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Synod, therefore Resolved, That the meetings of this body be annual.

Resolved, That the Particular Synods be enjoined to appoint their delegates accordingly.

[Adopted in the session of General Synod, 1813.1


Resolved, That if circumstances should require a meeting of the General Synod, previous to the next ordinary meeting, the President be, and he is hereby authorised, on a joint application of six or more Ministers, requesting the same, to call an extraordinary meeting at the place where the next ordinary meeting is appointed to be held.


[Passed in the session of General Synod, 1800.)



Resolved, That it be recommended to the Consisto ries, that they defray the expenses of their Ministers and Elders, who attend from time to time the several Judicatories of the Church.

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[Passed in the session of General Synod, 1797.]

The Synod Resolved, That the sum of two dollars be annually paid by the several Consistories, and be transmitted, through the Particular Synods, to the General Synod, to defray the expenses of delegates; that Churches, which can do it with a tolerable prospect of success, be requested to take up collections to be applied to the same object; and that the Consistories of New-York and Albany be earnestly requested to provide for the accommodation of both Ministers and Elders, at the sessions of Synod, in private families.

[Passed in the session of General Synod, 1814.] DEPUTATI SYNODI.

Resolved, That whenever a deputy of Synod from any Classis is summoned to appear and attend an examination in a different Classis, the person or persons soliciting his attendance, be accountable for his travelling expenses, and that thereupon he shall be held to


[Passed in the session of General Synod, 1797.]

Resolved, That the immediate object for which Deputati are appointed, is to superintend the examination of students in Theology, and candidates for the ministry, to add a solemnity to the important work, and to see that no undue liberty, superficial proceedings, or unnecessary rigor be practised.

That the Deputati, in their character as Commissioners of the Synod, may and ought to advise, exhort and endeavour to persuade the Classis in all that respects the strict fulfilment of the important duty of examinations; but they are not invested with any authority to arrest the proceedings of any Classis who may act contrary to their advice; neither may they vote upon any question respecting any candidate, that may be examined; but they are to keep regular minutes of the proceedings at their different examinations where they are present, and impartially report to the Synod whatever they may judge improper or wrong. [Passed in the session of General Synod, 1806.]


SYNOD taking into consideration the preaching of candidates licensed by Classis, in congregations not subject to the licensing Classis, also the necessity that some limitation be made in respect to the time which ought to be allowed a candidate for considering any call presented to him, did Resolved, That every candidate licensed by a Classis shall be subjected to the resolutions of the last preceding Synod respecting the supplies ordered for the vacant congregations, of which resolutions he shall be informed by the President; and should he remain a candidate at the next ordinary meeting of Synod, shall appear before the Synod and render an account of his obedience to the said resolutions: and it is ordered that such candidate, whether he be in the actual fulfilment of the directions of Synod respecting the vacant congregations to be sup. plied, or proceeding at his own direction to preach in any other place, he shall, upon coming within the bounds of another Classis, apply immediately to the President of such Classis for the time being, to obtain from him proper directions respecting the particular vacancies within the same; and shall consider it his duty to supply such vacancies as speedily as possible. And further, for the sake of uniformity, and to bring the candidates who may be licensed by the Synod upon the same footing with those who are licensed by a Classis, it is Ordered, That upon obtaining license from the Synod, the candidate shall apply to the next session of the Classis under whose district his ordinary place of residence may then be, and have himself registered, and put himself under the care and superintendance of the same, in all respects, as far as if he had been examined and licensed by such Classis. And lastly, that any candidate receiving a call, shall be held to declare his decision on the same, at the next meeting of the Classis under which such congregation belongs, or at the next meeting of Particular Synod; or otherwise ask further time of consideration.

Resolved, That the President of every Classis he ac countable to the Questor of the General Synod, for all such monies as may from time to time come to his hands, arising from the examination of students in Theology, or candidates for the office of the ministry, and forward the same with all convenient speed to said Questor.

[Passed in the session of General Synod, 1794.]

The General Synod resolved in respect to their candidates;

Ist. That every candidate upon coming within the bounds of any Classis, shall, after the first sabbath, call on a standing Committee of appointments, which shall be made by said Classis, and receive instructions, before he proceed to preach in their vacancies.

2d. That each Classis shall enter upon their minutes a lemma respecting candidates; and that every candidate shall be bound (if practicable) to attend the meeting of the Classis under whose jurisdiction he may at any time be found.

The General Synod proceeded to examine the following question, referred to them by the last Particular Synod:

"Whether in collegiate and chartered churches, all the Ministers have or have not a vote and a seat in the Consistories of such churches?" After investigating the subject, they caused the following answer to be entered on their minutes, viz.

"The General Synod advise on this question, that for preserving peace and harmony in the respective churches, each of the Consistories to whom the question applies, inquire into their practice in times past, and adhere strictly to the same in all times to come, without attempting to introduce any alteration or innovation."

{Passed in the session of General Synod, 1797.)




Of General Synod.

1. All the authority of the Reformed Dutch Church, is vested in the General Synod, as the last resort. This Synod shall have paramount authority over the Theological School, its officers, laws, and instructions.

2. The General Synod shall appoint a Board of Superintendants, consisting of nine persons, all of whom shall be members of the Dutch Church, to be chosen in the following manner, viz: from the Particular Synod of Albany, three ministers; from the Particular Synod of New-York, three ministers; and from the Trustees of Queen's College, three ministers. This Board of Superintendants shall be chosen by ballot, at every triennial meeting of General Synod.

3. All the Professors of this Theological School shall be chosen by the General Synod; but in the recess of Synod, the Board of Superintendants may temporarily employ a person or persons, to perform the duties of a Professor.

4. The General Synod may alter, amend or abrogate any of the articles in the plan of this school, provided such alterations do not contravene the mutual engagements of Synod and the Trustees of Queen's College.


Of the Board of Superintendants.

1. The Board of Superintendants shall meet annually in the Professoral Hall, at the time of the Commencement in Queen's College; and any four members, when regularly convened, shall be a quorum for the transaction of business.

2. This Board shall open and close all their meetings with prayer, and shall cause one sermon at least

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