The preceding remarks will have prepared the mind of the reader for appreciating the author's design in the production of this volume. His first and ruling idea was to arrive at the TRUTH respecting the origin and early history of the human race. Two reasons induced him to make the Bible his text-book throughout the inquiry. FIRST, he saw that, in reference to several important topics, no light could possibly be obtained, except through divine revelation: this is the case with regard to the origin of mankind, the divine purpose respecting the human race, and man's future destiny. On these subjects, if any information is attainable, it must be through explicit communications from the Author and Governor of the universe. SECONDLY, the volume of inspiration is the only source of information which we know to be unalloyed by error, and unadulterated by fiction. For these reasons, the Scriptural account has been regarded as of paramount authority. But while it has been the primary object of the author to give a true account of this portion of history, it has been no less his design to make it as full and complete as possible; and, for this purpose, every profane historian of eminence, whose writings contain allusions, however brief, to the events connected with the earliest ages, has been consulted; the annals of every nation have been examined; the cloudy regions of tradition, mythology, and fable, have been explored. From all these sources, information has been obtained, which the author has endeavored to concentrate into the smallest compass consistent with explicitness, and to reduce the whole into a homogeneous narrative, which may present a complete view of the history and religion of the age. The author likewise freely avows, that it has been, throughout, an integral part of his design to impart to the work a decidedly religious character. He has endeavored not only to unite in the same investigation the history of every age with its religion, but to do this in a decidedly religious manner; and, avoiding all sectarian peculiarities, uniformly to illustrate the grand elements of evangelical godliness, and to show their powerful efficiency in forming the finest characters of sacred antiquity, the most perfect specimens of exalted virtue and moral grandeur of which our frail humanity, under the benignant ducture of divine teaching, has at any time been capable. With respect to the plan of the work, few words may suffice. A general view of the subject soon rendered apparent the necessity of settling the chronology of those primeval times, and of exhibiting at least a general and connected outline of the intelligence and learning possessed by the early generations of mankind, before we entered upon the history itself. This has been attempted in the "Preliminary Dissertation;" the conclusions at which we have arrived, from a careful examination of the whole subject, being, that the Septuagint chronology is alone entitled to our confidence; and that letters and learning were extensively cultivated and diffused in those ages of which we have undertaken to treat, and were most probably coeval with our race, and consequently of divine origin. Another part of the plan may require a passing notice. In referring to the various works which the author had occasion to quote, he had to choose between giving the substance of those extracts in his own language, or citing the very words of the writers themselves. He was strongly advised by some literary friends to adopt the former course, as a means of preventing those frequent alternations of style, and breaks in the narrative and argument, which must necessarily result from the other. After mature consideration, it has, however, been decided to submit to these inconveniences, and act upon the plan of citing from all the important treatises which have been consulted, either in the exact phraseology employed in them, or in approved translations. The principal reason for preferring this mode has been, that it presents to the reader, in all their integrity, the authorities on which any reliance has been placed; and thus affords every one the means of judging of their value, and appreciating their true character, to an extent that would have been impossible if their substance had been incorporated into the narrative, and a mere reference to the authorities had been made at the foot of the page. Although the adoption of this course may render the volume less acceptable to some persons, it is hoped that this defect, if such it be, is more than counterbalanced by its deriving from the same cause, notwithstanding its limited size, the character of a cyclopӕdia of all that is certainly known of the history and religion of that early period. The author did not at first contemplate the prosecution of his researches beyond the present volume; but he has, during the progress of his labor, been so convinced of the utility and importance of a similar investigation of the history and religion of the period from the death of Isaac to the birth of Christ, that he has resolved to carry his purpose into effect, and to complete it in two other volumes as nearly as possible of the same size as the present; one treating of the history and religion of the Jewish Commonwealth from its commencement to the birth of Christ; the other containing the collateral history and religion of the Gentile nations. Thus, while the work will contain three separate and independent treatises on different portions of history, each being complete within itself, the whole will form an epitome of the history and religion of the world from the creation to the birth of Christ. The author has deeply felt the inconvenience of being situated at a distance from all valuable public libraries; but, thrown solely on his own resources, he has spared neither labor nor expense to render the volume useful to the world. It is the first desire of his heart that Scriptural religion and increasing knowledge may be inseparably united, and proceed onward, till they speedily triumph over all ignorance and error. To the great cause of the instruction and moral amelioration of our species, the book is, with unaffected anxiety, most heartily and sincerely devoted. TREVU, CAMBORNE, CONTENTS. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS: Importance of having clear views of the chronology of any period, and of the intellectual character of the people, for the understanding of their history. PART I. THE CHRONOLOGY OF THE PATRIARCHAL AGE: The difficulty of the subject-The three ancient versions of Scripture: their separate and independent character: their chronological disagreement-NECESSITY OF ADOPTING A SOUND SYSTEM OF CHRONOLOGY. I. WHETHER THESE SEVERAL VERSIONS EVER AGREED IN THEIR CHRONOLOGY; and, if so, which retains the pri- mitive numbers-The Septuagint at first agreed with the then existing Hebrew, shown by reference to Philo, Demetrius, Eupolemus, and Josephus: also by evidence from the New Testament-The Septuagint has now the same numbers. II. WHE- THER ANY OF THE VERSIONS HAVE BEEN CORRUPTED IN THIS RESPECT. Proof that the Hebrew has, from the circumstances of the case-The fact attested by ear- ly Christian fathers: proved by reference to various texts-Ample motives for this course shown. III. EXAMINATION OF THE ACCURACY OF THE SEPTUAGINT. Traditional history: Testimony of several eminent authors-General observations. PART II. LEARNING, LITERATURE, AND SCIENCE, IN THE EARLY AGES OF THE WORLD. Absurd theories of philosophers with respect to LANGUAGE-The primi- tive state of man not one of ignorance and barbarism, but of intellectual grandeur -Inquiry into the origin of alphabetical characters: their use traced up to the de- luge: in use before hieroglyphics-Proofs from tradition, history, and eminent authors. EARLY LITERATURE: its existence proved from Scripture facts, pro- fane records, and ancient tradition. THE EXISTENCE OF SCIENCE during this period proved by the history of astronomy and other evidence. CONCLUDING THE CREATION OF THE WORLD AND OF MAN. Sublimity and importance of the subject-Sources of information-Scripture the only infallible guide-Creation associated with man's moral probation-Human theories and speculations-Epicurus-Diodorus Siculus-Modern geologists- Question of the creation of the world in six days-2 Peter iii, 8-Illustration from the case of man-Fossil remains-MOSAIC NARRATIVE-Gen. i, 1-First Day- Proofs in nature of the Holy Spirit's agency-Creation and division of light-Se- cond Day-Creation of the atmosphere-Third Day-Division of land and water- Creation of the vegetable kingdom-Fourth Day-Formation of the sun, moon, and stars-Fifth Day-Creation of fishes and birds-Sixth Day - Creation of animals and of man-NOTICES OF CREATION HANDED DOWN BY PROFANE HISTORY- Sanchoniatho, Berosus-Cosmogony of the Hindoos-Laws of Menu-The Ve- das-Persian theology-Scandinavian mythology-Classic authors of Greece and Rome-Hesiod-Aristophanes-Orpheus-Pythagoras and Plato-Proclus-Ovid -Points of resemblance common to the above accounts-Cause of this THE PRIMITIVE CONDITION OF MAN, HIS FALL, AND THE PROMISE OF A REDEEMER Substantial agreement between sacred and profane history. MAN'S PRIMITIVE CONDITION-Scripture corroborated by other ancient testimony-Maimonides- Mohammedan traditions-Hindoos-Zendavesta-Trismegistus-Hesiod-Ovid. MAN'S FALL-Historical Corroboration-Custom of worshiping in groves-Garden at Cadiz-At Epirus-In Campania-Of the Hisperides-Sacred Persons of Heathen Mythology-Apollo-Chrishna - Hercules - Orpheus- Thor-Bacchus-Heathen Traditions-Plato-Dicæarchus-Hindoos-Persians-Worship of the Serpent-Its universality-Chaldea-Persia-India-China-Syria-Phenicia-Egypt-Greece and Rome-Druids-American Indians-Conclusion from the above facts-Geo- graphical position of Paradise-Tree of life and cherubim-Review of man's primi- tive condition and fall-Consequences of the Fall-Loss of moral purity-Of inter- course with God-Of inward and outward happiness. PROMISE OF A REDEEMER Introductory remarks-Genealogical table-Adam-His intellectual endowments, employments, and clothing-SECOND GENERATION-Division of labor-Rights of property-Phenician and Hindoo accounts-Cultivated state of society-THIRD GENERATION-FOURTH DITTO-General dissoluteness of manners-"Sons of God"-Profaneness-FIFTH GENERATION-Phenician traditions-SIXTH GENE- RATION-SEVENTH DITTO-Polygamy-Speech of Lamech-Infidelity-Enoch -Antediluvian kings-Fable of Oannes-EIGHTH GENERATION-Nomadic life adopted-Poetry and music-Working of metals-Identity of Tubal-Cain with Vulcan-NINTH GENERATION-TENTH DITто-Noah-Probable population of the antediluvian world-Longevity of the antediluvian patriarchs-Giants--His- Interest of the subject-DOCTRINES AND DUTIES BELIEVED AND PRACTICED BY THE PIOUS PATRIARCHS-Being and government of God-Fall and depravity of Man-Promise of a Redeemer-Animal sacrifice-Case of Cain and Abel-Reality and perpetuity of a future state-Other doctrines-DIVINE LAWS ACKNOWLEDGED -Substance of them-Law of the sabbath-Eating of animal food-Intellectual position and mental cultivation-Doctrine of redemption-Possible origin of idola- Reason of the calamity-Scriptural account of it-Wickedness of man-Faith of Noah-Form of the ark-2 Peter ii, 5-Provision for the safety of the lower ani- mals-The catastrophe-The release-OBJECTIONS CONSIDERED-Alledged im- possibility and want of necessity-Alledged difficulty of accounting for the quan- tity of water-Alledged want of historical confirmation-PROOF TO THE CON- TRARY-Identity of Heathen Deities with the Noachian Family-Osiris-Bacchus- |