Passion Week and Holy Week. Our next Volume will, therefore, be called, Passiontide and Holy Week. We fervently hope that our readers, who have entered into the spirit of the Church during Septuagesima, will do the same for the Season which now begins; and for this end, they should attentively study the Lessons from the Scripture, selected by the Church for each day. To these Epistles and Gospels, we have added our humble comments. Such is the richness of the instruction contained in these venerable Lenten Instructions, that we might have written a volume for each week; and yet we have been obliged to content ourselves with a few short words of explanation. There are so few persons, now-a-days, who have a knowledge of the Sacred Scriptures, that frequently, what was most familiar with our Catholic forefathers, is perfectly ignored by those of the present generation. May God deign to bless these feeble efforts, and give to our people that spirit of understanding of holy things, which supports faith, and makes practice fervent ! February 18.--SAINT SIMEON, Bishop and Martyr, February 22.-SAINT PETER'S CHAIR AT ANTIOCH, February 23.-SAINT PETER DAMIAN, Cardinal and |