LENT. PREFACE. WE begin, with this Volume, the holy Season of Lent; but such is the richness of its Liturgy, that we have found it impossible to take our readers beyond the Saturday of the Fourth Week. Passion and Holy Weeks, which complete the Forty Days of yearly penance, require to be treated at such length, that we could not have introduced them into this Volume without making it inconveniently large. The present Volume is a very full one, although it only comprises the first four weeks of the Season of Lent. We have called it "Lent" and yet, the two weeks of the next Volume are also comprised in Lent, nay, they are its most important and sacred part. But, in giving the name of Lent to this first section, we have followed the Liturgy itself, which applies this word to the first four weeks only; giving to the two that remain the names of |