Use of REASON Recovered by the DATA in CHRISTIANITY. PART II. Whereby we know the State we are in. What they have done for us. The State they offer us. The Terms for which they offer it. So have Evidence to reafon upon, and may make Taken from the original Manufcript of the late JOHN HUTCHINSON, Efq; VOL. IX: LONDON: Printed for J. HODGES, at the Looking-Glafs, over- MDCCXLIX. gift Tappan Presb. Assor 3-22-1933 (3) TO MY READER S. M Y Labours without the affiftance of others must have been loft, and many have been kept from reading upon Pretence that the Adverfaries would confute the Undertaking; you have gained the Reputation of being able to trust your Senfes, judge upon Evidence and not pin your Faith upon the Sleeves of others; and you have the Pleasure to see the Adverfaries fhew their utmoft Malice to the Christian System by offering the Usage of the Language and the Conftructions of its malignant Enemies the apoftate Jews*: and the Usage of the * They are not fo fair to tell the World that this is the Language of Apoftates, but call it one of the Oriental Languages, Chaldee or Syrian, and that they learned it when Captives there; we know from Scripture thofe Nations were Heathen, and are certain it was, after the Confufion of Tongues (though we have neither their Letters nor a Line of it preserved) adapted to the Names of the Objects of Worship, to their Manner of Worship, to their Obfervations upon the Heavens &c. whether they learned fome of the Words of the Natives, or begun to frame Words to their A 2 new |