LIST OF OFFICERS FROM DATE OF ORGANIZATION. PRELIMINARY CONVENTION, NIAGARA FALLS, AUGUST, 1859. [Annual meetings to be hereafter last Tuesday in July.] *Owing to a change in the Constitution, officers elected at this and the sessions following served at the next annual meeting subsequent to their election; and the sessions of and after 1869 commenced on the first Tuesday in August. A. M. DUDLEY, Secretary. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE FOR SESSION OF 1885. C. N. PEIRCE, Chairman. FIRST DIVISION-COMMITTEE OF ARRANGEMENTS. *J. N. CROUSE, *GEORGE L. FIELD, W. N. MORRISON. SECOND DIVISION-ON CREDENTIALS, ETHICS, AND AUDITING ACCOUNTS. *A. M. DUDLEY, S. G. PERRY, A. O. HUNT. THIRD DIVISION-ON VOLUNTARY ESSAYS. C. N. PEIRCE, L. D. SHEPARD, GEO. J. FRIEDRICHS. LOCAL COMMITTEE OF ARRANGEMENTS. A. T. SMITH, of Minneapolis; F. H. GARDINER, Chicago; * These go out August, 1885. |