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The minutes of the morning session were then read and approved, after which the President read his annual address.

On motion of Dr. Shepard, the vote taken this morning adopting the amendment to the Constitution was reconsidered.

Dr. Shepard moved that the amendment proposed be changed to


"The officers may, for extraordinary reasons, by giving at least thirty days' notice to each member, change the time and place of meeting upon the written consent of (10) ten of the (15) fifteen officers."

The President ruled the amendment out of order. The question then recurred on the original amendment as adopted this morning, when it was again adopted.

On motion of Dr. Morgan, so much of the President's address as referred to etiology and to education, was referred to the proper Sections.

Sections IV., V., VI., VII., I., and II., were called in the order named, but none were ready to report.

Section III. was called, and a report on Nomenclature and Terminology was read by W. H. Atkinson, chairman of the Section.

Dr. Watt moved that the report on Nomenclature be referred to a special committee of five, of which the mover should not be one.

Discussed by Drs. Rehwinkel, Watt, Robinson, and E. Hunter.

Dr. Crouse moved to lay Dr. Watt's motion on the table. This was lost.

Dr. Watt's motion was further discussed by Drs. Horton, Shepard Crouse, and Watt.

The motion was then put and was adopted.

The Chair appointed as that committee, Drs. C. N. Peirce, George J. Friedrichs, F. M. Odell, F. H. Rehwinkel, and George W. Keely.

The committee subsequently reported the following:

The special committee to whom was referred a paper on Philology, read by Dr W. H. Atkinson as chairman of the Section on Dental Literature and Nomenclature, would respectfully report, that they have carefully considered the subject referred to them, and are of the opinion that the paper under consideration is foreign to the purpose of the Section under which it was read, and that if the Association desire further communications upon general philology, a Section of that title should be created; but in view of the fact that, at previous meetings of this Association, similar papers have been received without adverse criticism, they would suggest that this one be allowed to take the usual course, and go with other reports to the Publication Committee.


The report on Literature was not ready.

C. N. PEIRCE, Chairman.

The Committee on Credentials made a supplementary report.

The Executive Committee reported that they had audited the report of the Publication Committee and found it correct. Their report was adopted. They also reported that they had audited the Treasurer's report and found it correct.

On motion, adjourned.


The Association met at 9.30 A.M., President Smith in the Chair. The minutes of the afternoon session were read and approved.

Dr. Goddard offered the following:

Resolved, That from and after this date, the Treasurer of this Association shall be required to give such bonds for the faithful discharge of the duties devolving upon his office, as the second division of the Executive Committee may deem necessary, and his predecessor shall not surrender the funds, books, or papers, until he is informed by said Executive Committee that such bonds have been executed.

This was adopted.

On motion, the privileges of the floor were accorded to Prof. Mayr, of Springfield, Mass., and to Prof. Stubblefield, of Nashville.

Section IV. being called, submitted the following brief report:

Section IV. regrets that it has but one paper to present, the subject of which is, "Some Thoughts on Regulating Teeth," which it recommends should be read. The Section would also bring before the Association Dr. Coffin's method of treating irregularities of the teeth by the use of rubber plates and piano-wire, which will be thoroughly described by a member of the Section; and would also suggest the desirability of a thorough discussion of the various new methods of ingrafting artificial crowns upon natural roots.

EDWIN T. DARBY, Chairman.

A paper on irregularities was then read by W. N. Morrison, of St. Louis, and the subject was discussed by Drs. Atkinson, Peirce, Shepard, Darby, McKellops, Noel, Field, Eames, Butler, Dorrance, Keely, Crouse, Marcklein, and Morrison.

Adjourned till 1.30 р.м.


The Association was called to order at 2 P.M., President Smith in the Chair.

The minutes of the morning session were read and approved.

The committee appointed to draft resolutions respecting the death of Dr. Hawxhurst made their report, which was adopted, and will be found in the memorial pages.

Section VI. being called, a paper was read by Dr. A. O. Rawls on Pathology, and one by A. W. Harlan, on Therapeutics. They were discussed by Prof. Mayr and Drs. Ingersoll, Peirce, Friedrichs, Morgan, Rawls, Watt, Buckingham, and Atkinson.

Adjourned till 9 o'clock to-morrow.


The Association met at 9.30 A.M., the President, Dr. Smith. in the Chair.

The minutes of the afternoon session were read and approved.

The consideration of subjects in Section VI. was then resumed, and a paper on "Diatheses and Cachexia" was read by Dr. F. M. Odell, chairman of the Section.

This was discussed by Drs. Atkinson, Friedrichs, Buckingham, Watt, Kulp, Odell, Prof. Mayr, and Drs. Darby and Thomas.

Section VI. was passed.

On motion, the regular order was suspended, and the committee appointed to draft a memorial touching the death of Dr. M. S. Dean made their report, which was unanimously adopted, and will be found in the memorial pages.

The Committee on Voluntary Essays reported, recommending that the paper which had been placed in their hands be not read. The report was adopted.

They further reported that another paper had just now been placed in their hands, upon which they were not ready to report. They were granted further time.

Section VII. being called, made the following report:

Section VII. begs leave to report that but one paper has been presented to the Section, which they recommend be read to the Association. The paper is by W. C. Barrett, of Buffalo, and is entitled: "The Origin and Physiology of Nervous Force." With reference to that part of the President's address on the subject of Etiology which was referred to it, the Section, in accordance with the suggestion of the President, begs leave to offer the following resolution :

Resolved, That the sum of two hundred dollars be set apart to be awarded by a special committee of three members of this Association to be appointed by the President, to the author of the best paper upon the Etiology of Dental Caries, the paper to be based upon strictly original investigation, and to be presented to this Association in the report of Section VII.

Said committee shall prescribe the conditions upon which essays shall be presented, and in case two or more papers of equal claims to merit shall come before them they may in their discretion divide the sum so set apart and award a portion to each essayist. Unless papers of sufficiently original merit be submitted, the committee may decline to award the prize, and hold it over until, in their opinion,

it has been fairly earned. The competitors for this prize need not be members of this Association, but the profession of the world is invited to the consideration of the subject.

[blocks in formation]

The paper by Dr. Barrett was then read and was discussed by Dr. Buckingham.

The organization of Sections then took place, as follows:

SECTION I. Artificial Dentistry, Chemistry, and Metallurgy. -T. L. Buckingham, Chairman; J. G. Harper, Secretary; C. S. Stockton, W. H. Fundenburg, W. H. Dorrance, C. H. Harroun, H. H. Keith, D. D. Smith, J. Hooper, C. E. Canine, D. S. Dickerman, George L. Shepard, A. G. Rose, Charles E. Dunn, E. Honsinger, Wm. H. Trueman, I. Douglass, J. C. Whinery, Thomas H. Chandler, S. A. Garber, John Allen, W. W. Evans, J. F. Adams, L. L. Buckland, J. E. Blake, C. Bullock, Eben M. Flagg, Lyman C. Bryan, Jacob H. Boger, C. W. Clements, C. C. Carroll, Geo. F. Grant, Jas. Cleland, W. P. Church, E. S. Holmes, S. M. Cummings, H. W. Coburn, F. A. Hunter, J. O. Cook, M. L. Chaim, Ó. N. Heise, E. B. Davis, Miles H. Dodge, O. F. Harris.

SECTION II. Dental Education.-L. D. Shepard, Chairman; T. W. Brophy, Secretary; J. N. Crouse, C. N. Peirce, J. E. Lyman, J. G. Templeton, John M. Hurtt, N. Morgan, K. B. Davis, W. W. Allport, C. W. Meloney, W. N. Morrison, W. H. Morgan, W. E. Magill, George R. Thomas, P. G. C. Hunt, D. C. McNaughton, C. M. Wright, C. J. Essig, S. J. McDougall, Chas. H. Osgood, Wm. Barker, J. I. McCampbell, Thos. Fillebrown, C. D. Cook, J. T. McMillen, A. Colton, S. W. Dennis, H. B. Noble, P. K. Filbert, A. W. Freeman, E. S. Talbot, S. A. Freeman, G. A. Gerry, W. M. Garnett, D. B. Ingalls, W. H. Jones, H. H. Jackson, G. W. Klump, C. A. Kitchen, S. E. Knowles, D. C. Kelly, W. B. Knapp, Jos. Lathrop.

SECTION III. Dental Literature and Nomenclature. - J. Taft, Chairman; F. H. Rehwinkel, Secretary; Geo. J. Friedrichs, W. H. Atkinson, C. A. Kingsbury, Seneca B. Brown, W. A. Bronson, Chas. E. Francis, J. L. Hill, George A. Mills, Thos. T. Moore, Chas. Merritt, W. S. Moses, A. L. Northrop, E. Osmond, Jas. G. Palmer, Edgar Palmer, J. A. Robinson.

SECTION IV. Operative Dentistry. - E. T. Darby, Chairman; H. J. McKellops, Secretary; E. G. Betty, W. D. Kempton, C. I. Keely, Geo. L. Field, W. O. Kulp, Gale French, I. P. Wilson, G. F. Nevins, I. Brown, B. G. Marcklein, G. W. Smith, J. W. Cormany, W. H. Goddard, M. F. Finley, G. W. Keely, Geo. H. Wilson, H. C. Meriam, W. D. Wendel, J. A. Watling, J. R. Clayton, F. H. Waldron, E. C. Moore, E. S. Gaylord, W. C. Starbuck, S. G. Stevens, J. N. Farrar, W. E. Page, C. W. Partridge, G. B. McDonald, Jas. McManus, I. Williams, J. R. Callahan, J. B. Coolidge, R. G. Richter, H. K. Leech, S. B. Palmer, G. A. Young, L. G. Noel, H. M. Ambler, D. F. Whitten, Chas. F. Allan, Jos. Bauer, C. A. Woodward, R. W. Browne, H. A. Baker, Geo. S. Meigs,

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