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tion and every grace and benefit thereof. The various cases and frames, which the called have the repeated experience of, serve as an occasion for the Holy Ghost to prove and manifest the immutability of his love to them. O how transcendent is this grace! for him to dwell in us, notwithstanding we are in our fallen nature the subjects of sin and death. It is his great work and office in the souls of the regenerate to give a comprehensive sight and sense of what they are; and he shews the believer by a variety of experiences how the word of God suits him, and how sweetly and suitably the Lord speaks to him in it. He gives the soul an inward relish of the sweetness of it, and thus leads it to Christ by the word and into real communion with Christ by faith in it. Hereby he sweetly shews, that like as all the sweets scattered throughout the whole creation are in their utmost perfection in Christ; so all the grace contained in the word and promises of God is treasured up in Him who filleth all in all. As the Holy Ghost carries on his most blessed work in the soul, according to his most faithful and true promise in the word; so he does it likewise by and with the word, which he continues to put life and light into. There are various acts and influences performed and put forth by the Holy Ghost in the soul,

which faith hath not the least perception of, nor are the effects immediately perceived. Nothing is more sure than that the gifts and calling of God are without repentance, that the Lord doth not forsake the work of his hands, and that he will accomplish in his people all the good pleasure of his will. In the whole work of the Holy Ghost within us and upon us we are entirely pafsive. And as we could not live a natural life one single moment, unless the Lord by his continual act did breathe in at our nostrils the breath of life; so we could not have spiritual life continued in us, if the Holy Ghost did not continually breathe within us; though this is to us imperceptible. The Psalmist confefseth this truth, saying, "Who holdeth our soul in life". As the whole work of God on the soul, in regeneration, conversion, sanctification, and perseverance to the end, is the fruit of the new creation; so it is styled by the apostle a new creature. He says to the Galatians, "For in Christ Je"sus neither circumcision availeth any

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thing, nor uncircumcision, but a new "creature"." Now, as no creature can support itself, but must receive its support and continuance in being from the Lord; so must also the new creature, And, as the sustentation of the universe b Psalm lxvi. 9. Gal. vi. 15.

and the preservation of it from falling into its chaotic state are as great a proof of Godhead as creation is itself, being equal to a continued act of it; so the maintaining of spiritual life in the newborn soul, and the drawing of it forth into act and exercise, in carrying on the work of faith with power, are a standing proof and constant evidence in the regenerate of the eternal power and Godhead of the Holy Ghost. We should study and seek to gain from the inspired word a spiritual knowledge of his personal, relative, and covenant-offices, titles, names, and characters, that from hence we might learn to worship him, to give him the glory of his distinct personality, and honour him for the part and office, which he exercises on our behalf agreeably to the transactions of the divine and co-efsential Three in the well-ordered covenant. It may serve to give light and lustre to this great and important subject, and imprefs it with divine weight and energy on the mind, if mention be made, and some account given of those names and titles, by which this divine agent is denominated and spoken of in the written word. Some of them exprefs his efsence and personality; some his relation to the other co-equal and co-eternal persons in the self-existing efsence. And others,

which are exprefsive of his work and office in the everlasting covenant, shew how he stands related to his church and people, and what they may expect to receive from him, as the spirit of grace and supplication.

It may not be improper to begin with that name which is given him, that is descriptive of his nature, and exprefsive of his distinct personality in the incomprehensible and Efsential Godhead. The name whereby the third person in the Trinity is most commonly known, distinguished, and called in Scripture, is The Spirit. By this title the third person in God is denoted both in the Old and New Testament. In this name are included and implied his nature, efsence, and personality. He is distinguished by this appellation in the first chapter of Genesis, verse the second, where his distinct personality is very clearly pointed out: and this is noticed by the royal prophet in Psalm xxxiii. 6. which is his comment on the first and second verses of the first chapter of Genesis. His words are these, By the word of "the Lord were the Heavens made; and "all the host of them by the breath of "his mouth." In which all the divine personalities are thus exprefsed: viz. The Lord, The word of the Lord, and the Breath (or Spirit) of his mouth,


which is the Holy Ghost, who proceedeth from the Father and the Son. What God is essentially, that he is as personally considered. God is a Spirit-incomprehensible. So saith our Lord. Though some good critics in the Greek say, that text reads more properly thus, The Spirit is God. Which name, as peculiarly, personally, and properly applied to the Holy Ghost, declares the special manner and order of his existence in the incomprehensible efsence. This is pointed out by Christ in the form of baptism commanded by him, which is to be performed, "In the name of the Father, "and of the Son, and of the Holy "Ghost"." Wherever there is mention made of the Holy Spirit, his relation to the Father and the Son is included. His names exprefsive of his relation to the Father and the Son are, The Spirit of the Lord, The Spirit of God, The Spirit of the Living God, The Spirit of the Father, The Spirit of the Son, and The Spirit of Christ. His other names and titles are descriptive of his work and office in the economy of grace; such as, The good Spirit, The Spirit of Holinefs, or Holy Spirit, The Spirit of Grace and Supplication, The Comforter, or Advocate, The Spirit of Truth, with others exprefsive of his great love to his b Matt. xxviii. 19.

* John iv. 24,

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