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the Gospel. This faith comforteth us, maketh us steadfast, and causeth us to find favour before the judgment-seat of God.

XCIII. I believe, that sin dwelleth still in man, yea in the very saints and children of God after their new birth through baptism and the Holy Ghost: the which sin nevertheless shall not be laid to their charge, because of the faith they have in Jesus Christ. For as all the sins of the infidels and reprobate be damnable, and shall not be pardoned, because of their infidelity: even so all the sins of the faithful and chosen be venial sins, and forgiveable, because of their faith. And therefore I believe, that there is one only sin that is mortal and irremissible, which is unbelief or infidelity, that is to say, not to believe in the Son of God. For where true faith in Christ is found, then all sins are hid, covered, and par


I believe the resurrection of the flesh, which is the second fruit of my faith.

XCIV. I believe, that there shall be one resurrection, which shall be generally to all the world, as well of the good as of the bad, which shall be in the end of the world by the power of Christ, and through the ministry of the angels, the which with a great voice of a trumpet shall call together all the world before the Lord, and shall gather together the elect and chosen from the four winds, even from the highest of the heavens unto the ends of the earth, and divide the evil from the good; and the wicked shall they cast into the fiery furnace, where is weeping and gnashing of teeth: and then shall the rightcous shine as the sun in the kingdom of their Father, and shall be together, and be companions with the angels of God. This is the second resurrection, and blessed is he that shall have part or por

tion therein, for the same shall not be touched with the second death.

. XCV. I believe, that this resurrection shall be of the flesh, and not of the spirit, that is to say, that the spirit or soul of man shall not rise, because it is: immortal, and dieth not. But the body, which be-: fore, as well by the reason of nature, as also because, of sin, was subject unto death and corruption, to rot and to be brought to ashes, shall be raised up, and shall be coupled with its own proper soul and spirit, and shall be set in a more perfect estate than that in which the first man was before he sinned, and shall, be clearly exempted from all manner of corruption of sin, and so consequently from all manner of imperfections, and shall be fashioned like unto the glorious body of Christ.

XCVI. I believe, that I shall arise not in any other man's flesh and body, but in mine own that I brought out of my mother's womb, even with the self-same body and bones that I have at this present, but the same altered and changed; made of mortal, immortal; of corruptible, incorruptible; of vile and contemptible, glorious. And therefore I do wait for the coming of my Saviour Jesus Christ: the which, through his power, will change my vile body, which was but a cast-away, to make it like unto his own glorious body, according to the power whereby he is able to subject all things to himself.

I believe eternal life, which is the third and last fruit of my faith.

XCVII. I believe, that I shall rise (as I have said) with all the faithful and elect, not to die any more, as did they that miraculously were raised up from death, as well by Christ, the Apostles, and Prophets, and such others, but unto a life that is immortal, everlasting, and shall endure for ever, to reign eternally

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with God both in body and soul.

And thereof I

am sure and doubt nothing at all, knowing that whosoever doubteth of his salvation by Christ, the same shall not be saved. Therefore as I am sure and certain that Christ is dead, and risen again for me, and therein do not doubt, even so am I sure and certain of my salvation wrought by him, and that without fail I shall be saved, and by him shall enter into eternal life.

XCVIII. I believe, that then I shall see him face to face, whom now I see as through the glass of faith, and then shall know him perfectly, whom now I know but in part: who after that he hath destroyed and confounded all his adversaries, and hath made them his footstool, shall make all things new, for the glory of those that are his. Then shall he be a whole God in all, and over all things. Then shall none teach his brother, saying, Know the Lord; for then all shall know him, from the greatest unto the least.

XCIX. I believe also, that as the spirits of the infidels, wicked, and reprobate, after they are departed from their bodies, immediately do go to hell unto everlasting fire, their bodies nevertheless abiding in the earth, corrupting and rotting: even so likewise the souls and spirits of the faithful and chosen children of God, immediately after they do depart from their bodies, without any tarrying, are on high in heaven, to be in glory with the Lord, and there do still wait with an earnest desire for the coming and whole redemption of their bodies, the which they have left rotting and corrupting in the earth; the which thing they shall obtain at the last day, and not before. Therefore I refute the fond opinion of the sleepers, which affirm that the spirits of the saints are not yet in heaven, but do sleep in a certain place unknown to us, until they shall receive their bodies at the last day, at which day the mystical body of

Christ, wholly, perfectly, and fully, must enter into glory.

C. I believe for a conclusion, that as the saints and the blessed, when the judgment is ended, shall go with Christ triumphantly through the air in body and soul, to dwell everlastingly in glory with him and his angels; even so the wretched, wicked, and miserable damned shali go to hell in body and soul, with the devil and his angels, eternally to dwell and to be tormented with him in the fire of hell, which never shall be quenched, where shall be continual weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth, with such as be stung to the quick with the worm that never shall die. From the which the Lord God, of his great mercy and grace, vouchsafe to preserve and keep us. Amen.

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