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sentiments in the fairest colours, as well as to set them in the strongest light.

into remembrance; it unfolds and displays the hidden treasures of knowledge with which reading, observation, and study, had before "V. Mere lecture, reading, and furnished the mind. conversation, however, without "5. In free and friendly conver-thinking, are not sufficient to make sation our intellectual powers are a man of knowledge and wisdom. more animated, and our spirits uct It is our own thought and reflection, with a superior vigour in the quest || study and meditation, must attend and pursuit of unknown truths. all the other methods of improveThere is a sharpness and sagacityment, and perfect them. It carries of truth that attends conversation these advantages with it; beyond what we find whilst we are shut up reading and musing in our retirements.

"1. Though observation and instruction, reading and conversation, may furnish us with many ideas of men and things, yet it is our own meditation, and the labour of our own thoughts, that must form our judgment of things. Our own thoughts should join or disjoin these ideas in a proposition for ourselves; it is our own mind that must judge for ourselves concerning the agreement or disagreement of ideas, and form propositions of truth out of them.

"6. In generous conversation amongst ingenious and learned men, we have a great advantage of proposing our private opinions, and of bringing our own sentiments to the test, and learning in a more compendious and a safer way what the world will judge of them, how mankind will receive them, what objections may be raised against them, what defects there are in our scheme, and how to correct our own mistakes; which advantages are not so easy to be obtained by our own private meditations and sentiments of others to


"7. It is also another considerable advantage of conversation, that it furnishes the student with the knowledge of men and the affairs of life, as reading furnishes him with book-learning. A man who dwells all his days among books may have amassed together a vast heap of notions; but he may be a mere scholar, which is a contemptible sort of character in the world. But by polite conversation the scholar now becomes a citizen or a gentleman, a neighbour and a friend; he learns how to dress his VOL. II.


"2. It is meditation and study that transfers and conveys the no

ourselves, so as to make them properly our own. It is our own judgment upon them, as well as our memory of them, that makes them become our own property.

"3. By study and meditation we improve the hints that we have acquired by observation, conversation, and reading; we take more time in thinking, and by the labour of the mind we penetrate deeper into themes of knowledge, and carry our thoughts sometimes much farther on many subjects than we ever meet with either in the books of the dead or dis

courses of the living. It is our own reasoning that draws out one truth from another, and forms a whole scheme of science from a few hints which we borrowed elsewhere.

controversial talents; casuistic, or those who resolve cases of conscience; experimental, those who address themselves to the feelings, cases, and circumstances of their hearers; and, lastly, practical, "These five methods of improve- those who insist upon the performment should be pursued jointly, ance of all those duties which the and go hand in hand, where our word of God enjoins. An able circumstances are so happy as to minister will have something of find opportunity and conveniency all these united in him, though he to enjoy them all: though I must may not excel in all; and it begive my opinion, that two of them, comes every one who is a candireading and meditation, should em- date for the ministry to get a clear ploy much more of our time than idea of each, that he may not be public lectures, or conversation and deficient in the discharge of that discourse. As for observation, we work which is the most important may be always acquiring know- that can be sustained by mortal ledge that way, whether we are beings. Many volumes have been alone or in company. But it will written on this subject, but we be for our farther improvement if must be content in this place to we can go over all these five me-offer only a few remarks relative thods of obtaining knowledge more distinctly, and more at large, and see what special advances in useful science we may draw from them all."-Watts on the Mind, chap

ter 2.

MINIMS, a religious order in the church of Rome, founded by St. Francis de Paula, towards the end of the fifteenth century. Their habit is a coarse black woollen stuff, with a woollen girdle of the same colours, tied in five knots. They are not permitted to quit their habit and girdle night nor day. Formerly they went barefooted, but are now allowed the use of shoes.

MINISTER, a name applied to those who are pastors of a congregation, or preachers of God's word. They are also called divines, and may be distinguished into polemic, or those who possess

to it. In the first place, then, it must be observed, that ministers of the Gospel ought to be sound as to their principles. They must be men whose hearts are renovated by Divine grace, and whose sentiments are derived from the sacred oracles of Divine truth. A minister without principles will never do any good; and he who professes to believe in a system, should see to it that it accords with the word of God. His mind should clearly perceive the beauty, harmony, and utility of the doctrines, while his heart should be deeply impressed with a sense of their value and importance.-2. They should be mild and affable as to their dispositions and deportment.-A haughty imperious spirit is a disgrace to the ministerial character, and generally brings contempt. They should learn to bear injuries

who preach a Gospel which breathes the purest benevolence to mankind. This spirit has done more harm among all parties than many imagine; and is, in my opinion, one of the most powerful

with patience, and be ready to do useless books, studying useless good to every one; be courteous subjects. Every day should have to all, without cringing to any; be its work, and every subject its affable without levity and humble due attention. Some advise a without pusillanimity; conciliating chapter in the Hebrew Bible, and the affections without violating another in the Greek Testament the truth; connecting a suavity of to be read every day. A wellmanners with a dignity of cha-chosen system of divinity should racter; obliging without flatter- be accurately studied. The best ing; and throwing off all reserve definitions should be obtained, without running into the opposite and a constant regard paid to all extreme of volubility and trifling. those studies which savour of re-3. They should be superior as ligion, and have some tendency to to their knowledge and talents. public work.-5. Ministers should Though many have been useful be extensive as to their benevo without what is called learning, lence and candour. A contracted yet none have been so without bigoted spirit ill becomes them some portion of knowledge and wisdom. Nor has God Almighty ever sanctified ignorance, or consecrated it to his service; since it is the effect of the fall, and the consequence of our departure from the Fountain of intelligence. Mi-engines the devil makes use of to nisters,therefore,especially,should oppose the best interests of manendeavour to break these shackles, kind; and it is really shocking to get their minds enlarged, and stor- observe how sects and parties have ed with all useful knowledge. The all, in their turns, anathematized Bible should be well studied, and each other. Now, while ministhat, if possible, in the original lan-ters ought to contend earnestly for guage. The scheme of salvation the faith once delivered to the by Jesus Christ should be well un-saints, they must remember that derstood, with all the various topics connected with it. Nor will some knowledge of history, natural philosophy as well as moral, logic, mathematics, and rhetoric, he useless. A clear judgment, also, with a retentive memory, inventive faculty, and a facility of communication, should be obtain-the ignorant, bear with the sincere ed.-4. They should be diligent as to their studies. Their time especially should be improved, and not lost by too much sleep, formal visits, indolence, reading

men always will think different from each other; that prejudice of education has great influence; that difference of opinion as to non-essential things is not of such importance as to be a ground of dislike. Let the ministers of Christ, then, pity the weak, forgive

though mistaken zealot, and love all who love the Lord Jesus Christ. -6. Ministers should be zealous and faithful in their public work. The sick must be visited; children

must be catechised; the ordi-dinance appointed for the purpose nances administered; and the word of instructing men in the principles preached. These things must be and knowledge of the Gospel, taken up not as a matter of duty Eph. iv, 8, 11. Rom. x, 15. Heb. only, but of pleasure, and exe-v, 4. That the Gospel ministry cuted with faithfulness; and, as is of Divine origin, and intendthey are of the utmost import-ed to be kept up in the church, ance, ministers should attend to will evidently appear, if we conthem with all that sincerity, ear- sider the promises that in the last nestness, and zeal, which that im- and best times of the New Testaportance demands. An idle, fri- ment dispensation there would be gid, indifferent minister, is a pest an instituted and regular ministry to society, a disgrace to his pro- in her, Eph. iv, 8, 11. Tit. 1, fession, an injury to the church, 5. Pet. i, 3. Tim. i; also from and offensive to God himself.-7. the names of office peculiar to Lastly, ministers should be uniform some members in the church, as to their conduct. No bright- and not common to all, Eph. ness of talent, no superiority of iv, 8, 11; from the duties which intellect, no extent of knowledge, are represented as reciprocally will ever be a substitute for this. binding on ministers and people, They should not only possess a Hebrews xiii, 7, 17. 1st. Peter wise mind, but a luminous con- v, 2, 3, 4; from the promises duct. This will procure dignity to of assistance which were given themselves, give energy to what to the first ministers of the new they say, and prove a blessing to dispensation, Matt. xxviii, 20; the circle of connexions in which and from the importance of a they move. In fine, they should Gospel ministry, which is reprebe men of prudence and prayer,sented in the scripture as a very light and love, zeal and know-great blessing to them who enjoy ledge, courage and humility, hu-it, and the removal of it as one of manity and religion. See DECLA- the greatest calamities which can MATION, ELOQUENCE, PREACH-befal any people, Rev. ii and iii. ING, and SERMONS, in this work; See books under last article. Dr. Smith's Lect. on the Sacred MINISTERIAL CALL, a Office; Gerard's Pastoral Care; term used to denote that right or Chrysostom on Priesthood; Bax- authority which a person receives ter's Reformed Pastor; Burnet's to preach the Gospel. This call Pastoral Care; Watts's Humble is considered as twofold, divine Attempt; Dr. Edwards's Preach- and ecclesiastical. The following er; Mason's Student and Pastor; things seem essential to a divine Gibbon's Christian Minister; Ma-call: 1. A holy, blameless life.ther's Student and Preacher; Os-2. An ardent and constant inclitervald's Lectures on the Sacred nation and zeal to do good.-3. Ministry; Robinson's Claude; Abilities suited to the work; such Doddridge's Lectures on Preach-as knowledge, aptness to teach, ing and the Ministerial Office. courage, &c.-4. An opportunity MINISTRY GOSPEL, an or- "afforded in Providence to be use

tors in ordinary cases to adult Christians, and to none else, Acts i, 15, 26. Acts vi, 1, 6. Acts xiv, 23. Christ requires his people to try the spirits, which supposeth their ability to do so, and their pow

ful. An ecclesiastical call consists in the election which is made of any person to be a pastor. But here the Episcopalian and the Dissenter differ; the former believing that the choice and call of a minister rest with the superior cler-er to choose such only as they find gy, or those who have the gift of most proper to edify their souls, an ecclesiastical benefice; the lat- and to refuse others, 1st John iv, ter supposes that it should rest on 1. The introduction of ministers the suffrage of the people to whom into their office by patronage of ne is to minister. The Churchman whatever form hath its origin reasons thus: "Though the peo- from popery, tends to establish a ple may be competent judges of tyranny over men's conscience, the abilities of their tradesmen, which and whom Christ hath made they cannot be allowed to have free, and to fill pulpits with wickan equal discernment in matters ed and indolent clergymen. Whoof science and erudition. Daily ever will attentively examine the experience may convince us how history of the primitive times, injudiciously preferment would be will find that all ecclesiastical distributed by popular elections. officers for the first three hundred The modesty of genius would stand years were elected by the peolittle chance of being distinguished ple." We must refer the reader by an ignorant multitude. The for more on this subject to the most illiterate, the most impudent, articles CHURCH, EPISCOPACY, those who could most dexterous- and INDEPENDENTS. ly play the hypocrite, who could best adapt their preaching to the fanaticism of the vulgar, would be the only successful candidates for public favour. Thus moderation and literature would soon be banished, and a scene of corruption, confusion, and madness, would prevail." But specious as "That the visible world," says these arguments seem, they have Dr. Gleig, "is governed by stated but little force on the mind of the general rules, or that there is Congregationalist, who thus rea- an order of causes and effects. sons: "The church being a volun- established in every part of the tary society, none imposed upon system of nature which falls under her members by men can be re- our observation, is a fact which lated to them as their pastor with- cannot be controverted. If the out their own consent. None can Supreme being, as some have supso well judge what gifts are best posed, be the only real agent in suited to their spiritual edification the universe, we have the evidence. as Christians themselves. The of experience, that, in the partiscripture allows the election of pas-cular system to which we belong

MIRACLE, in its original sense, is a word of the same import with wonder; but, in its usual and more appropriate signification, it denotes "an effect contrary to the established constitution and course of things, or a sensible deviation from the known laws of nature."

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