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A. N. Priest, A. L. Pettee, J. Frank Marriner, C. B. Parker, D. J. Pollock, F. J. Richards, S. G. Perry, E. A. Bogue, J. W. Rhone, Chas. R. Butler, G. Carleton Brown, J. H. Smith, A. H. Brockway, D. M. Clapp, T. C. Stellwagen, J. F. Canine, D. W. Clancey, J. A. Swasey, Wm. Dutch, G. C. Daboll, F. N. Seabury, A. F. Emminger, A. H. Fuller, S. D. Stewart, R. R. Freeman, S. H. Guilford, E. H. Smith, J. S. Hurlbut, G. W. Hoysradt, C. S. Hurlbut, Robt. Huey, E. D. Swain, Wm. Jarvie, Jr., Benj. Lord, W. H. Tillinghast, W. T. LaRoche, W. P. Leavitt, M. V. Toledo, J. E. Lyman, J. U. Lee, M. H. Webb.

SECTION V. Anatomy, Histology, and Microscopy.-Geo. H. Cushing, Chairman; Frank Abbott, Geo. F. Waters, S. E. Davenport, R. R. Andrews, Chas. P. Pruyne, J. Adams Bishop, M. L. Rhein, I. B. Davenport, C. F. W. Bodecker, A. W. Buckland, R. W. Tenney.

SECTION VI. Pathology, Therapeutics, and Materia Medica. -F. M. Odell, Chairman; A. M. Dudley, Secretary; A. W. Harlan, A. O. Rawls, Otto Arnold, L. C. Ingersoll, Wm. Taft, W. H. Colgrove, C. A. Brackett, Wilbur F. Litch, C. S. Beck, S. C. G. Watkins.

SECTION VII. Physiology and Etiology.-W. C. Barrett, Chairman; W. P. Horton, Secretary; H. A. Smith, E. Hunter, A. Wilkes Smith, W. Storer Howe, Henry W. Morgan, Leon Rideout, Flavius Searle, E. S. Niles, J. G. W. Werner, C. T. Stockwell.

Adjourned till 2 P.M.


The Association met at 2 P.M., the President in the Chair.

The minutes of the morning session were read and approved.

The Committee on Voluntary Essays made the following report, which was adopted:

Your Committee on Voluntary Essays to whom was referred the paper of Dr. Jos. Richardson-on "Reflex Lesions of the Oral Cavity Associated with Pregnancy," would respectfully report that the communication is one of merit and worthy of consideration by this Association, but as the author is not a member, they decline to make any recommendation respecting its being read, preferring to report the paper back to the Association for its decision upon its presentation.

[blocks in formation]

Dr. Buckingham moved that the paper be read.

Dr. Crouse offered as an amendment, that the paper be not read until after the Sections have reported.

The motion as amended was adopted.

The special order being now called, the Association proceeded to ballot for the place of next meeting. Niagara Falls was chosen.

Balloting for officers then followed, resulting in the election of the following:

President-W. H. Goddard, of Louisville, Ky.

First Vice-President-George J. Friedrichs, of New Orleans, La.
Second Vice-President-E. T. Darby, of Philadelphia.
Corresponding Secretary-A. W. Harlan, of Chicago.
Recording Secretary-Geo. H. Cushing, of Chicago.
Treasurer-Geo. W. Keely, of Oxford, Ohio.

Executive Committee-J. N. Crouse, A. M. Dudley, Geo. L. Field.

Adjourned till to-morrow at 9 A.M.


The Association was called to order at 9.30, the President, Dr. Smith, in the Chair.

The minutes of the afternoon session were read and approved.

On motion, the Treasurer was instructed to pay all properly authenticated bills, and to notify all members in arrears.

The regular order being resumed, the consideration of Section VII. was continued. Discussed by Dr. Barrett.

On motion, the resolution submitted by Section VII., offering a prize for the best essay on the Etiology of Dental Caries, was adopted.

Dr. Atkinson moved that the blank in the resolution just adopted be filled by naming the sum of five hundred dollars.

Dr. Taft offered an amendment substituting two hundred dollars.

The mover accepted the amendment, and as amended the motion prevailed.

The President appointed as the special committee called for by the above resolution, Drs. C. N. Peirce, W. A. Bronson, and E. T. Darby.

Section VII. was passed.

Section I. being called made the following report:

Section I. would respectfully report that they suggest to this body for its consideration a paper on Celluloid, by the chairman, Dr. Buckingham, of Philadelphia. They would also call attention to a material for filling teeth presented by Dr. Robinson, of Michigan, to a material known as Reese's metallic base for artificial teeth, presented by Dr. Atkinson, of New York, and to a formula for an alloy for making solder, and a blow-pipe, presented by Dr. Dorrance, of Michigan.

(Signed) T. L. BUCKINGHAM, Chairman.

The paper by Dr. Buckingham was then read, and discussed by Drs. Atkinson, Buckingham, Robinson, and Hurtt. A paper on the ill effects of plastic bases, by Dr. Dorrance, was then read.

On motion, Dr. Dorrance was requested to secure the manufacture of his blow-pipes to enable the profession to obtain them.

Section I. was passed.

On motion it was voted to install the newly-elected officers immediately after convening this afternoon.

Dr. Crouse moved that the sum of three hundred dollars be appropriated from the treasury, to be expended at the discretion of a committee to be appointed, for the purpose of securing the scientific tabulation of the skulls of the various collections held in this country. Carried.

Adjourned till 2 P.M.


The Association met at 2.15 P.M., the President in the Chair.

The minutes of the morning session were read and approved.

The newly-elected President, Dr. W. H. Goddard, was then installed and made the following remarks:

GENTLEMEN,-Having been elected very unexpectedly, and without solicitation, to the Presidency of this body-a position the highest in the gift of my professional brethren to bestow-I feel constrained at the outset to say that while I appreciate and am grateful for the honor conferred, I doubt my ability to discharge the duties incumbent upon the office.

The presiding officer of such an intelligent and scientific body as the American Dental Association should have great executive ability as well as a thorough familiarity with parliamentary practice,-qualities which I fear I do not possess.

But we live in a progressive age, our watchword being "onward and upward," and so we all strive, I hope, to attain the good things not yet our own.

I have confidence that the same courtesy and assistance I have always received from the members of this Association in the discharge of the duties of my late office, will be extended to me in the discharge of those now devolving on me, and whatever errors I may commit will be "of the head, not of the heart."

Inviting, then, the same co-operation and assistance as heretofore, and trusting that the good angels will hover above and about me, inciting and inspiring me to every good work and effort, I cordially thank you for the honor conferred, and assume the gavel with an earnest and, I trust, not unreasonable hope of success.

Dr. Crouse moved a reconsideration of the vote of this morning appropriating three hundred dollars for tabulating skulls. Carried.

The question being put again on the original motion to appropriate was lost.

Section III. being again called, Dr. Taft read a paper on Literature. Discussed by Prof. Mayr.

Section II. was then called, and a report was made by Dr. Crouse, the chairman.

On motion of Dr. Peirce, the following was adopted:

Resolved, That during the consideration of the subject of Dental Education, the speakers shall be limited to five minutes, and no one shall speak more than once, without unanimous consent, until all who wish to speak have spoken.

Education was then discussed by Drs. Robinson, Atkinson, Peirce, Barrett, Taft, Allport, Buckingham, Morgan, Brophy, Kulp, and Hunter.

The subject was passed, and miscellaneous business taken up.

The Committee on Credentials made their final report, which was adopted.

The President appointed as the Local Committee of Arrangements Drs. Barrett, Butler, and Field.

Also on Publication Committee, Drs. Darby, of Philadelphia, and Harlan, of Chicago.

On motion of Dr. Peirce, the following was adopted:

Resolved, That the Publication Committee be and are hereby authorized to use their discretion in the matter of printing the Transactions, under the instructions given them by the resolution passed at Boston in 1880. Also,

Resolved, That the thanks of this Association be and are hereby tendered to such of the press and reporters as have properly reported us, to the officers of this Association, to the Local Committee, and to the resident professional gentlemen and citizens who have contributed to our pleasure and comfort during the sessions of this body; also to such of the railroad companies as have honored their obligations in accordance with the agreements made with the Local Committee of Arrangements.

Prof. Stubblefield, of Vanderbilt University, Tennessee, was introduced, and made a few remarks.

On motion of Dr. Taft, the thanks of the Association were tendered to Mr. Harff, the proprietor of Highland Hall, for his generous donation of its use to the Association, and for the many services rendered in various ways.

The following, offered by Dr. Noel, was referred to the Section on Education, they to report on it next year:

Resolved, That this Association recommends to the various dental colleges of this country, the organization of an association of colleges for the purpose of securing concerted action as to what shall be required of students, both upon entering and leaving those institutions; and that in case such an association is formed, no college refusing to abide by the action of the College Association shall be recognized by the American Dental Association

The report of the Executive Committee auditing the Treasurer's report was adopted.

The following notice of amendment to the Constitution was filed:

"All resolutions appropriating money, except for the legitimate expenses of this Association, shall require a two-thirds vote of all the members present."

The minutes were then read and approved, and the Association adjourned to meet at Niagara Falls on the first Tuesday in August, 1883.

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