California State Dental Society-W. Z. King. Chicago Dental Society-J. N. Crouse, A. E. Matteson, Frank H. Gardiner, W. B. Ames. Detroit Dental Society-Henry Cowie, E. C. Moore. First District Dental Society of the State of New York-W. H. Atkinson, T. A. Illinois State Dental Society-A. W. Harlan, Geo. H. Cushing, E. H. Allen, W. Indiana State Dental Association-S. B. Brown, J. E. Cravens, T. S. Hacker, M. Iowa State Dental Association-W. H. Baird, A. O. Hunt, I. P. Wilson. Lake Erie Dental Society-J. H. Devore. Michigan State Dental Society-Denton E. Peterson. New England Dental Society-A. M. Dudley. New Jersey State Dental Society-Frank M. Odell, J. Hayhurst, S. C. G. Watkins. New Orleans Odontological Society—Andrew G. Friedrichs, Martin Viet. New York Odontological Society—Frank Abbott, N. W. Kingsley, E. A. Bogue. Northern Ohio Dental Association-C. R. Butler. Odontographic Society of Pennsylvania-Alonzo Boice. Odontological Society of Western Pennsylvania—M. B. Lowry. Ohio State Dental Society-Geo. W. Keely. Pennsylvania Association of Dental Surgeons-Wm. H. Trueman, T. L. Buckingham. St. Louis Dental Society-W. N. Morrison, Edgar Park. Second District Dental Society of the State of New York-E. Parmly Brown. Seventh District Dental Society of the State of New York-B. G. Saunders, C. T Howard. The Dental Society of the State of New York-J. Edward Line. Texas State Dental Association-W. R. Clifton. Wisconsin State Dental Society-B. G. Marcklein. The following report of the Publication Committee was then read and referred to the Executive Committee: The Publication Committee would report that, under the instructions of the Association, they made arrangements with The S. S. White Dental Manufacturing Co. whereby the Transactions were furnished by that company without cost to the Association, and the committee wish to express their thanks to Mr. Hise for the careful supervision of his part of the work. The Transactions were mailed in the latter part of January, 1883, to all the members entitled to them, as also to various libraries, universities, journals, and all honorary members, leaving in the hands of the Secretary about fifty copies. The following is the account of receipts and expenditures by the Committee: Received of Treasurer..... Expended for expressage, wrapping-paper, copying and stationery.. $9 45 Leaving balance due the Committee...... All of which is respectfully submitted. NIAGARA FALLS, Aug. 7, 1883. $30 00 4 25 18 00 31 70 1 70 GEO. H. CUSHING, Chairman. We have examined the above and find it correct. J. N. CROUSE, A. M. DUDLEY, Auditing Com. On motion of Dr. Peirce the following were appointed to draft a memorial on the death of Dr. Marshall H. Webb: Drs. C. N. Peirce, E. T. Darby, and S. G. Perry. On motion of Dr. Rehwinkel the following were appointed to prepare resolutions on the death of the late President, Dr. Wm. H. Goddard: Drs. F. H. Rehwinkel, J. Taft, and G. W. McElhaney. On motion of Dr. Odell the following were appointed to prepare resolutions touching the death of Dr. W. H. Allen: Drs. F. M. Odell, W. H. Atkinson, and C. S. Stockton. On motion of Dr. Priest the thanks of the Association were tendered to The S. S. White Dental Manufacturing Co., for the prompt and satisfactory manner in which they have furnished the Transac tions to this Association. Sections were then called, and place and time of their meetings were fixed. Adjourned to meet at 9 A.M. to-morrow. SECOND DAY-MORNING SESSION. The Association met at 9.30. Dr. Friedrichs in the chair. The minutes were read and approved. The committee on the memorial to Dr. M. H. Webb submitted their report, which was adopted, and will be found in the memorial pages. Remarks were made by Dr. J. Taft. Section V. being called was not ready to report. Section VI. was then called, and a paper was read by Dr. A. G. Friedrichs, of New Orleans, on "Syphilitic Teeth." Discussed by Drs. Atkinson, Peirce, Darby, Kingsley, Abbott, Park and Barrett. Dr. Harlan then read a paper on the "Treatment of Pyorrhea Alveolaris." Discussed by Drs. Bödecker, Darby, Abbott, Wilson, Atkinson, Daboll, and Peirce. On motion Section VI. was passed. On motion of Dr. Horton, Section V. was again called, and Dr. Bödecker read a paper on the "Action of Arsenious Acid on Dentinal and Pulp Tissue." On motion the discussion of this paper was made the first order for this evening. Section VII. being called, a report was read by Dr. Barrett, chairman. Section VII. was on motion passed, and Section I. was called, and Dr. Buckingham, the chairman, made a report, which was adopted. Remarks were then made by Drs. Buckingham, Trueman and Stockton. After which Dr. Atkinson introduced Mr. Richardson, of London, England, who was accorded the privileges of the floor. Section I. was further discussed by Drs. Bödecker, Priest, and Matteson. On motion the regular order was suspended and miscellaneous business was taken up. Dr. Odell offered the following: Resolved, That it is the special request of the American Dental Association that exhibitors of dental instruments and supplies close their doors and keep them closed during the sessions of this body. Adopted. On motion of the same gentleman the following was adopted: Resolved, That hereafter the calling of the Sections shall be in regular progressive numerical order, and in case any Section is not ready to report when called, such Section shall be passed without recall until it again comes up in its regular order. The Committee on Credentials made a supplementary report. The Secretary announced that Dr. Bödecker would be present and exhibit his specimens with the microscope at 7 P.M. in this room. Adjourned till 8 this evening. SECOND DAY-EVENING SESSION. The Association met at 8.30 P.M. Dr. Friedrichs in the chair. The minutes of the morning's session were read and approved. Under the call for miscellaneous business the Committee on Prize Essays made their report, which was accepted and discussed by Drs. Butler, Crouse, Atkinson, Barrett, and Horton, and finally adopted, as follows: Your committee, to whom was assigned the duty of deciding upon the merits of essays upon the etiology of dental caries, presented in competition for a prize of two hundred dollars, which was last year appropriated by this Association for the purpose, would respectfully report that but one essay has been received, and that from the hands of Dr. W. D. Miller, of Berlin, Germany. The committee have carefully read this, and, while the views contained therein are not original, many of his experiments, which are in detail and made for the purpose of confirming his theory, have not been previously published. Your committee would therefore, in view of the original work which the author has prosecuted during the past two years, the results of which are given in this paper, award to the essayist the two hundred dollars appropriated for the purpose. The special order for the evening, being the consideration of Dr. Bödecker's paper, was then called, and the following took part in the discussion Drs. Bödecker, Peirce, Horton, Buckingham, Watkins, Allport, Abbott, Taft, E. Parmly Brown, Park, Richardson of London, and Atkinson. On motion the subject was passed. On motion the time for fixing the place of next meeting and the election of officers was set for to-morrow (Thursday) evening at 8 o'clock. Dr. Kingsley then addressed the Association on the subject of Correcting Imperfect Speech by Mechanical Appliances. On motion adjourned till 9 A.M. to-morrow. THIRD DAY-MORNING SESSION. The Association met at 9.45 A.M. Dr. Friedrichs in the chair. The minutes of the evening session were read and approved. The Committee on Credentials made a further supplementary report. Section I., the regular order, being called, was further discussed by Drs. Watkins, Stockton, Harroun, Dickerman, Cravens, Morrison, Perry, E. Parmly Brown, Buckingham, and How. On motion the Section was passed. |