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them to these ordinances, and promote their benefit from them.

6th. To promote fidelity in the Teachers, and progress in the children, it shall be the duty of the Pastors and Elders, frequently to visit these Schools; to direct and encourage the Teachers in the method of catechising; to examine the children with mild severity, and to excite them to industry, by holy exhortations, by commendations, and suitable rewards.

: Such is the construction which our forefathers put upon the constitution of the Church of Christ; and we must be at a loss whether more to admire their wisdom and fidelity, or to lament our languor and degeneracy in this point.

A close adherence to a system like this, so far as means are connected with their end, is calculated to raise the visible Church to as high perfection as this earth admits. It is the system of complete organization, which promotes the unity, forms, while it preserves, the habits, combines the efforts, increases the strength, and pours moral health into the fountains of society. In the neglect of this system, it is impossible that any society can so fully preserve the spirit of the body, and preserve its infant members from corruption, indifference or alienation.

Whilst, therefore, it may be difficult to carry it into effect, it is surely worthy of the attempt, and your committee would recommend the following resolutions :

Ist. That it be recommended to each Consistory to divide the congregation into as many districts as there may be Schools required, and that respectable and influential men be associated, under the direction of the Consistory, as Trustees for the School in each district.

2d. That it shall be the duty of these Trustees to look out for suitable School-masters, and examine the qualifications of such as may apply, and take all prop

er measures to provide such support and accomodations, as will secure for these stations, men of sound principles and competent attainments.

3d. That the Trustees, or a committee of them, visit the School of their district, once every month, to carry into effect, as far as circumstances will permit, the 6th article in the preamble to this report; and that they be particularly careful to engage the Teacher to instruct his pupils in the doctrines of the Reformation, confining the children of the Reformed Church to their own standards.

4th. That the Pastor of the congregation be, ex officio, chairman of each district committee, when he may find it convenient to attend; and that he visit the several district schools in rotation, as frequently as possible: That at their first meeting they choose a chairman for one year, whose duty it shall be to call them together, as often as circumstances require, and to pay special attention to the monthly visitation.

[Passed in the session of General Synod, 1809.


Resolved, That it be enjoined, through the medium. of Particular Synods and the several Classes, upon the several Consistories, to present annually to the respective Classes, a statistical account of their congregations; and also an account of vital religion throughout their societies; which account is to be communicated, through the Particular Synod, to this body at their ordinary sessions.

[Passed in the session of General Synod, 1809.]

Resolved, That it be enjoined on the several Classes to require from each congregation a particular and full account of the state of such congregation, specifying particularly the state of religion therein to the end,

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