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the remonstrances of conscience, Acts vii, 51; opposition to the dispensations of Providence, 2d

very considerable weight; and, indeed, that it has so, appears from the universal appeals of all parties to those early times in support of Chron. xxviii, 22; and repeated their particular opinions. Be-commission of the same sin, Psa. sides, the thing is in itself natu-xxviii, 17; Presumptuous sins are ral; for if a man finds a variety numerous; such as profane swearof opinions in the world upon im-ing, perjury, theft, adultery, drunportant passages in scripture, where kenness, sabbath-breaking, &c. shall he be so apt to get the true These may be more particularly sense as from contemporary writers considered as presumptuous sins, or others who lived very near the because they are generally commitapostolic age? And if such a man ted against a known law, and so shall find any doctrine or interpre-often repeated. Such sins are tation to have been universally believed in the first ages, or, as Vicentius Lirinensis words it, semper ubique et ab omnibus, he will unquestionably be disposed to think such early and universal consent, or such prescription, of very considerable weight in determining his opinion.

most heinous in their nature, and most pernicious in their effects. They are said to be a reproach to the Lord, Num. xv, 3; they harden the heart, 1st Tim. iv, 2; draw down judgments from heaven, Numb. xv, 31; even when repented of, are seldom pardoned without some visible testimony of PRESUMPTION, as it relates God's displeasure, 2d Sam. xii, 10. to the mind, is a supposition formed See R. Walker's Ser., vol. i, ser. before examination. As it relates 3; South's Ser., vol. vii, ser. 10. to the conduct or moral action, it 11, and 12; Tillotson's Ser., ser. implies arrogance and irreverence. 147; Saurin's Ser., ser. 11, vol. As it relates to religion in general, i, Robinson's translation; Bp. it is a bold and daring confidence Hopkins on the Nature, Danger, in the goodness of God, without and Cure of Presumptuous Sins. obedience to his will. Presumptu-See his Works. ous sins must be distinguished from PRIDE is inordinate and unsins of infirmity, or those failings reasonable self-esteem, attended peculiar to human nature, Ecc. vii.with insolence, and rude treatment 20. 1st John i, 8, 9; from sins of others. "It is sometimes," says done through ignorance, Luke xii, a good writer, "confounded with 48; and from sins into which men vanity, and sometimes with digare hurried by sudden and violent nity; but to the former passion it temptation, Gal. vi, 1. The in-has no resemblance, and in many gredients which render sin pre- circumstances it differs from the sumptuous are, knowledge, John latter. Vanity is the parent of xv, 22; deliberation and con- loquacious boasting; and the pertrivance, Prov. vi, 14. Psal. son subject to it, if his pretences xxxvi, 4; obstinacy, Jer. xliv, be admitted, has no inclination 16. Deut. i, 13; inattention to to insult the company. The proud

our nature, our scanty knowledge, contracted powers, narrow conceptions, and moral inability, are strong motives to excite us to humility. We should consider, also, what punishments this sin has brought on mankind. See the cases of Pharaoh, Haman, Nebuchadnezzar, Herod, Herod, and

man, on the other hand, is naturally silent, and, wrapt up in his own importance, seldom speaks but to make his audience feel their inferiority." Pride is the high opinion that a poor little contracted soul entertains of itself. Dignity consists in just, great, and uniform actions, and is the opposite to meanness. -2. Pride manifests itself by prais- others. How particularly it is ing ourselves, adoring our persons, prohibited, Prov. xvi, 18. 1st Pet. attempting to appear before others v, 5. James iv, 6. Prov. xxix, in a superior light to what we are; 23; what a torment it is to its contempt and slander of others; possessor, Esther v, 13; how soon envy at the excellencies others all things of a sublunary nature possess; anxiety to gain applause; will end; how disgraceful it rendistress and rage when slighted; ders us in the sight of God, angels, impatience of contradiction, and and men; what a barrier it is to opposition to God himself.-3. our felicity and communion with The evil effects of pride are be- God; how fruitful it is of discord; yond computation. It has spread how it precludes our usefulness, itself universally in all nations, and renders us really contemptible. among all characters; and as it See HUMILITY, was the first sin, as some suppose, that entered into the world, so it seems to be the last to be conquered. It may be considered as the parent of discontent, ingrati tude, covetousness, poverty, pre-of every family, the fathers, the sumption, passion, extravagance, bigotry, war, and persecution. In fact, there is hardly an evil perpetrated but what pride is connected with it in a proximate or remote sense.-4. To suppress this evil, we should consider what we are. "If we could trace our descents," says Seneca, "we should find all slaves to come from princes, and all princes from slaves. To be proud of knowledge, is to be blind in the light; to be proud of virtue, is to poison ourselves with the antidote to be proud of authority, is to make our rise our downfal." The imperfection of

PRIEST, a person set apart for the performance of sacrifice, and others offices and ceremonies of religion. Before the promulgation of the law of Moses, the first born

princes, and the kings, were priests. Thus Cain and Abel, Noah, Abraham, Melchizedec, Job, Isaac, and Jacob, offered themselves their own sacrifices. Among the Israelites, after their departure from Egypt, the priesthood was confined to one tribe, and it consisted of three orders, the high-priest, priests, and Levites. The priesthood was made hereditary in the family of Aaron, and the first born of the oldest branch of that family, if he had no legal blemish, was always the high-priest. This divine appointment was observed with considerable accuracy till the Jews fell un

high-priest; the presbyters to that of the priests; and the deacons to that of the Levites. One of the pernicious effects of this groundless comparison and pretension seems to have been the introduction of the idea of a real sacrifice in the Christian church, and of sacrificing priests.

der the dominion of the Romans, siastical history informs us, that, and had their faith corrupted by in the second century, some time a false philosophy. Then, indeed, after the reign of the emperor the high-priesthood was sometimes Adrian, when the Jews, by the set up to sale, and, instead of con- second destruction of Jerusalem, tinuing for life, as it ought to have were bereaved of all hopes of the done, it seems, from some passages restoration of their government to in the New Testament, to have its former lustre, the notion that been nothing more than an annual the ministers of the Christian office. There is sufficient reason, church succeeded to the character however, to believe, that it was and prerogatives of the Jewish never disposed of but to some de- priesthood was industriously proscendant of Aaron capable of fill- pagated by the Christian doctors; ing it, had the older branches and that, in consequence, the bibeen extinct. [For the consecra- shops claimed a rank and charaction and offices of the Jewish ter similar to that of the Jewish priesthood, we refer our readers to the books of Moses.] In the time of David, the inferior priests were divided into twenty-four companies, who were to serve in rotation, each company by itself, for a week. The order in which the several courses were to serve was determined by lot; and each course was, in all succeeding ages, In the church of England, the called by the name of its original word priest is retained to denote chief. the second order in her hierarIt has been much disputed, whe-chy, but we believe with very difther, in the Christian church, there|ferent significations, according to be any such officer as a priest, in the different opinions entertained the proper sense of the word. If of the Lord's supper. Some few the word priest be taken to denote of her divines, of great learning, a person commissioned by divine and of undoubted protestantism, authority to offer up a real sacri- maintain that the Lord's supper fice to God, we may justly deny is a commemorative and eucharistithat there is a priest upon earth. cal sacrifice. These consider all Under the Gospel, there is but who are authorised to administer one priest, which is Christ; and that sacrament as in the strictest but one sacrifice, that of the sense priests. Others hold the cross. The church of Rome, how- Lord's supper to be a feast upon ever, erroneously believe their the one sacrifice, once offered on priests to be empowered to offer up the cross; and these, too, must to the Divine Majesty a real pro- consider themselves as clothed with per sacrifice, as were the priests some kind of priesthood. Great under the Old Testament. Eccle- numbers, however, of the English VOL. II.


clergy, perhaps the majority, agree cannot be refused him, being a with the church of Scotland, in necessary consequent of those emimaintaining that the Lord's sup-nent qualities resplendent in him, per is a rite of no other moral import than the mere commemoration of the death of Christ. These cannot consider themselves as priests in the rigid sense of the word, but only as presbyters, of which the word priest is a contraction of the same import with elder. See LORD'S SUPPER.

and of the illustrious performances achieved by him beyond the rest. This may be inferred from that renown which he hath had from the beginning; and likewise from his being so constantly ranked in the first place before the rest of his brethren.-3. As to a primacy of order or bare dignity importing PRIMACY, the highest post in that commonly in all meetings the church. The Romanists con- and proceedings, the other apostles tend that St. Peter, by our Lord's did yield him the precedence, may appointment, had a primacy or so-be questioned, for this does not vereign authority and jurisdiction seem suitable to the gravity of such over the apostles. This, however, persons, or their condition and ciris denied by the Protestants, and cumstances, to stand upon ceremothat upon just grounds. Dr. Bar-nies of respect; for our Lord's rules row observes (Works, vol. i, p. seem to exclude all semblance of 557), that there are several sorts ambition, all kind of inequality and of primacy which may belong to distance between his apostles. But a person in respect of others. 1. A yet this primacy may be grantprimacy of worth or personal ex-ed as probable upon divers accellency.-2. A primacy of repu- counts of use and convenience; it tation and esteem.-3. A primacy might be useful to preserve order, of order or bare dignity and pre- and to promote expedition, or to cedence.-4. A primacy of power prevent confusion, distraction, and and jurisdiction. As for the first dilatory obstruction in the manageof these, a primacy of worth, we ment of things.-4. As to a primay well grant it to Peter, ad-macy importing a superiority in mitting that probably he did ex-command, power, or jurisdiction, ceed the rest of his brethren in this we have great reason to deny personal endowments and capaci- upon the following considerations. ties; particularly in quickness of 1. For such a power it was needapprehension, boldness of spirit, ful that a commission from God, readiness of speech, charity to our Lord, and zeal for his service.-2. As to a primacy of repute, which St. Paul means when he speaks of those who had a special reputation, of those who seemed to be pillars of the supereminent apostles, 2d Gal. ii. 6, 9. 2d Cor. xi, 5. 2d Cor. xii, 11. this advantage

its founder, should be granted in absolute and perspicuous terms; but no such commission is extant in scripture.-2. If so illustrious an office was instituted by our Saviour, it is strange, that no where in the evangelical or apostolical history there should be any express mention of that institution.

3. If St. Peter had been institut-decreeing; but as an apostle, ed sovereign of the apostolical se- warning, arguing, and persuading nate, his office and state had against them.-10. The considerbeen in nature and kind very dis-ation of the apostles proceeding in tinct from the common office of the conversion of people, in the the other apostles, as the office of foundation of churches, and in ada king from the office of any sub-ministration of their spiritual afject; and probably would have fairs, will exclude any probability been signified by some distinct of St. Peter's jurisdiction over name, as that of arch-apostle, arch-them. They went about their bupastor, the vicar of Christ, or siness not by order or licence from the like; but no such name or St. Peter, but according to special title was assumed by him, or was direction of God's spirit.-11. by the rest attributed to him.-4. The nature of the apostolic miThere was no office above that of nistry, their not being fixed in one an apostle, known to the apostles place of residence, but continualor primitive church, Eph. iv, moving about the world; the 1st Cor. xii, 28.-5. Our Lord state of things at that time, and himself declared against this kind the manner of St. Peter's life renof primacy, prohibiting his apos-der it unlikely that he had such a tles to affect, to seek, to assume or jurisdiction over the apostles as admit a superiority of power one some assign him.-12. It was inabove another, Luke xxii, 14. to deed most requisite that every a24. Mark ix, 35.-6. We do not postle should have a complete, abfind any peculiar administration solute, independent authority in committed to St. Peter, nor any managing the duties and concerns privilege conferred on him which of the office, that he might not any was not also granted to the otherwise be obstructed in the discharge apostles, John xx, 23. Mark xvi, of them, not clogged with a need 15.-7. When Peter wrote two to consult others, not hampered catholic epistles, there does not with orders from those who were appear in either of them any inti- at a distance.-13. The discourse mation or any pretence to this and behaviour of St. Paul towards arch-apostolical power.-8. In all St. Peter doth evidence that he relations which occur in scripture did not acknowledge any dependabout controversies incident of doc-ence on him, or any subjection to trine or practice, there is no ap-him, Gal. ii. 11.-14. If St. Peter peal made to St. Peter's judg-had been appointed sovereign of ment or allegation of it as decisive, the church, it seems that it should. no argument is built on his autho-have been requisite that he should rity.-9. St. Peter no where ap-have outlived all the apostles; for pears intermeddling as a judge or otherwise, the church would have governor paramount in such cases; yet where he doth himself deal with heretics and disorderly persons, he proceedeth not as a pope

wanted a head, or there must have been an inextricable controversy who that head was. But St. Peter died long before St. John, as

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