A TREATISE UPON GROWTH IN GRACE, AS BEGUN AND CARRIED ON IN FELLOWSHIP AND COMMUNION WITH THE PERSONS EVERLASTING LOVE, BY FAITH IN THE SON'S BY THE REV. SAMUEL EYLES PIERCE, TRURO, CORNWALI. With a Recommendatory Preface LONDON. But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour LONDON: Printed by W. Nicholson, Warner Street, AND AND SOLD BY T. WILLIAMS, STATIONERS' COURT; . 141. MD CCCIV. m. 522. THE PREFACE. HE principal intention of a Preliminary Address is to introduce the reader to a partial acquaintance with the work before him, prior to its perusal, by giving him a distinct, though concise view of its nature and scope, the matter of its composition, and the manner of its execution. But, as the subject, nature, design, and plan of this treatise are clearly and fully stated by the author in a copious introduction, the necessity of a preface seems almost, if not wholly, superseded. Yet, notwithstanding this is my confirmed opinion, as the partiality of friendship has assigned me the office, and imposed upon me the obligation of addressing thee, I will readily, in this instance, sacrifice sentiment to affection, and judgment to duty. However, that I may not detain thee a moment, by unnecessary delay, from so rich an intellectual repast, as the good providence of God has prepared for thy use in the present invaluable treatise on Growth in Grace, I will reluctantly say little on the occasion of its publication, when I could willingly say much. Indeed, to say much on behalf of a performance, whose intrinsic merit is its strongest recommendation, would not only be unnecessary, but superfluous; whilst, on the other hand, to be wholly silent would not only, in my opinion, savour of cold indifference to the subject itself, but amount to an act of positive criminality to the church of Christ. Allow me therefore to say, after a most attentive and critical perusal, that the subject of this work is not only of infinite and unparalleled importance in itself, and of universal concern to the Church of the Great Jehovah, but, that it contains a greater quantity of excellent matter, compressed within the narrow limits of a duodecimo, than is comprized in many large folios. This little vol. presents thee with a table well furnished-a table laden with rich abundance-with rich abundance of the choicest viands, which wisdom has provided for her guests. Reader, it is my province on the present occasion, as a servant in the royal house, to usher thee into the Guest Chamber, where a spiritual feast is prepared for thy entertainment-a feast infinitely more sumptuous than that of Ahasuerus or Belshazzar-a feast for all the Lord's people-(to use the sublime language of the prophet) "A feast of delicacies, a feast of old wines, "Of delicacies exquisititely rich, of old wines perfectly refined."-Is: L. Translation. Besides, the work is executed with that judgment and ability, which a subject of such importance, depth, mystery, and sublimity demanded, and in a manner which reflects infinite honour on the master, whilst it discovers the servant to be a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. From the fullest conviction, therefore, of the real merit of this Treatise, I do most cordially and earnestly recommend it to thy attentive and frequent perusal, firmly persuaded that the blessing of the great Head of the Church, that maketh rich, will |