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Yet have I anointed,

their Cords from us. (covered with Oil) my King upon Zion the Hill of my Holiness. I will declare the Decree,

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whereof Jehovah hath faid, thou art my Son, this Day have I begotten thee kifs the pure one, left he be angry. Pí. xlv. 6. Heb. i. 8. Thy Throne the Aleim for ever and ever. ter of thy Kingdom is a right Scepter; thou loveft Righteousness and hateft Iniquity; therefore the Aleim thy Aleim hath anointed thee with the Oil of Gladness above thy Fellows. thy Garments fmell of Myrrh, Aloes and Caffia, out of the Temples (or Boxes) of Ivory whereby they make thee glad, Pf. lxxxix. 19. Then fpakeft thou in Vision to the holy one, and faidft I have laid Help upon one that is mighty (mightied) I have exalted one chofen out of the People. I have found the Beloved (or the loving one) my Servant; with Oil, my holy one, have I anointed bim; with whom my Power shall be established

he fhall cry unto me thou art my Father; my Aleim alfo I will make him my Firft-born &c. xcii. 10. But my Horn fhalt thou exalt like the Horn of an Unicorn; for I am anointed with fresh Oil (Oil of the Light.) Pf. cxxxii. 10. For thy Servant David's Sake turn not away the (Prefence) Face of thine Anointed 17. There (in Sion) will I make the Horn of David to bud. (Ifa. v. I. My Beloved hath a Vineyard in the Horn of the Son of Oil.) I have ordained a Lamp for mine Anointed. His Enemies will I clothe with Shame: but upon himself shall his


Crown flourish. Ifa. Ixi. 1. The Spirit of Jebovah Aleim is upon me, because he hath anointed (conftituted) me to preach good Tidings to the Meek, &c. Luke iv. 18. Dan. ix. 24. Seventy Weeks are determined upon thy People and upon the City of thy Holy one to finish, (to reftrain) the Trangreffion and to make an End of (feal up) Sins, and to make Reconciliation for Iniquity, and to bring in the just one of Ages, and to feal the Vision and Prophecy (the Prophet) and to anoint (conftitute) the holy one of the holy ones. Know therefore and understand that from the going forth of the Commandment to restore and to build Jerufalem unto the Meffiah the Prince Shall be feven Weeks; and threefcore and two Weeks the Street shall return and be built again, and the Wall, (Breach or Ditch) even in troublous Times (in Straight of Times) and after threescore and two Weeks fhall Meffiah be cut off but not for himself (and shall have nothing) and he shall confirm the Terms of Purification with many in one Week, and in the Midst of the Week, he Shall caufe the Sacrifice and Oblation to ceafe; and for the Overfpreading of Abominations, be Shall make it defolate, &c. Hab. iii. 13. Thou wenteft forth for the Salvation of thy People, even for Salvation (a Saviour) with thine Anointed. Joh. i. 41. We have found the Meffiah, which is being interpreted, the Anointed, the Chrift. Acts iv. 27. For of a Truth against thy holy Child Jefus whom thou haft anointed. x. 38. How God anointed Jefus of Nazareth with the

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Holy Ghoft and duvaμews with Power. 2 Cor. i. 21. Now be which establishes us with you, in Chrift, and bath anointed us is God. 1 Joh. ii. 27. But the Anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you: and need not that any Man teach you but, as the fame Anointing teaches you of all Things, and is Truth, and is no Lie: and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in bim (it.)


I have cited a few of the Texts in the Old Teftament, which mention this King in M — fine P. p. 58. 64. &c. I must take in those with the reft. Pf. lxxiv. 12. The Aleim is my King from the Beginning, or First-place. Gen. xiv. 18. And Melchizedeck King of Salem brought forth Bread and Wine. Numb. xxiii. 21. The Shout of a King is among them. xxiv. 7. His King fhall be higher than Agag, and his Kingdom fhall be exalted.

Deut. xvii. 15. From among thy Brethren shall thou fet a King over thee. 1 Sam. ii. 10. He shall give Strength unto his King and exalt the Horn of bis anointed. xii. 12. A King fhall reign over us, when Jehovah your Aleim was your King. 2 Sam. xvi. 9. Why Should this dead Dog curfe my Lord the King, xxii. 51. He is the Tower of Salvation to his King &c. Pf. ii. 6. Yet have I set my King upon my holy Hill. v. 2. lxxxiv. 3. My King and my Foderator, x. 16. xxix. 10. Jehovah is King for ever and ever. 18. Great Deliverance giveth he to his King. xx. 9. Let the King bear us when we call. xx. 1. The King shall


joy in thy Strength O Jehovah, and in thy Salvation. xxiv. 7. Lift up your Heads, O ye Gatesand the King of Glory fhall come in- -who is the

King of Glory? Jehovah, repeated v. 9, 10. xliv. 4. Thou art my King. xlv. 1. Things I have made touching the King. II. So fhall the King greatly defire thy Beauty.-she shall be brought to the King in Raiment of Needle-work [Eye-lets] ex ocellaturis auri veftimentum ejus. xlvii. 1. O clap your Hands, all ye People, Shout-for Jehovah most High is terrible; he is a great King over all the Earth -fing Praifes unto our King &c. Ixviii. 24. The goings of my Aleim, my King, in the Sanctuary. lxxii. 1. Give the King thy Judgments, O Aleim, and thy Righteousness to the Son the King. lxxxix. 18. The w Holy one (or anointed) of Ifrael is our King. xcix. 4. The Strength, the King loveth Judgment. cxlv. 1. I will extol thee 'n my execrated one

of the King. cxlix. 2. Let Ifrael rejoice in his Makers: Let the Children of Zion be joyful in their King. Cant. i. 4. The King has brought me into his Chambers. 12. While the King fitteth at his Table, my Spikenard fendeth forth the Smell thereof. Which literally expreffeth the Act of M. Magdalene. Cant. vii. 5. The King is bound in the Galleries. Ifa. vi. 5. Mine Eyes have feen the King. xxxii. 1. For the Righteous fhall a King reign. and the Perfon shall be as a hiding Place of the Spirit, &c. Thine Eyes fhall fee the King in his Beauty. 22. Jehovah is our King. xli. 21. -Saith the King of Jacob. xliii,

15. The Creator of Ifrael your King. xliv. 6. Jehovah King of Ifrael. Jer. viii. 19. Is not Jehovah in Zion? is not her King in her? x. 7. Who would not fear thee, O King of Nations? For to thee doth it appertain: forafmuch as among all the wife ones of the Nations, and in all their Kingdoms there is none like unto thee. 10. Jehovah is an everlasting King. xxiii. 5. a righteous Branch, a King shall reign and profper. xlviii. 15. li. 57. As I live faith the King whofe Name is Jehovah of Hofts. Ezek. xxxvii. 22, 24. One King fhall be to them all-and the loving one my Servant fhall be King over them. Dan. iv. 37. I Nebuchadnezzar praife and extol and bonour the King of the Names. Hof.iii. 5. And the loving one their King shall they seek. x. 3. We have no King, because we feared not Jehovah ; what then fhould a King do to us? 15. In a Morning fhall the King of Ifrael be utterly cut off. xiii. 10. I (Jehovah) will be thy King. Mich. ii. 13. Their King fhall pass before them (to the Faces) and Jehovah at the Head of them. v. 1. They shall fmite the Judge of Ifrael with a Rod upon the Cheek. But thou Bethleem Ephrata -out of thee fhall be come forth unto me, that is to be Ruler in Ifrael; whofe goings forth have been from of old, from the Days of Ages. So Mofes, who was of Levi, was but the typical Lawgiver. Zeph. iii. 15. The King of Ifrael Jehovah is in the midst of thee. Zach. ix. 9. Rejoice greatly, O Daughter of Zion; fhout, O Daughter of Ferufalem: (See Glory and Gravity p. 216.


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