had happened to the child of Dr. Clifton, of Waco, Texas, and moved that the heartfelt sympathy of this Association be extended to the father. Carried. Dr. McKellops moved that the Local Committee of Arrangements be instructed to see that every effort be made to bring to justice the author of the above mentioned accident, and that Dr. F. Y. Clark be requested to act in connection with this committee. Carried. On motion the committee was instructed to secure for the care of the injured child the services of one or more competent nurses. The regular order being resumed, the discussion of Dr. Williams's paper, Section V., was opened by Dr. Atkinson, when the Association adjourned to meet at 9.30 A. м. to-morrow. THIRD DAY-MORNING SESSION. The Association met at 10 A. M., the President, Dr. Darby, in the chair. The minutes of the morning and evening sessions of yesterday were read and approved. Under the head of miscellaneous business, the report of the committee on resolutions touching the death of Dr. T. L. Buckingham was presented. It will be found in the memorial pages. Remarks were made by Drs. Ambler, Stockton, Taft, John Allen, Friedrichs, Shepard, and Searle, and the resolutions were adopted by a rising vote. Dr. Atkinson read an extract from a letter from Dr. C. F. W Bödecker. On motion of Dr. Shepard, Dr. F. Y. Clark was by unanimous vote reinstated as a member of the Association. The Executive Committee made a further partial report on credentials, which was accepted as a report of progress. On motion of Dr. McKellops, Dr. Crowell, a visitor, was invited to state the views and plans of the Dental Protective Union. The regular order being resumed, the discussion of Dr. Barrett's paper was continued by Drs. Peirce and Barrett. On motion, the regular order was suspended to hear from the president of the village, who gave his assurance that every effort should be made by the authorities to bring to justice the author of the accident to Dr. Clifton's child. The regular order being again resumed, the further discussion of Dr. Barrett's paper was participated in by Drs. Atkinson, Searle, F. Y. Clark, Daboll, Barrett, and R. Finley Hunt. The subject was then passed. Section I. being called, Dr. Trueman read its report. This was followed by a paper by Dr. John Allen, and that by another by Dr. J. A. Robinson. On motion, the subject was passed. Section II. was then called, and its report was read by the chairman, Dr. C. N. Peirce. Discussed by Drs. Spalding, R. Finley Hunt, Friedrichs, Allport, Cook, and Abbott, when, on motion, the regular order was suspended for two minutes to hear an announcement, after which the regular order was resumed and further discussed by Drs. Rhein and Atkinson. On motion the discussion was closed. The resolutions as suggested by Section II. and amended by the Association were then adopted, as follows: Resolved, That the American Dental Association deems it incumbent upon all well-regulated dental educational institutions to require from candidates for graduation, that they shall have attended two full courses of lectures in reputable dental institutions before being admitted to examination for the degree of Doctor of Dental Surgery. Resolved, That the American Dental Association deems it incumbent upon the faculties of all reputable dental schools to require from candidates before admitting them to graduation, not only attendance upon the requisite lectures, but a degree of proficiency in the final examination which shall give evidence of professional worth in both the principles and practice of dentistry. Resolved, That in reiterating these views so often before expressed, this Association is gratified with the action of the National Association of Dental Faculties at its recent meetings as being so much in accord with them. [This last resolution was offered by Dr. R. Finley Hunt, as an amendment to those presented by the Section, and was accepted.] Adjourned to meet at 8 p. m. THIRD DAY-EVENING SESSION. The Association met at 8.15 P. M., President Darby in the chair. The minutes of the morning session were read and approved. Under the head of miscellaneous business Dr. Odell, of the committee to look after the interests of Dr. Clifton's child, made a favorable report of the sufferer's condition. Dr. Taft, of the committee moved by Dr. McKellops on the President's address, made a report which, on motion of Dr. Kingsley, was recommitted, with instructions to report on printed slips at the meeting next year. The following amendment to the Constitution was then unanimously adopted: To change the first part of the title of sect. 1, Art. VI., from "Artificial Dentistry" to "Prosthetic Dentistry." The regular order being resumed, Section III. was called, and the chairman, Dr. Taft, read a partial report, which was discussed by Prof. Mayr. On motion the chairman of Section III. was instructed to complete the report and place it in the hands of the Publication Committee. The subject was then passed. Section IV. was called, and its report was read by the chairman, Dr. E. T. Darby. The subjects were discussed by Drs. Abbott, Allport, Daboll, Watkins, McKellops, Barrett, A. O. Hunt, Barker, F. Y. Clark, and Rhein. Adjourned to meet at 9 A. M. to-morrow. FOURTH DAY-MORNING SESSION. The Association met at 9.30 A. M., the President in the chair. The minutes of the previous evening's session were read and approved. The special order, being the selection of the place of next meeting and the election of officers, was then proceeded with. The following places were nominated: Asheville, N. C.; Cresson Springs, Pa.; Asbury Park, Detroit, Chicago, Minneapolis, Long Branch, Lake George, and Saratoga. Minneapolis was finally selected. The election of officers was then had, resulting in the choice of the following: President J. N. Crouse, Chicago. First Vice-President-M. W. Foster, Baltimore. For members of the Executive Committee-L. D. Shepard, C. N. Peirce, and A. O. Hunt. On motion of Dr. Odell the Treasurer was instructed to honor the draft of Dr. W. R. Clifton, of Waco, Texas, in case of his necessity, to the extent of two hundred and fifty dollars. Dr. Allport rose to make a personal explanation. The Executive Committee made their final report on credentials, which was accepted, and the report as a whole was adopted. The Treasurer made the following report, which was accepted and referred to the Executive Committee for auditing, from whom it was returned approved, and was then adopted: SARATOGA, N. Y., August 8, 1884. The Treasurer respectfully submits the following report: THE AMERICAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION IN ACCOUNT WITH GEO. W. KEELY, TREASURER. The Executive Committee reported that they had audited the accounts of the Treasurer and Publication Committee and found them correct. The report was accepted and adopted. On motion of Dr. Odell the following were adopted: Resolved, That the thanks of this Association be tendered to Mr. Henry Clair, of the Grand Union Hotel, for his exceedingly generous treatment of our friend and brother, Dr. Clifton, in his present necessity, and also for his liberality in making a reduction to our members in the rates of his hotel. |