OR SCENES IN ANOTHER WORLD. BY GEORGE WOOD, AUTHOR OF "PETER SCHLEMIHL IN AMERICA," “MODERN PILGRIMS," ETO. What if earth Be but the shadow of heaven, and things therein MILTON, P. L., Book V. SOCRATES, before drinking the cup of hemlock, said to his disciples, SANDFORD'S PHEDO, p. 8. BOSTON: LEE AND SHEPARD, 149 WASHINGTON STREET, 16 JAN 1987 P LIBRARY Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1869, by GEORGE WOOD, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Columbia. ADVERTISEMENT. AN edition of this work, entitled "Future Life; or, Scenes in Another World," was published by Derby and Jackson in the fall of 1858. The firm failed in the spring of 1859, and the plates were resold to the author, and have remained in his possession unused until the present time, when the recent popular and attractive book of Miss Phelps, entitled "The Gates Ajar," suggested its republication and the change of title which is now made. The Author hopes his readers will be gratified with this attempt to picture the Scenes and Society of Another World. WASHINGTON, May 1, 1869. (v) |