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would realize more than the cost of this road in the increased value of these lands. Under all these circum

Account of the heat of weather by Thermometer, with the stances, who then can doubt that this rail road will be wind, kept in the Philadelphia Alms House.


Sun rise.

9 A. M.

Mer. or noon

3 P. M.

[blocks in formation]


NE moderate and cloudy.
NE to NW mod'e. and cloudy.
NE moderate and cloudy.

S strong breezes and clear.
SW strong breezes and clear.
NW to W, mod'e and clear.

4 66 70 574 76

80 82


75 78


73 71

NE cloudy with rain.

864 64

66 66

NE strong breezes with rain.

65 69

72 71

9 59 61 10 64 67 11 63 64 12 62 62 13 54 54 1450 55 15 54 59 1656 60 17 58 61 1864 65 1967 703 20 71 74 217270 22 58 56 23 52 53 24 54 59 25 58 62 2662 63 27 63 67 286468 29 66 71 3065 66

6769 60 58 56 59 60 64 64 67

65 66 65 69 66 67 75 79 791844 66 65 611 63 59 65 63 66

SE moderate and cloudy.
SWto NW strong, &clou'y, rain.
NW,light breezes and clear.
NW to NE, some rain.
NW, moderate breezes, & clear.
NW, moderate and clear.
NW to SW, moderate & clear.
NE, light airs, and clear.
E. light airs, and clear.

SSE to SW fresh breezes, rain.
SW fresh breezes and hazy.
SW fresh breezes and hazy.
NW fresh breezes with rain.
NWstrong breezes,light clouds.
NW fresh breezes and clear.
NW to SW light and clear,
6672 SW and clear.

69 741 SW and clear.

74 77 SW and clear.
72 75 NE and clear.

76 78 SSE to SW, light clouds.
77 734 NNW to NE and clear.

From the Crawford Messenger.

made, and that before long?

From the Venango Democrat. PUBLIC MEETING.

Pursuant to public notice, a meeting of the friends borough, on Wednesday evening the 28th ult. which of Internal Improvement met in the Court House, in this was attended by a numerous and highly respectable body of citizens. After the meeting was organized, the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted and agreed to:

Whereas, the trade of Lake Erie being of such vital importance to the welfare of Pennsylvania and her commonwealth to endeavor by every possible means in their mercial metropolis, it behoves the citizens of this compower, to open a channel of communication that shall subserve this great purpose, Therefore,

Resolved, That a connexion by canal and rail road of French creek, by the nearest possible route, is the sure the west branch of the Susquehanna and the waters of way to open an avenue that will at once give to Philadelphia the predominance over the Lake trade.

Resolved, That a committee of five be appointed by the Chair, to draft a petition to the next legislature for an act of incorporation for the furtherance of this object, circulated for signature, and forwarded to the Senate and said committee be requested to have the petitions and House of Representatives early in the session, and the Senator and Representative from this district be requested to use their influence for the immediate passage of this act.

Resolved, That we have full confidence that the next Legislature will appropriate funds and authorise the construction of the canal from the French creek Feeder to Erie harbor, and that we will accede to the route which shall be chosen or selected by the Board of Canal Commissioners, after a full and satisfactory exa

RAIL ROAD FROM FRANKLIN TO THE SUS mination of the subject.


In this day's paper will be found the proceedings of a meeting held in Franklin, Venango county, relative to the incorporation of a company to make a rail road from that place to the west branch of the Susquehanna. The distance is said to be but 140 miles, and the work is considered by good judges to be entirely practicable, and can be done at a moderate expense, far below the general average of rail road communications. There will be but few important streams to pass. The Allegheny river may be said to be the only one of any considerable magnitude; besides the country presents a very gradual ascent to the dividing ridge between the Allegheny and Susquehanna. This route, in connexion with the state improvement, (when completed to Lake Erie,) will open a communication that will be but 445 miles from Erie harbor to Philadelphia. Any one who will take the trouble to examine this subject, will see that this will be of immense advantage to Pennsylvania, it being the shortest route from any of the Atlantic cities to Lake Erie. Philadelphia will then by means of this improvement be enabled to send goods to Erie in about the space of six or seven days. Thus it will be obvious to all, that Philadelphia will have a decided advantage over the city of New York in sending and receiving goods to and from Lake Erie. No doubt can exist but the trade of this road will be very profitable. The Lake trade is now immense, and is fast increasing. This year the tonnage on Lake Erie has increased thirtythree per cent. on what it was last year. Merchants engaged in forwarding upon the Lake state that this has been the average annual increase for the last five years. The citizens of Philadelphia own full two-thirds of the land through which this road will pass. They

Resolved, That a connection with the Ohio canal is being best calculated to bring the surplus water power of immense importance to the welfare of this country, it of French creek into requisition, thereby affording an easy means for the converting of the wheat of Ohio, into flour for our eastern market.

fied with ours, provided a connexion with the west Resolved, That the Shenango canal interest is identibranch of the Susquehanna is speedily made; thus opening a nearer route for the surplus produce of Mercer county to the Philadelphia market.

signed by the Chairman and Secretary, and published Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting be in all the papers friendly to this measure.

gentlemen were appointed a committee of correspondAfter the passing of these resolutions, the following ence, viz. A. M'Calmont, John Galbraith, John Anderson, Alonzo Livermore, James Thompson, James R. Snowden, and James Glenn, Esqrs.

[blocks in formation]

MEADVILLE, Sept. 3, 1833. Mr. A. Livermore,-Sir, a question has arisen, and is in some degree agitated at this time, with regard to the future prosecution of the public works, and as the opinion of the friends of the different routes by which it is, and has been proposed to connect the waters of Erie with those of the Delaware, have been variant, and each party urge their claims with great zeal, and we hope with honest motives, to the final completion of this great, and much desired object. But as all seem to depend upon the waters of French creek to supply in a

great measure the different routes by which the connection is to be carried into effect, it becomes necessary to be satisfied, whether that stream will be amply sufficient to furnish the necessary supply.

The undersigned, with an ardent desire and sincere wish to see a connexion of the eastern and western interests, by means of canal, slack water, and rail road, as each in their turn may become expedient, put the following queries to you, confidently relying upon your ability, and disinterestedness as to local interes', or feeling, with regard to routes, and that your decision or opinion, would be such as ought to satisfy every man, whose mind was open to conviction.

Therefore, will the water of French creek be sufficient to supply at all times, when needed, a canal by the way of Conneaut lake and Elk creek to the town of Erie, and at the same time, from the summit level down the Shenango to New Castle, and all this independent of what will be needed to supply the canal, &c. from the aqueduct to Franklin?

In the next place, should the connexion be formed by the Conneaut and Elk creck route, will the state in your opinion ever make a canal from New Castle to Conneaut lake? And if the Elk creek route should be adopt-¦ ed, will the state ever carry on her improvement up French creek to Waterford, and from thence to Erie by canal or rail road?

And further, if the Waterford route should be adopt ed, do you believe the state would make a canal from New Castle to Conneaut lake?

Any information you can supply us with on the subject of the above, or any that may be pertinent on the subject of the canal, that may be useful to the inhabitants of this region, the undersigned would feel much obliged to you to communicate it.


FRANKLIN, Sept. 13, 1833. Messrs. David Dick, Israel Berlin, and others. Gentlemen-Your communication of the 3d instant, was duly received, and I now answer your inquiries as near as my present information will admit,

The great question "whether a canal can be fed by the water from the French creek both down the Shenango and Elk creek routes, besides giving a sufficiency to the Franklin line," I believe is easily answered in the affirmative.

But I do not believe, that water can be passed through the French creek Feeder in suflicient quantity to sup ply both Shenango and Elk creek routes of canal. I well know that a descent of three inches to the mile has been given to the Feeder line in order to increase the quantity over what a level canal would give of the same size. But this descent will not be much more than can be given to a level canal where locks intervene in the space of five or six miles. Each level (or space betwixt the locks) may, and is in practice often filled at the upper lock fully five feet deep, and reduced at the lower one, to three and a half or four feet. This gives the descent upon the surface of the water of from two to three inches to the mile, and secures the supply of water equal to the Feeder line or nearly so when required.

It is found in practice that to feed forty miles of canal requires the maximum discharge of a canal the size of ours through the dry season especially along a sliding country, without any additional supply of water al though the quantity of water at the source be unlimited. The Feeder line is 23 miles, the Shenango to Crooked creek is 174 miles, and the Elk creek line is 47 miles, making altogether 873 miles to be fed through the Feeder, if we except a supply of about twelve feet per second, which is said to be available on the Elk creek


With this addition, I think the Elk cicek line can be fed, if Conneaut lake is made a reservoir, but it will be!

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out of the question to feed both Elk creek and the Shenango without increasing the size of the French creek Feeder at an expense fully equal to the first cost.

This will render it extremely doubtful whether it will be policy for the commonwealth to make in conjunction the Shenango and Elk creek line. Therefore I am fully of the opinion that the Shenango should be made in preference. This line will therefore become allied to the French creek line via Waterford to Lake Erie, which will be the proper route.

It may not be amiss to state that I have recently taken a measurement of the water available for the summit level at Waterford, and I find that in the dryest time this season there is fully one hundred feet per second. I made two different measurements which corresponded so nearly that I feel satisfied that the result was correct, I also made a measurement above the entrance of the Feeder above Meadville, and found 138 feet per second. These measurements were taken at as low a stage of the stream as had been known at any previous time by the oldest inhabitants.

As fifty feet of water per second, is an abundance for the supply of the Waterford summit, I think no further doubt need exist relative to a sufficiency of water for that route; you will therefore perceive that a rail road is unnecessary, and should by all means be avoided, if possible, as trans-shipments would be extremely detrimental to the improvements. It may be proper here to state a few practical facts relative to the feeding of ca nals. The Delaware division of the Pennsylvania canak was one instance where an attempt was made to feed sixty miles of canal from one feeder. This did not succeed as you will see by reference to the report of the Canal Commissioners of 1831. The New York Canal Commissioners undertook to feed from the Little Falls to the Schoharrie creek, a distance of 45 miles, but were unsuccessful, and were obliged to build ano. ther dam across the Mohawk near Canajoharrie.

The canal from the large dam upon the Kiskeminitas to Pittsburg, is 36 miles, and it was found extremely difficult the two first seasons to keep up the supply of water on the lower levels. There are many causes why a canal will not give the quantity of water that theory would demonstrate; an important reason is the sinuosities to which they are liable. The French creek Feeder is extremely objectionable on account of its numerous bends, curves, and irregularities. I have no doubt, but could the Feeder be constructed perfectly straight and regular in its size, that the quantity of water it would afford into Conneaut lake would be nearly doubled,even were the distance the same it now is.

The foregoing gives my views in general to your inqui ries. I have given them candidly, in the hope they may have a tendency to unite the friends of improvement in the great struggle towards completing a canal to Lake Erie. I am, gentlemen,

Yours very respectfully,


AN ORDINANCE. Relative to the Management of the Wills Hospital. Section 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the citizens of Philadelphia, in Select and Common Councils assembled, That the building recently erected out of the legacy devised to the city by the late James Wills, situated on Sassafras street, between Schuylkill Fourth and Fifth streets, shall be known and designated by the name of the Wills Hospital for the Indigent Lame and Blind.

Section 2. And be it further ordained and enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the Select and Common Councils shall assemble in joint meeting, on the fourth Thursday of October next, and shall then and there choose by ballot, nine suitable persons, who shall reside m the city, to be denominated Managers of the Wills Hospital.

Section 3. And be it further ordained and enacted by


the authority aforesaid, That as soon as said election tion shall at no time exceed the income of the fund shall be completed, the clerks of the Select and Com-devised by the City authorities in trust, by the late mon Councils shall divide the persons so chosen by lot James Wills, and such other contributions as may be obinto three classes of two each; the first class to serve one tained for that purpose. year, the second to serve two years, and the third to serve three years, and shall record the result upon the minutes of the Councils respectively."

Section 4. And be it further ordained and enacted by the authority aforesaid, That on the fourth Thursday of October of each succeeding year, the Select and Common Councils shall elect in joint meeting, three persons to serve as Managers of the said Hospital for three years, in the place of those whose term of service shall then expire, and whenever any vacancy may occur in the said Board, by death, resignation, or otherwise, the same shall be supplied in like manner at such time as Councils may determine.

Section 5. And be it further ordained and enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said managers shall meet within ten days after their appointment, and shall elect out of their own number a President and Secretary, and the said offices shall be filled in like manner, each succeeding year, at the first meeting of the Board of Managers which may be held after the annual elec. tion.

Section 6. And be it further ordained and enacted by the authority aforesaid, That all orders drawn on the Mayor and City Treasurer, for such sums of money as may be necessary for the support of the said Hospital, shall be approved by the Board of Managers, five of whom shall constitute a quorum, and the said orders shall be signed by the President, and countersigned by the Secretary of the Board.

Section 14. And be it further ordained and enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the Managers of said Hospital shall cause the same to be furnished in an economical but substantial manner, with all such articles of household and kitchen furniture as may be necessary and proper for such an institution, and the expense attending the same, shall be paid out of the general fund devised for that purpose, on orders drawn in manner aforesaid, any thing in the foregoing section to the contrary notwithstanding.

Section 15. And be it further ordained and enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the Board of Managers shall on the second Thursday of September in every year, report to the Select and Common Councils, a statement of their proceedings, containing a full and accurate account of their receipts and expenditures for the past year, and that the said accounts be audited by the Committee of Accounts of Councils. Enacted into an Ordinance, in the city of Philadel phia, this twenty-sixth day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-three. HENRY TROTH,


President of Common Council.
President of the Select Council.

ARCHD, RANDALL, Clerk of Select Council.

From the United States Gazette.

Section 7. And be it further ordained and enacted by the authority aforesaid, That as soon after the said Board of Managers shall be organized as may be, they It is not many months since we had occasion to note shall draw up such general rules and regulations for from personal observation, the undertaking of Mr. the management and supervision of the said Hospital as ↑ Friedlander, to instruct the blind, under the patronage they may think proper, which after being approved of of a society of gentlemen in this city. Since that time, by the Select and Common Councils, shall be considered Mr. F. has taken a house in North Twelfth street, and as the established rules and regulations of the same, un-opened it as a regular school for the blind, with approtil in like manner altered or amended.

Section 8. And be it further ordained and enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the Managers of the said Hospital shall be authorised to elect a suitable person to serve as Steward of the same, who shall be allowed a compensation of not exceeding three hundred dollars per annum, to be paid quarterly on orders drawn in manner aforesaid.

priate machinery, rooms and play ground. In compliance with a special invitation, we visited Mr. Friedlander's school on Saturday afternoon, in company with some others, better capable of judging of a part of the exercises than were we.

When we entered the house, Mr. F. and five or six of his pupils were engaged in a concert of instrumental music, Mr. F. leading from the piano forte. One was Section 9. And be it further ordained and enacted by playing on the bass viol, two or three on the violin, and the authority aforesaid, That the said Board of Mana- another on the French horn. This was followed by gers shall have power to appoint such other officers, singing. The whole was performed to the admiration nurses, and domestics, as they may think necessary for of the company, and considered, even without referperforming the labor and such other services as are re-ence to the circumstances of the musicians, as exceedquisite to the said Hospital, who shall be paid for their ingly well done. services such compensation as the Managers may deem reasonable.

Theodore Myers, a smart and pleasant lad only nine years old, who had been in the institution about five months, played on the violin, keeping good time, and "playing well his part.'

Section 10. And be it further ordained and enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said managers shall" admit only such persons into the said Hospital as are designated in the will of the said James Wills.

Section 11. And be it further ordained and enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the Managers be, and are hereby authorised and requested to take such measures to increase the fund of this charitable institution, either by donations, life, or annual subscriptions, or such other means as they may deem most expedient.

Section 12. And be it further ordained and enacted by the authority aforesaid, That whenever the funds of the Hospital will admit, the Managers shall establish a school for teaching such inmates of the house as may be capable of receiving instruction.

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Abraham Marsh, a boy about thirteen years old, joined in the concert, and William Graham played the French horn with great exactness.

Graham and another pupil subsequently played a duet on the piano forte.

When the musical performances had ceased, we followed the master and pupils up to the regular school room. Here was exhibited a quantity of work, performed by the lads-a basket of silk guard chains for watches,which they had woven, and a number of wicker baskets that they had made. We may remark that these baskets were of a much closer texture, and of a better shape than are usually found in market, and alSection 13. And be it further ordained and enacted together exhibited a better state of workmanship. The by the authority aforesaid, That the number of inmates handles, hinges, loops, &c. all made of the willow twigs, admitted into the said Hospital, shall at all times be so were neatly twisted and beautifully wrought into the regulated and prescribed by the Managers thereof, that texture of the main work. A quantity of these baskets the expense attending their support and accommoda-were handed to the scholars, and cach could designate

those which he had made himself, and could refer every other one to its proper maker.

Mr. John Vaughan, a gentleman to whose philanthropy the school is in a great measure indebted for its existence and present advancement, mentioned to us, that some time since he met with a blind lad, whose situation he felt anxious to relieve, and he raised a contribution among some gentlemen of his acquaintance, amounting to about one hundred dollars. This sum he offered to the basket makers in the vicinity, if they would instruct the lad in their own labors. They declined the premium in the full conviction that he could never learn to make a basket.

Now, one of the pupils of the school is the son of a basket maker, and his work is probably far superior to ordinary work offered for sale, and the young woman who has instructed the lads, professes to have found them as docile and as rapid in their improvement as boys of the same age who can see.

The affectionate manner in which the little scholars spoke of, and addressed Mr. Vaughan, was proof of the kind interest which that gentleman has manifested in the successful establishment of the school.

The exercises upon the map of the United States were exceedingly interesting. The lad, Abraham Marsh, bounded the states, pointed out the capital cities and chief towns, told the relative positions of places, laid his finger upon the sources and marked the course of the rivers to their mouths, and made such observations upon the map as would seem impossible for any but 66 open and seeing eyes" to suggest.

"Is Rhode Island a large or a small state?" asked one of the company.

"Why," exclaimed Abraham, "here it is small enough; I can almost cover it with my finger; a little of it only comes out beyond my finger nail.'

A little boy, William Hartz, not more than six or seven years of age, designated the letters of the alphabet; other pupils read lessons from cards with raised letters; others wrote sentences with the pencil on slates, and some printed names of visiters with moveable types.

with the institution-"and what will you do with that money?"

"When I go out," said the little fellow, "I will buy some good things."

And what will you do with the good things which you purchase.

"Oh" said the boy, rolling up his sightless eyeballs in evident pleasure, "I will give some of them to Theodore, Abraham, and all the boys." The child delighted at the prospect of sharing his "goodies" with his school mates, clapped his hands together, jumped up, and sung half a verse of his Dutch song, with a tone not to be mistaken, though the words were heathen Greek, to most of his auditors.

We should do injustice to our own feelings, and to those who accompanied us to the school, were we not to express our sense of gratitude for an afternoon's enjoyment, such as has seldom fallen to our lot. But the school for the blind is a public consideration; and, we trust, will be so regarded. We profess to understand something of the requisites of an instructor, and we may venture to assert that the manners of the blind pupils, their appearance and conversation, all indicate the kind parental care of their accomplished instructor Mr. Friedlander. While the improvements, made by the scholars, show how eminently qualified he is for the station he now occupies.

If we take a view of the utterly destitute condition of the uninstructed blind, we seem to regard them as separated from their fellow beings, and put aside to "wait the great teacher death."

But when such a power, as that possessed by Mr. Friedlander, pours upon their mental eyeballs the light of truth and reason, they start at once into consequence and into enjoyment; they feel the connecting link that makes a part of active life, and they understand the design of their Creator, and the arts and enjoyments of society. We earnestly beseech those of our fellow citizens who feel that they can aid the prospects of this important seminary, to visit Mr. Friedlander, become acquainted with his labors, and then assist in bestowing the blessings of learning and profitable industry upon We were much interested in the exercise in fi-a class of human beings, who possess all of the best symgures. One of the lads arranged before him, on a frame, pathies and feelings of our nature but one, by the loss three rows of figures of nine places, amounting numer- of a single faculty separated from the duties and enjoy. ically to hundreds of millions. They were then read ments of their kind. Let it not be so in our city, fam from right to left to the boys by lines. They listened ed for its philanthropy. Let not Boston exceed us in attentively, and then gave each line of figures by enu- the work of goodness. Let us build another monument meration, and in a minute added up the three columns to the glory of our beloved city, in the form of a school and gave the sum of the whole; and this without having house for the blind; and let the blessings of education felt the face of the figures, depending entirely upon reach them, as it has done their fellow sufferers the deaf their recollection of their order. This we regard as a and dumb. very remarkable exercise of the faculty of memory.

We followed the little folks next into their supper room, where they soon satisfied us that a good appetite is by no means dependent upon vision. Good order, indeed, prevailed at the table, but the evidences of taste were particularly observable. After the close of this interesting exercise, little Willam Hartz went through with his devotions in German. He subsequent. ly sung, with a most mirth-provoking accent, a German song, adding thereto by way of close, an imitation of William Graham's French horn, with some words of the little imitator's own supplying.

The company then adjourned to the play ground, where the little blind pupils amused themselves with gymnastic exercises, in which they appeared very expert. Theodore and little William amused the visiters by a race.

Some one gave William Hartz a piece of money; he felt of it with great satisfaction, and having fingered out the denomination of the piece, he forthwith thrust it into his lowest pocket, with a look of the most perfect satisfaction. "And what will you do with that money?" asked Mr. Snyder, a gentleman in some way connected, and from his manner, we should think beneficially connected,

Mr. Friedlander, will shortly make a public exhibition of the advancement of his pupils; and we trust that the event will prove most fortunate for the blind.

From the daily papers.

Independent Democrats.

Isaac Mount

Wm. Ripperger

Hugh Catherwood
Charles Shaw

A. R. Gemeny
John D. Miles

John Horn
John Snyder

Thos. Cave



James Redman



Moore Wharton


New Market.

248 William Abbott





244 Thomas G. Conner

314 William Erringer

310 Robert E. Johnston 149

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Edward Parker


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Dock Ward-W. W. Thackara,

Chesnut-John Ward,

Walnut-N. Holland.

Upper Delaware-E. Mustin.

Lower Delaware-M. L. Gordon.
High Street-Thomas Snowden.
Cedar-Joshua Andrews.
Locust-John Rutherford.
North Mulberry-R. Savage.
Middle-C. Dobbin.

Pine C. F. Hockly.
New Market-B. Jones, jr.

South Mulberry-E. T. Scott.
High Street-Snowden.

First Ward.

Lewis Lowry

Miles N. Carpenter

William B. Hunt Chris, B. Merckle

Robert Strain Wm. Dougherty

248 Wm. Drum

CULTURE OF SILK.-We had presented to us a few days since, a skein of superior sewing silk, manufactured by Mr. Ira Glazier, of McKean township, in this county, from cocoons of his own raising. It was equal in strengh and texture to any of the imported. We are informed that this is the first experiment of the kind made in this county; and are happy to learn that it has been attended with such success, as to warrant Mr. G. in devoting increasing attention to the business. We understand that from his experiment and estimates, it would be the most profitable business to which a man of a family with a very small lot of ground could turn his attention. From this and the experiments that have been made in other places, we are satisfied, that this 230 country can very easily be rendered independent of any foreign nations, for the article of silks; and more particularly sewing silk.-Erie Observer.

247 David Woelpper 231

Second Ward.

203 Charles Harbert 203 J. W. Wyncoop Third Ward.

104 B. M. Hough
108 Wm. Reed



BEAVER MEADOW RAIL ROAD.-It is with much pleasure that we have to announce to the public, that our enterprising neighbors (the Beaver Meadow Company) 46 have concluded to extend their rail road down the val


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