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duty; and then, according to Eph. vi. 6-8, do it willingly and cheerfully as unto the Lord, and not to man; knowing that whatever good thing any man doth, the same shall he receive of the Lord.

65. Resolved, to exercise myself much in this all my life long, viz. with the greatest openness to declare my ways to God, and lay open my soul to him: all my sins, temptations, difficulties, sorrows, fears, hopes, desires, and every thing, and every circumstance; according to Dr. Manton's 27th sermon on the 119th Psalm,

67. Resolved, after afflictions, to inquire, What I am the better for them; what good I have got, and what I might have got by them."


Extracts from his Diary.

Though Mr. Edwards wrote his Diary for his own private use, exclusively, it is not apprehended that the following extracts are unfairly exposed to public view. That which is calculated to do good, and is per

fectly consistent with an author's real reputation, may be published with honour, whatever his design might be while writing. Besides, what Mr. Edwards wished to have effectually concealed from every eye but his own, he wrote in a particular short hand. After having written pretty much in that character, he adds this remark in long hand; "Remember to act according to Prov. xii. 23. A prudent man concealeth knowledge."

Saturday, Dec. 22, 1722.-This day, revived by God's Holy Spirit. Affected with the sense of the excellency of holiness. Felt more exercise of love to Christ than usual. Have also felt sensible repentance for sin, because it was committed against so merciful and good a God. This night, made the 37th Resolution.

Sabbath night, Dec. 23.-Made the 38th Resolution.

Monday, Dec. 24.-Higher thoughts than usual of the excellency of Jesus Christ and his kingdom.

Wednesday, Jan. 2, 1723.-Dull. I find by experience, that let me make resolu

tions, and do what I will, with never so many inventions, it is all nothing, and to no purpose at all, without the motions of the Spirit of God: for if the Spirit of God should be as much withdrawn from me always, as for the week past, notwithstanding all I do, I should not grow; but should languish, and miserably fade away. There is no dependence upon myself. It is to no purpose to resolve, except we depend on the grace of God; for if it were not for his mere grace, onc might be a very good man one day, and a very wicked one the next.

Sabbath, Jan. 6, at night.-Much concerned about the improvement of precious time. Intend to live in continual mortification, without ceasing, as long as in this world.

Tuesday, Jan. 8, in the morning.-Higher thoughts than usual of the excellency of Christ, and felt an unusual repentance for sin therefrom.

Wednesday, Jan. 9, at night.-Decayed. I am sometimes apt to think, I have a great deal more of holiness than I really have. I

find, now and then, that abominable corruption which is directly contrary to what I read respecting eminent christians. How deceitful is my heart! I take up a strong resolution, but how soon does it weaken!

Thursday, Jan. 10, about noon.-Reviving. Tis a great dishonour to Christ, in whom I hope I have an interest, to be uneasy at my worldly state and condition:-When I see the prosperity of others, and that all things go easy with them; when the world is smooth to them, and they are happy in many respects, and very prosperous, or are advanced to much honour, &c. to envy them, or be the least uneasy at it; or even to wish for the same prosperity, and that it would ever be so with me. Wherefore concluded, always to rejoice in every one's prosperity, and to expect for myself no happiness of that nature as long as I live; but reckon upon afflictions, and betake my self entirely to another happiness.

I think I find myself much more sprightly and healthy, both in body and mind, for my self-denial in eating, drinking, and sleeping. I think it would be advantageous

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every morning to consider my business and temptations; and what sins I shall be ex posed to that day: and to make a resolu, tion how to improve the day, and to avoid those sins. And so at the beginning of every week, month, and year.-I never knew before what was meant by not setting our hearts upon these things. It is not to care about them, depend upon them, afflict ourselves much with fears of losing them, or please ourselves with expectation of obtaining them, or hope of their continuance. At night made the 41st Resolution.

Saturday, Jan. 12, in the morning.-I have this day solemnly renewed my baptismal covenant and self-dedication, which I renewed when I was received into the communion of the church. I have been before God; and have given myself, all that I am and have to God, so


not in any respect my own: I can claim no right in myself, no right in this understanding, this will, these affections that are in me; neither have I any right to this body, or any of its members no right to


tongue, these hands, nor feet: no

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