merciful one, or Mercy, and to humble thyfelf in thy walking with thy Aleim thy Redeemers? There is no more required of us now but to be purified and admitted by Baptism substituted instead of Circumcifion, Purification &c: to eat of the Lord's Supper fubftituted instead of the Paffover, Sacrifices &c. with Salt.-To love the Redeemer and Mankind, his new Creatures, and to walk humbly with our Aleim. Every thing that Chrift did for us, by Baptifm and Hope becomes ours; though we all had finned, (Rom. iii. 23.) and come short of the Glory of God, we are not only to have his Righteousness, Purification &c. imputed to us, but a Degree of that Food, that Support, his Humanity had and now has, by the Sacrament of his Supper. We are by many Similitudes made one with his Humanity, with the Difference that he has done his Part, and we have Part of ours to do; that he is in Heaven, and we upon Earth; the Glory he has for doing this, his being joint with the Effence, having all Power &c. excepted. He who does not believe what is revealed about this; 1 Joh. v. 10. Makes God a Liar. He who will not give this Affair due Confideration and Acceptance Heb. x. 29. &c, does despite to the three Perfons. He who pretends to be directed otherwife; by the Spirit; by Reafon; by the Nature of Things; and teaches that he may be faved now by the Types; by Sincerity; by Morality; by his own Righteoufnefs, Holinefs D liness or any other Way, fets afide the Covenant, sets up himself instead of the Three Perfons; his Works or &c. instead of Chrift's; has no Promife or Revelation, fo no Faith and every Word he fpeaks, and every Action he doth (from thofe Principles,) is not only Sin, but Sins of the high eft Nature. Rom. vi. 3. Know ye not that fo many of us as were (are) baptifed into Jefus Chrift, were baptifed into his Death? therefore we are buried with him by Baptifm into Death: that like as Chrift was raised from the Dead by the Glory of the Father, even fo we alfo fhould walk in Newness of Life. For if we have been planted together in the Likeness of his Death, we shall be alfo in the Likeness of his Refurrection. So to the End of the Chapter &c. Col. ii. 10. And ye are compleat in him, which is the Head of all Principality and Power. In whom alfo ye are circumcifed with the Circumcifion made without Hands, in putting off the Body of the Sins of the Flesh, by the Circumcifion of Chrift: buried with him in Baptifm, wherein alfo you are rifen with him through the Faith of the Operation of God, and you being Dead in your Sins, and the Uncircumcifion of the Flesh, bath be quickened together with him, having forgiven you all Trefpaffes. These Texts not only prove that the carnal Man is dead in Baptifin and that the fpiritual Man is quickened, and that it is raifed, but it alfo explains a Text which has made many mad Rev. xx. 6. Bleed and boly is he that has Part in the first Refurrection (of Chrift by Baptifm) on Such the fecond Death (Hell) has no Power, but they fhall be Priefs of God, and of Chrift, and shall reign with him a thousand Years. This State is what Chrift called Paradife, whither 'tis likely, the Effence and his Soul went; which the Soul of the Thief, by his Faith and Hope, though he had not Time to be baptifed nor to perform Works, entered upon; this is Abraham's Bofom, and this is that State that the Souls of all those who have Part in this firft Refurrection shall enjoy with Chrift, though not in full Fruition, for a complete Number of Years; these are the Souls [Rev. vi. 9.] under the Altar, faying, how long &c. v. 11. And white Robes were given unto every one of them, and it was faid unto them that they should rest yet for a little Seafon, until their fellow Servants alfo, and their Brethren that should be killed as they were, fhould be fulfilled. And the Souls of the reft of the * The Age of the World, or Number of Years to the Day of Judgment was not to be known by Man, but had it been told us, how long the Souls of the Just were to be in the intermediate State reigning (as the Happiness of good Men is all along exprest by a Crown, a Kingdom, &c.) with Chrift, it is plain that would have been told likewife, the Time being the fame; but of that Day knows no Man, no not the Son (viz. the Man Christ) only the Father, Jehovah Aleim. So it was not proper to reveal it on this Account, the long Space, between Death and Judgment, is expreffed by a large Number, a Thousand, not meaning the exact Number of a Thoufand, but a large indeterminate Number; as we ufe the Phrafe of a Thousand in common Converfation fuitable to the Manner it is used in many Places of Scripture. D 2 Dead, Dead, who have no Part in this first Resurrection nor in Chrift the Life, are faid not to live this thousand Years; fuch are thofe St. Peter fpeaks of cited above, who were in Prifon, and though after, their Bodies as well as the reft fhall be raised, and though they shall live to be judged and suffer eternal Wrath, yet that is called the fecond Death. This alfo clears another Text which has made-forge a fecond Baptism 1 Cor. xv. 29. What shall they do which are baptized for the Dead &c. Is not the Dead a term for those who are dead or fhall die? Is not Chrift to judge both the Quick and the Dead? Is it not to good Purpose to be baptifed, because those, who have the Effect of Baptifm, have Part in the first Refurrection, cannot be fent to Hell? As Baptifm expreffes Purification, and if it be joined with Salt, qualifies and implies Admiffion, being made a free Denizon of the new Jerufalem, there muft of Neceffity be fome Succeffors who are regularly ordained and fo qualified conditionally to purify and admit; and he who neglects this Ordinance, is only pretended to be purified, and admitted by one who is not qualified, or perhaps even by one who has not been purified and admitted by one qualified, and has an Opportunity to be baptifed by one who is qualified, and has due Notice of it, if it be a doubtful Cafe, much more if it be certain, defpifes or rejects the Ordinance, or at best risques his Title: 1 The The Waters of Baptifm are living Waters 1 Cor. xv. 45. The first Man Adam was made a living Soul, the laft Adam, a quickening Spirit. Chrift's Body was raised an incorruptible fpiritual Body; fo a Spirit, though of a Substance different from that of his Soul, fo by that Perfon and the Power of the Effence that was in hin he became a quickening Spirit. Matt. xix. 28, And Jefus faid unto them Verily, I say unto you that ye which have followed me in the Regeneration- Titus iii. 5. Not by Works of Righteoufnefs which we have done, but according to his Mercy be faved us by the washing of Regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost; firft in Baptifm, fecondly in the Lord's Supper. John vi. 63. It is the Spirit that quickeneth, the Flesh profiteth nothing: the Words that I fpeak unto you, are Spirit and are Life. The Effence performed or affifted to perform the Actions in the Flesh, but he through the Spirit, the glorified Body, gives the Effects to us in a spiritual Manner. 1 Cor. x. 3. And did all eat the fame fpiritual Meat; and did all drink the fame Spiritual Drink: for they drank of that fpiritual Rock that followed (or went with) them; and that Rock was Chrift. So at the last Day when he fhall raise or change all to be immortal, he fhall quicken whom he will in the Senfe of Life with Happiness. 1 Cor. xv. 44. It is fown a natural Body, it is raifed a Spiritual Body-46. Howbeit that was not first which is Spiritual, but that which is Natural; and afterwards that which is Spiritual. John D 3 I V. 21. |