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The fourth journey of Paul, when conveyed a prisoner to Rome, comprehended Antipatris, Cesarea, Sidon, Myra in Lycia, Fair Havens in Crete, Melita where he was shipwrecked, Syracuse, Rhegium, Puteoli in Italy, Appii Forum, Rome. After remaining at Rome two years, the Apostle passed through some parts of Italy; and then, taking Crete in his passage, he revisited Jerusalem.

The last journey of St. Paul was begun in A. D. 64, and terminated in 68. This journey included Colosse, Philippi, Nicopolis in Epirus, Corinth, Troas, Miletum in Crete, and Rome; where, after he had fought the good fight, and kept the faith, the holy Apostle finished his course, rejoicing to suffer death for the cause of his Lord and Master; and went to receive that crown of glory which fadeth not away.


In what place, and in what year, after the birth of Christ, was the gospel of Matthew written, according to Dr. Lardner? That of Mark? of Luke? of John? In what place, and year, were the different epistles written? When, and where, were the gospels written, according to Dr. Henry Owen?



THE geography of the sacred writings comprehends only comparatively small portions of the eastern continent, or Old world; yet, it is evident, that in order to know the situation of the various places mentioned in the Holy Scriptures, an acquaintance with those portions is necessary; and the utility of such knowledge is too obvious to need pointing out.

Asia is that region of the earth, in which most of the interesting events recorded in the Old and New Testament took place.

Eden, the paradise, or garden of delight, in which Adam and Eve were placed, by their Almighty Maker, was situated, according to the opinion of some geographers, in the mountains of Armenia; some have placed it in Chaldea; while others have imagined that it lay to the south of Babylon, between the junction and separation of the rivers Tigris and Euphrates.

It is probable, that when the original parents of mankind were expelled from Eden, they descended into the plain of Shinar, the fertile country included between the two great rivers Euphrates and Tigris, which was afterwards named Mesopotamia, from its being so situated. Thence their descendants spread into different parts of Asia; increased in number, and probably advanced in the arts and sciences, till their wickedness became so great, that God sent the deluge,

to sweep them from the earth. Mount Ararat, on which the Ark of Noah is said to have rested, when the waters of the deluge began to decrease, lies between Armenia and Persia. If

it be the same mountain which is now called Ararat, it is very lofty. Its summit is capped with ice and snow, and so precipitous, as to forbid its ascent. The inhabitants of the surrounding country assert, that the ark is still in being, buried under the mass of snow.

Babel, the name of the city and tower, which some of the immediate descendants of Noah were endeavouring to build when they were separated by the confusion of tongues, was in Shinar, and, as is supposed, near the Euphrates.

Assyria, originally the name of the region which lies between the river Tigris, Armenia, Media, and Persia. It was colonized by Ashur, the son of Shem, who founded Nineveh on the banks of the Tigris.

Babylon, the capital city of Babylonia; the region situated between Arabia and Persia.

Chaldea, a very mountainous country, north of Babylonia; in which was Ur, the birth-place of Abraham.

Canaan, or Palestine, the land of promise, a country upon the eastern coast of the Mediterranean, between Arabia and Syria.

Egypt, a fertile country, in the north-east of Africa.

Haran, or Charran, in Mesopotamia, whence, at the command of God, Abraham removed to Canaan.

Sodom and Gomorrah, towns of Canaan, which stood where now is the Dead Sea.

Padan-Aram, a place in Mesopotamia.

Arabia, a very extensive region, inhabited by the descendants of Ishmael; situated between the Red Sea, the Arabian Sea, the Persian Gulf, and the Euphrates.

On, a city of Egypt, where was a famous temple of the sun.

Goshen, a fertile province of Egypt.
Nile, a river of Egypt.

Midian, a country, east of the river Jordan and the Dead Sea.

Mount Seir, a range of mountains between Palestine, and Arabia Petrea.

Moab, a country between the river Jordan and the mountains of the Nabathean Arabs.

Sinai, and Horeb, mountains in Arabia Petrea, so near to each other that they appear like two peaks of the same range.

Land of the Ammonites, situated east of the Jordan, among the mountains of Gilead.

Edom, or Idumea, a country south of Canaan, towards Egypt.

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Mount Hor, in the desert of Zin.

Mount Nebo, and Mount Pisgah, north-east of the Dead Sea.

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Mount Abarim, part of the same ridge.

Mounts Tabor, Hermon, Gilboa, in Canaan. Beer-sheba and Bethel, places in Canaan, where Isaac and Jacob successively dwelt.

Mount Hermon, a range of mountains to the north-east of Canaan.

Lebanon, and Anti-Lebanon, ranges of mountains north of Palestine, in Syria.

Syria, a country on the coast of the Mediter


Damascus, the capital city of Syria.

Mount Carmel, in the west of Palestine, near the Mediterranean.

Tyre and Sidon, cities of Phenicia, on the coast of the Mediterranean.

Jordan, a river which rises in Mount Lebanon, north of Canaan; runs through the lake of Genesaret, and empties itself into the Dead Sea.

Lake Asphaltites, or Dead, or Salt Sea; or Sea of the Wilderness, in the south of Palestine; supposed to have been the plain which was destroyed by a fiery volcanic eruption, with Sodom, Gomorrah, and its other towns.

Philistia, a fertile tract of country, on the coast of the Mediterranean. Its chief cities were Gaza, Azotus, Askalon, Ashdod, and Gath. The chief towns of ancient Canaan, were, Jericho, Ai, Gibeon, Ramah, Hesbon, Hebron, Libnah, Jebusi or Jerusalem, Gilgal, Shechem, Jezreel, Samaria, Sharon, Gezer, Bethlehem.

The inhabitants of ancient Canaan, when the Israelites invaded that country, were the Hivites, the Canaanites, the Girgashites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Jebusites, and the Amorites.

The Land of Promise was thus divided among the tribes of Israel. In the northern part, west of the Jordan, were settled the tribes of Asher, Naphthali, Zebulon, and Issachar, while one half of the tribe of Manasseh occupied the

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