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1. From Sin, Att. iii. 19.

1. From Sin in general, Rom. vi. 12. No

fort of Sin whatsoever excepted.

2. From most beloved Sins, and to which most strongly tempted, Pfal. xviii. 23. Hebr. xii. 1.

2. To Holiness, Aft. xxvi. 20. Not only cease doing Evil, but learn to do well. Ifa. i. 16, 17. And this,

1. Unfeignedly, Pfal. cxix. 34, 128. 1 King. viii. 61. 2 Chron. XXV. 2.

2. Speedily, Ecclef. xii. 1. Pfal. cxix. 59, 60. 3. Without any Reserve, Rom. ii. 22.

4. With Perseverance to the End, S. Matt. x. 22. Job xxvii. 5, 6.

THIRDLY. The Hindrances of Repentance. 1. Ignorance, 1 Cor. ii. 14. Ifa. i. 3, 4. Prov.

i. 29.

1. Of the Sinfulness of Sin, which they are το be converted from, Rom. vii. 13.

2. Of the Glory of God, which they are to

be converted to, Rom. i. 28. Job xxi. 14.

3. Of the Merits of Christ, which they are

to be converted by, Phil. iii. 10.

4. Of the Nature of that Repentance, which they are, in Conversion, to exercise themselves in, Att. xvii. 30. Ephef. iv. 18, 19. Micab vi. 6, 7.

2. Unbelief, Act. xix. 9.

1. Of the Scripture that commands Repentance, Pfal. 1. 17. and cvi. 24.


2. Of the Penalties which it declares shall be inflicted upon the Impenitent, S. Luk. xiii. 3, 5. Ezek. xviii. 31.

3. Of the Privileges which it entails upon the Penitent, Ifa. i. 18, 19. and lv. 7. S. Luk. xxiv. 3. Cares of the World, S. Luk. viii. 14. and


3. Cares

xvi. 13. 1 S. Joh. ii. 15.

4. Love of Sin, Ifa. i. 4. 2 Theff. ii. 12.

5. Self-conceit, Prov. iii. 5, 6. and xxvi. 12. 6. Hope of long Life, Amos vi. 3. S. Jam.

iv. 13.

7. Presumption upon God's Mercy, S. Jude 4. Jer. vii. 4, 9, 10, 11.

8. Obstinacy and Self-will, Jer. v. 3. and vii. 26. Hof. xi. 7.

FOURTHLY. Means to be used in order to Repentance.

1. Study the Scriptures, S. Joh. v. 39. Pfal. xix. 7, 8, 9. 2 Tim. iii. 16, 17.

1. The Commands of the Law, Pfal. cxix. 105. Ifa. viii. 20.

2. The Promises of the Gospel, S. Matt. vii. 21. and xix. 29. S. Joh. iii. 16.

2. Confideration, Deut. xxxii. 29. Ezek. xviii. 28. Lament. iii. 40. Consider what you know, as well as endeavour to know what you are to consider, Ifa. i. 3. Ecclef. vii. 14. Confider,

1. How miserable you are before Repentance, Deut. xxviii. 15. Ephef. ii. 3.

2. How happy you will be after it.

vi. 6.

1. In Honour, I Sam. ii. 30. Prov. iii. 16.
2. In Riches, Prov. iii. 16. 1 Tim. iv. 8. and

3. In Pleasures, Prov. iii. 17. 1 S. Pet. iii.

10, 11.

4. In Safety from Evil and Danger, Pfal. xxxiv. 8. 1 S. Pet. iii. 13.

5. In Peace and Quiet of Mind, Prov. iii. 17.

6. In Support under, and Deliverance out of Afflictions, Pfal. xxxiii. 18, 19. and xxxiv. 4, 5,6,7. and xxvii. 5. and Ixii. 1, 2.


7. In a Title to a Blessed Eternity, S. Matt.

xxv. 34. Phil. iii. 20, 21. S. Jam. ii. 5.

3. Prayer, S. Jam. i. 5. Pfal. li. 10. Pray to God for his Grace and Assistance, S. Luk. xi. 13. S. Joh. xvi. 24. S. Jam. i. 5.

1. In Sincerity, Ifa. xxix. 13. S. Jam. iv. 3.
2. In Faith, S. Matt. xxi. 22. S. Jam. i. 6.
3. Through the Mediation of our Blessed Sa-

viour, S. Joh. xv. 7. and xvi. 24.

4. With Zeal and Devotion, S. Jam. v. 16. Rom. viii. 26.

5. With Constancy and Perseverance, S. Luk. xi. 8. and xviii. 1.

4. To your Prayer, join serious and folemn Fasting, Joel ii. 12. S. Matt. xvii. 21. and vi. 17, 18. 1 Cor. ix. 27.

5. Make a right Use of what Assistances he affords you, 2 Cor. vi. 1. Gal. ii. 21. 1 Theff. v. 19. 6. Hear the Word, Act. ii. 37. Rom. x. 17. 1. Believingly, Hebr. iv. 2. Rom. X. 14. 2. Attentively, S. Luk. viii. 18. S. Matt. XV.

10. S. Jam. i. 21.

3. Obediently, Ezek. xxxiii. 31, 32. 2 Cor. V. 20. S. Mar. iv. 20. S. Jam. i. 22, c.

4. Diligently, S. Luk. xxi. 38. Alt. xiii. 44. 7. Trust on Christ to enable you to repent, S. Matt. xi. 28. Ait. v. 31.

FIFTHLY. Some farther Directions in order to a right Performance of this Duty.

1. Take not up with a counterfeit, instead of a true Repentance, S. Jam. iii. 17. When true, it is,

xxxix. 9.

1. From a right Principle, Pfal. xvi. 8. Gen. 2. In a right Manner, Dan. iv. 27. Act. xxiv. 16. Ephef. iv. 22.

3. Το

3. To a right End, I Cor. X. 31. 2. Never think you have repented enough; or that you can be too much humbled for your Sins, so long as you do not despair of God's Mercy, Job xlii. 6.

3. Be continually pressing on towards Perfeaion in Holiness, S. Matt. v. 48. Phil. iii. 12, 13, 14.

4. Do not depend upon that alone for Salvation, Ifa. lxiv. vi. S. Luk. xvii. 1c.

5. And Lastly; Depend entirely on the Merits of Christ, for Acceptance in the Sight of God, 1 S. Joh. ii. 1. S. Joh. vi. 37.

SIXTHLY. Some farther Motives for recommending this Duty to our Practice. Confider, I. What a Glorious God you have provoked by Sins, Job xlii. 5, 6.

2. What dreadful Punishments you have deserved, S. Matt. xiii. 42. infinitely beyond that of Nebuchadnezzar, Rev. xiv. 10.

2. How many Obligations you are under to it, Ifa. v. 4. Rom. ii. 4.

4. What special Notice God takes when we repent, Mal. iii. 16, 17, 18.

5. How concerned he is, when People will not repent, Jer. viii. 6, 7, 12. and xiii. 27.

6. What Rejoicing there is above, in Heaven, at the Conversion of a Sinner, S. Luk. xv. 7,


7. No Sin, but, without Repentance, is damnable, but pardonable with it, Ezek. xviii. 30. 8. Heaven is open for none but Penitents, Hebr. xii. 14. S. Matt. xxv. ult.

SEVENTHLY. Conclude all with these three

Questions for the farther Explication of the Duty.

Quest. I. Quest. I. Whether it is necessary to repent of unknown Sins ?

Answ. 1. It is necessary, so far as we can, to observe all our Failings, Pfal. li. 3, 4.

2. It is necessary to repent of all we can observe, Pfal. li. 9. Ezek. xx. 43.

3. It is necessary to repent of the Root of all, Original Sin, Pfal. li. 6.

4. He that rightly repents of all Known and Original Sin, virtually repents of all Sin, Pfal. xix. 12.

Quest. II. Whether it is necessary to repent more than Once?

Answ. 1. Repentance, as it consists in Hatred of Sin, and Conversion from it, should be exercised continually, Att. xxiv. 16. 2 Tim. ii. 19.

2. So oft as we remember any former Sin, we are to be sorry for it, Job xiii. 26. Pfal. xxv. 7. 3. Every time we commit any Sin, we are immediately to repent of it, S. Luk. xxii. 62.

Quest. III. Whether we are to repent of all Sins alike ?

Answ. Repentance in its own Nature should be alike for all, so as to be forry for it, and turn from it. But besides,

Extraordinary Sins should have extraordinary Expressions of Repentance, Pfal. li. 14. 1 Cor.

XV. 9.


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