxiii. 31. Acts viii. 22. 2. Which we are most easily overcome by, Heb. xii. I. 3. Which we are moft loth to part with, To forfake this Sin, is very acceptable to 3. We must not only turn from the Commiffion of Sin, but from all Love to it, all Pleasure and Delight in it, 1 John ii. 15. Fer. iv. 14. Prov. ii. 14. OBJ. I. I fhall then leave my Pleasures. 1. They are not real Pleafures, Ifa. lvii. 20, 21. 2. At the beft they are but Brutish, Luke xii. 19. 3. But for a Moment, 2 Cor. iv. 17, 18. Heb. xi. 25. 4. End in Mifery, Rom. vi. 21. Prov. xxiii, 31, 32. 5. You lofe much greater Pleasures for them, Pfal. xvi. 11. 1 Pet. i. 8. OBJ. 2. But there is Profit in them, As xix, 27, 28, 1. It is but feeming Profit, Prov. x. 22. Jac. v. 2, 3. 2. You lofe more than you get, Matt. xvi. 26. 3. You will gain more by losing fuch Profits, 1 Tim. iv. 8. c. vi. 6. 1. The Favour of God. 2. A Bleffing upon what you have. 3. Everlafting Life, Matt. vi. 19, 20. 2. What muft we be converted to? God and Goodness, Hof. vii, 16. What is that? 1. Negatively. 1. To turn from one Sin to another, is no turning to God, Matt. ix. 13 Luke xi. 24, 25. 2. To turn to a meer civil Life, is not true turning to God, Mark xii. 34. ... 3. To turn from one Sect to another, or from a grofs to a fuperftitious Way of Living, is not turning to God, Matt. xxiii. 15. 2. Pofitively: We must turn from Sin, fo as to have our whole Hearts inclined to God, Joel ii. 12. 1. To love him with all our Hearts, Deut. vi. 5. Matt. xxii. 37. c. x. 37. 2. To Defire him, Pfal. lxxiii. 25. Pfal. xlii. 1, 2. Phil. iii. 8, 9. 3. To rejoice in him, Pfal. iv. 7. 1 Pet. i. 8, Hab. iii. 17, 18. 4. To truft and confide on him, Prov. iii. 5. Ifa. 1. 10. Pfal. xxvii. 1, 2, 3. 5. To fear and dread him, Isa. viii. 13. Matt. X. 28. 6. To ferve, honour and obey him, and do all fuch good Works as he hath prepared for us, Pfal. xxxiv. 14. lfa. i. 16, 17, 18. 7. To believe in Jefus Chrift, and the Promifes which God hath made to us in him. US E. Take not up with a partial Repentance; 2 Cor. vii. 10. Mark vi. 20. T VII. We must not only be converted to God the Father, but to the Son too, fo as to believe in him for Pardon, in order to our obtaining of it, Acts iii. 38. Mark i. 15. 1. There is nothing of Worth or Dignity in our Repentance it felf, whereby it can deferve Pardon, Luke xvii. ro. 2. However, it qualifies us for it, and puts us into a Capacity of obtaining it. 3. But it is conferred upon us only on the Account of Chrift, and his Merits, Col. i. 14. Matt. xxvi. 28. Rom. V. IQ. 4. Though Chrift hath merited it for us, we cannot partake of it but by Believing in him, Acts xiii. 38, 39. Rom. iii. 28. Gal. ii. 16. 2. How doth it appear, that if we fo repent, God hath faid it, Ifa. lv. 7. Ezek. xviii. 30. USE. 1. Prayer, Lam. v. 21. Jer. xxxi. 18, 2. Hearing, Rom. X. 17. 3. Fafting, 1 Cor. ix. 27. Joel ii. 12, 4. Meditation, Pfal. iv. 4. Pfal. cxxxix. 17, 18. 5. Receiving the Sacrament. Means: 1. Prayer, Lam. v. 21. Jer. xxxi. 18. Pfal. li. IO, II. 1. No one can repent or convert himself, without the Affiftance of God, 2 Cor. iii. 5. Fac. i. 17. Eph. ii. 8. 2: We cannot expect he fhould affift us, unlefs we ask it of him, although he hath promised it, Ezek. xxxvi. 26, 27, 37. 3: If we do fincerely ask it of him, he will infallibly affift us, Luke xi. 13. 2. Hearing. 1. This is the Means whereby we are inftruaed how to repent, and are called upon to do it, 2 Cor. v. 20. Ezek. xxxiii. II. 2. It is the Means whereby God doth ordinarily work Repentance in us, Rom X. 17. Acts ii. 41. 3. Fafting. 1. This rightly used, keepeth the fenfual Parts in Subjection; and so takes off the greateft Impediment to Repentance, 1 Cor. ix. 27. 2. It prepares and difpofes the Mind for the Receipt of Grace and Virtue, Foel ii. 12. |