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910 11442.17.51

1871, Oct. 4.

Gift of

N/m. Channing Gannette,
of Boston.



In making the following Selection, the object of the Compiler has been, to insert those pieces he considered most suitable for the practice of Elocution, without any regard to whether they had or had not been previously extracted for a similar purpose; but although he has not aimed at an originality which would have compelled him to reject many admirable pieces, several will be found of no inconsiderable merit, which have not, so far as he is aware, appeared in any other selection. There are, of course, numerous passages well adapted for recitation, which the limits of the present volume have necessarily excluded; but he hopes the young student will find a sufficient variety in the following pages, to lead him, by a keener relish for intellectual pursuits, to a more extensive acquaintance with the writings of genius.

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Care has also been taken to admit such pieces only as are calculated to call forth and foster the best feelings and affections of the heart, and to rouse and stimulate to exertion the noblest faculties of the mind, in order that "THE ENGLISH ORATOR," after having served its end as a ClassBook, may be considered worthy of a place in the family parlour and in the library.

To assist in correcting the habits of those who have acquired a sing-song or monotonous manner of reading or speaking,-prose, rhyme, and blank-verse pieces have been printed alternately, throughout the book. They will be found classified, however, in the Table of Contents, for the sake of easier reference.


266 GEORGE-STREET, 10th Oct. 1833.

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