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6. Synodical Appeals.
7. Synodical References.
8. Grievances.

9. Church Government.

10. Doctrines and Morals.

11. Customs and Usages.
12. Schools and Christian Education.

13. Queen's College.

14. Professorate.

15. Students in Theology.

16. Church Visitation.

17. Prevailing Sins.

18. Missions.

19. Widows' Fund.

20. Particularia.

21. Questorate.

22. Pastoral Letter.

23. Resumption and Close.

24. Adjournment.

[Adopted in the session of General Synod, 1812.]

Resolved, That from and immediately after the present meeting of Synod, the Lemma respecting Advisory Members, shall cease.

Resolved, That hereafter a new Lemma be inserted, to be called Synodical Archives.

[Passed in the session of General Synod, June, 1815.]


IST. AT every stated meeting of the Synod, a sermon shall be preached by the last President, either before his opening the session with prayer, or at some time afterward, which the Synod shall deem most convenient. If the last President and the Adsessor be absent, the oldest minister present shall take his place and perform the above duties.

2d. The President and an Adsessor shall be elected by ballot. Two Clerks shall be elected by the same ballot and in the same manner.

3d. The duties of the President shall be to take the chair at the hour to which the Synod stands adjourned; to open and conclude with prayer; to direct the Clerk, immediately after a quorum has appeared, and prayer been performed, to call the roll; to censure absentees, when their absence shall be judged not to have been necessary; to propound the subjects for deliberation ; to confine speakers to the point, and save them from unnecessary interruption; to state and put the question, when the members are prepared to vote; to prevent members from leaving the Synod without permission; to decide questions of order, subject, however, to an appeal to the House by any two members; to give the casting vote in all equal divisions; and in general to maintain that order and dignity becoming the Judicatory of the Church of Christ.

4th. After calling the roll, the minutes of the last sitting shall be read, and considered as open to correction. The business on the minutes of the last meeting or sitting, shall, without powerful reasons, be taken up and concluded first in the order in which it stands, before any new business be introduced.

5th. A motion made must be seconded and afterwards repeated or read aloud from the chair, before it is debated; and every motion, except a motion for adjournment, shall be reduced to writing, if any member require it.

6th. An amendment may be made on any motion, and shall be decided before the original motion; but when a question is under debate, no motion shall be received, unless to amend it, to commit it, for the previous question, or to adjourn. If a question contains several parts, any member may have it divided, and a question taken on each part. When the previous question is called for, and which shall be in this form, "Shall the main question be now put," until this be decided, all amendments and further debate on the main question shall be inadmissible.

7th. A question shall not be called up or reconsidered at the same session of the Synod, at which it has been decided, unless by consent of two-thirds of the members present.

8th. The votes on any question shall not be recorded, unless it be required by one-third of the members present.

9th. Any member who may think himself aggrieved by a decision of the Synod, shall have his dissent or protest, with the reasons, entered on the records of the Synod or filed among the papers, if given in before the rising of the Synod.

10th. Every speaker shall rise, and address himself to the President only, closely attending to the subject in debate, avoiding all personal reflections, and no member, without the special permission of the Synod, shall speak more than twice on the same subject. When two or more members rise to speak at the same time, the President shall determine who of them shall be heard first.

11th. No member shall leave the Synod to return home, or for other business, without their consent; nor shall members, without express permission, engage in private conversation, go from or change their seats, during the transaction of business; interrupt another when he is speaking, except he be out of order, or to correct mistakes and misrepresentations; and if any member act indecently or disorderly, contrary to these rules, the President shall reprove or otherwise censure

him, as the Synod shall judge proper; the member still having the privilege, if he think himself denied of any right, or unjustly blamed by the President, of respectfully and modestly requiring the decision of the House in the case.

Resolved, That these articles be read at the opening of every General Synod.

[Adopted in the sessions of General Synod, 1800 and 1806.] Ordered, That the Minister of that congregation, in which General Synod hold their ordinary or extraordinary meeting, have the Lord's Supper administered on the Lord's day immediately following the day of said meeting, that so the members of Synod may have an opportunity of joining in the celebration of that Holy Ordinance.

[Passed in the session of General Synod, 1800.]



Resolved, 1st. That a new modification of the General Synod is expedient. 2dly, That this body is fully competent to effect any alterations in its organization, which may be deemed conducive to the interests and welfare of the Church.

The following plan was adopted :

As the inconveniences arising from the present organization, arise principally from two sources, viz. smallness of numbers, and mode of delegation; the subsequent arrangement will be a remedy:

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1st. With regard to numbers: The General Synod of the Reformed Dutch Church in North America shall consist of three Ministers and three Elders from each Classis.


2d. With regard to the mode of delegation: The delegates to the General Synod shall be appointed by the Particular Synods of New-York and Albany. In order, however, to avoid the inconveniences arising from the appointment of members, it is hereby recommended that each of the Particular Synods request their respective Classes, at the last session immediately preceding the meeting of General Synod, to recom. mend such of their Classical members, for whom, upon inquiry, it shall be found convenient to attend; and on such recommendation, if the Particular Synod approve thereof, to appoint the same, or such others as they think proper.

3d. That any ten Ministers and ten Elders, when met by proper delegation, shall form a constitutional


4th. That in order to avoid disappointments originating from pecuniary considerations, it is further recommended to the Particular Synods to enjoin it on their respective Classes, to make suitable provision for defraying the expenses of their delegates.

[Adopted in the session of General Synod, 1809.] Upon referring to the minutes of the Particular Synods, it was found that two-thirds of the Classes had expressed their opinion in favour of the above plan; Resolved therefore, That the General Synod in future be constituted according to the same.

Resolved, That it be enjoined upon the inferior Judicatories, to appoint delegates to General Synod, ac:cording to said plan, and provide for their expenses. Resolved, That the subject be submitted to the different Classes whether it be expedient and proper that hereafter the General Synod meet annually.

[Adopted in the session of General Synvd, 1812.] Whereas the constitutional number of Classes have reported in favour of the annual meetings of General


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