THE DISSONANCE OF THE FOUR GENERALLY RECEIVED EVANGELISTS, AND THE Evidence of their respective Authenticity, EXAMINED; WITH THAT OF SOME OTHER SCRIPTURES, DEEMED CANONICAL. BY EDWARD EVANSON, A. M. THE SECOND EDITION; In which many Arguments are considerably improved and strengthened, AND WITH THE ADDITION OF A TABLE OF CONTENTS. "I have chosen the way of truth: thy judgments have I laid before me.” PSALM CXIX. 30. 163. · GLOUCESTER: PRINTED BY D. WALKER, FOR JOSEPH JOHNSON, 72, ST. PAUL'S CHURCH-YARD; SOLD PREFACE. IN both the general spirit and particular precepts of the religion of Jesus Christ, there is something so amiable, so obviously conducing to the diminution of misery, and the diffusion of comfort and happiness amongst mankind, that, it may reasonably be presumed, no man duly acquainted with that beautiful, that perfect system of morality, can be so unfeeling for the concerns of his fellow-creatures, and so little a real friend to himself, as not to wish the truth of the Gospel Revelation could be so satisfactorily demonstrated, as to convince the minds of men of all degrees and stations, and induce them, not merely to profess to receive it, for that alone can answer no desirable purpose, but conscientiously to make it the rule of their lives and conduct at all times, and on all occasions, both in public and in private. To accomplish this, it is, in the first place, absolutely necessary, that its celestial origin and authenticity should be fully and clearly ascertained, and no just |