* COOLIDGE, J. B. d CORMANY, J. W. * CHAIM, M. L. * COLTON, A. d CRAVENS, J. E. d CANINE, C. Е. CLAYTON, JOHN R. CLANCEY, D. W. 155 St. Charles st., New Orleans, La. 323 Penn ave., Pittsburg, Pa. Washington, D. C. Pittsburg, Pa. 2626 Washington ave., St. Louis, Mo. 15 Greene ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Nashville, Tenn. 126 State st., Chicago, Ill. Louisville, Ky. FRENCH, GALE d FULLER, A. Н. * FARRAR, J. N. d FREEMAN, R. R. FREEMAN, A. W. GODDARD, Wм. Н. GARBER, S. A. d GARNETT, W. М. * GAYLORD, E. S. HUNT, P. G. C. HURTT, J. M. HARLAN, A. W. HARROUN, C. Н. * HILL, J. L. How, W. S. d HORTON, W. P. HARPER, J. G. HUNTER, F. A. Tipton, Iowa. Glasgow, Ky. 152 Chapel st., New Haven, Conn. Indianapolis, Ind. Peoria, Ill. 70 Dearborn st., Chicago. Toledo, Ohio. Gettysburg, Pa. Cincinnati, Ohio. Cleveland, Ohio. St. Louis, Mo. 123 West Seventh st., Cincinnati, Ohio. Cincinnati, Ohio. HEISE, O. N.. HOOPER, J. Louisville, Ky. HUNTER, E. Jackson, Mich. INGERSOLL, L. C. Keokuk, Iowa. d JAMES, C. Н. KULP, W. O. KLUMP, G. W. LATHROP, JOSEPH. d LEITER, T. С. * MOORE, T. Т. MCKELLOPS, H. J. MARCKLEIN, B. G. d MORGAN, R. C. MORGAN, HENRY W. d NEVINS, G. F. : ODELL, F. M. PEIRCE, C. Ν. POLLOCK, D. J. * PRIEST, A. Ν. PRUYNE, CHAS. P. RAWLS, A. O. ROBINSON, J. A. REHWINKEL, F. H. RHEIN, M. L. d ROSE, A. G. * STARBUCK, W. С. SHEPARD, L. D. * STOCKTON, C. S. d SMITH, G. W. SMITH, H. A. SHEPARD, GEO. L. SMITH, A. WILKES STEWART, S. D. * SMITH, E. Н. TAFT, J. Cincinnati, Ohio. Cor. Liberty and Freeman sts., Cincin., O. San Francisco, Cal. Oxford, Ohio. Oxford, Ohio. Davenport, Iowa. 615 Olive st., St. Louis, Mo. Williamsport, Pa. 152 Woodward ave., Detroit, Mich. Wadsworth, Medina Co., Ohio. Columbia, S. C. 2630 Washington ave., St. Louis, Mo. 1337 Washington ave., St. Louis, Mo. Nashville, Tenn. Room 2, Iron Block, Milwaukee, Wis. Hartford, Conn. TRUEMAN, W. H. THOMAS, GEO. R. TEMPLETON, J. G. * TILLINGHAST, W. H. d WATT, GEO. 22 Lafayette ave., Detroit, Mich. Lancaster, Ky. Nashville, Tenn. Indianapolis, Ind. 259 Essex st., Boston, Mass. 238 Church st., Nashville, Tenn. South Bend, Ind. 7 West Thirty-eighth st., New York. 1415 Walnut st., Philadelphia, Pa. 147 Third st., Sterling, Ill. Utica, N. Y. 70 Dearborn st., Chicago, Ill. Jackson, Mich. Chillicothe, Ohio. New York City. Jamaica Plain, Mass. 100 Boylston st., Boston, Mass. Fourth and Smith sts., Cincinnati, Ohio. Sedalia, Mo. Richmond, Ky. Akron, Ohio. Boston, Mass. Cincinnati, Ohio. 900 Spruce st., Philadelphia, Pa. Detroit, Mich. Pittsburg, Pa. 220 Westminster st., Providence, R. I. Xenia, Ohio. d WALDRON, F. H. WATLING, J. A. WENDEL, W. D. WRIGHT, C. М. WILLIAMS, I. WILSON, GEO. H. WILSON, I. P. d WELLS, GRAHAM A. * WERNER, J. G. W. Canal Dover, Ohio. Ypsilanti, Mich. Room 2, Iron Block, Milwaukee, Wis. 280 West Seventh st., Cincinnati, Ohio. New Philadelphia, Ohio. Painesville, Ohio. Burlington, Iowa. Upton st., Boston, Mass. The following sent their dues: CLEMENTS, C. W., for 1881, WILSON, C. P., for 1881, (withdrawn) Boston, Mass. RICHTER, R. G., for 1880-81, Manchester, N. H. Milwaukee, Wis. Rockford, Ill. KITCHEN, C. A., for 1881, An address of welcome was then delivered by Dr. A. Berry, of Cincinnati, which was responded to by Dr. W. C. Barrett, of Buffalo. On motion, the reading of the printed minutes was dispensed with. The Committee on Credentials made a partial report, which was subsequently completed as follows: Cincinnati Dental Society-C. M. Wright, A. G. Rose, G. W. Smith, O. N. Heise, W. Hart Cameron. Chicago Dental Society-J. N. Crouse. Detroit Dental Society-Henry Cowie. Harvard Odontological Society-Horatio C. Meriam. Illinois State Dental Society-A. W. Harlan, George H. Cushing, John M. Hurtt, K. B. Davis, James W. Cormany, D. J. Pollock, T. W. Brophy. Indiana State Dental Association-Seneca B. Brown, P. G. C. Hunt, G. F. Nevins, J. E. Cravens, John R. Clayton, John B. Morrison, Graham A. Wells. Iowa State Dental Society-L. C. Ingersoll, I. P. Wilson, S. A. Garber, W. O. Kulp. Kentucky State Dental Association-R. C. Morgan, W. H. Goddard, C. E. Canine, A Wilkes Smith, W. M. Garnett, C. E. Dunn. Michigan State Dental Association-George R. Thomas, W. H. Dorrance, Е. С. Moore, J. A. Robinson. Mississippi Valley Association of Dental Surgeons-W. D. Kempton, J. R. Callahan, Otto Arnold. Missouri State Dental Association-John G. Harper, A. H. Fuller, George L. Shepard, W. H. Eames. New Orleans Odontological Society-George J. Friedrichs, Joseph Bauer. Northern Ohio Dental Association-T. C. Leiter, Frank H. Waldron, Gale French, J. G. Templeton. Odontological Society of Western Pennsylvania-H. W. Arthur. Ohio State Dental Society-E. G. Betty, J. H. Boger, Ira Brown, C. H. James, George Watt, W. P. Horton, I. Williams, C. I. Keely. Pennsylvania State Dental Society-C. N. Peirce, E. T. Darby. Pennsylvania Association of Dental Surgeons-W. H. Trueman, T. L. Buckingham. Pittsburg Dental Association-W. H. Fundenburg. St. Louis Dental Society-W. N. Morrison. Tennessee Dental Association-H. W. Morgan, R. R. Freeman. The report of the Publication Committee was then read, as follows: The Publication Committee would respectfully submit the following report: In accordance with the instructions of the Association, they perfected arrangements with The S. S. White Dental Manufacturing Company, whereby the Transactions were furnished free of cost to the Association. Copies of the Transactions have been furnished to all members entitled to them, and to the various libraries, universities, journals, and honorary members, leaving in the hands of the Secretary about thirty copies. The committee also had printed five hundred copies of the Constitution. The late date at which the Transactions were distributed was owing to circumstances which your committee could not control. The stenographer, owing to sickness, did not furnish a copy of the discussions until three months had elapsed after the meeting in New York, and after the copy was placed in the hands of the publishers, great delay attended the progress of the work, and the Transactions were only received by the committee on June 7th, on which day they were mailed to the members. The following is the account of the committee with the Association: Received of the Treasurer. From sale of Transactions... $75 00 200 We have examined the within report and found it correct. On motion, the programme offered by the Local Committee, with slight amendments, was adopted. On motion, the time for selecting the next place of meeting, the election of officers, and the organization of Sections, was made the special order of business for 2 o'clock P.M., Thursday. On motion of Dr. Crouse, the following committee was appointed to draft a memorial respecting the death of Dr. M. S. Dean: Drs. J. N. Crouse, C. N. Peirce, and L. D. Shepard. On motion of Dr. Barrett, the Secretary was instructed to extend, by telegraph, the sympathies of the Association to Dr. M. H. Webb, now lying seriously ill at his home in Lancaster, Pa. In accordance with these instructions, the following telegram was forwarded: "The American Dental Association extends its sympathies to Dr. M. H. Webb in his present sufferings, with the warm and confident hope that he may be with this Association again, in his wonted health, at its next annual meeting." On motion of Dr. Field, the following committee was appointed to draft resolutions on the death of Dr. D. C. Hawxhurst: Drs. George L. Field, T. L. Buckingham, and J. Taft. The amendment to the Constitution offered last year by Dr. Shepard, was then adopted, as follows: To amend Article IV. of the Constitution, so as to make the present Article, Section 1 of Article IV., and to add a section as follows: SEC. 2. The officers may, for extraordinary reasons, change the time and place of meeting upon the written consent of (10) ten of the (15) fifteen officers. On motion, adjourned till 2 P.M. FIRST DAY-AFTERNOON SESSION. The Association was called to order at 2.30 P.M., President Smith in the Chair. |