A Practical View of Christian Education in Its Earliest Stages |
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Page 12
... counteract his advancement in religious attainments ? In most cases , I fear , even where better things might be hoped , these questions must be answered in the negative . The efforts made in favour of the religious iinprovement of ...
... counteract his advancement in religious attainments ? In most cases , I fear , even where better things might be hoped , these questions must be answered in the negative . The efforts made in favour of the religious iinprovement of ...
Page 13
... counteracted , not only in its commencement , but even before it appears , by guarding against dispositions and practices , which , though not wrong in themselves , are dangerous from their natural alliance with those which are so ? Are ...
... counteracted , not only in its commencement , but even before it appears , by guarding against dispositions and practices , which , though not wrong in themselves , are dangerous from their natural alliance with those which are so ? Are ...
Page 15
... counteracted , will infallibly render it more and more desperate ; and the evils it threatens are of infinite magnitude , and of eternal duration . What , then , can you think of your negligence ? Are you not most cruelly deficient in ...
... counteracted , will infallibly render it more and more desperate ; and the evils it threatens are of infinite magnitude , and of eternal duration . What , then , can you think of your negligence ? Are you not most cruelly deficient in ...
Page 17
... counteract their practical effects . Parents , who are wanting in sedulous attention to their children , are often very strict in the examination of them- selves , and eminent for tenderness of conscite , for ha- en tred of sin , for ...
... counteract their practical effects . Parents , who are wanting in sedulous attention to their children , are often very strict in the examination of them- selves , and eminent for tenderness of conscite , for ha- en tred of sin , for ...
Page 28
... counteract the evils of its nature , and to prepare the way for that radical change , that new birth , promised in baptism , and the darling object of the hopes of every parent who looks on the cove- nants in that holy rite , not as ...
... counteract the evils of its nature , and to prepare the way for that radical change , that new birth , promised in baptism , and the darling object of the hopes of every parent who looks on the cove- nants in that holy rite , not as ...
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Common terms and phrases
acquainted affection all-seeing eye amusement ance appear attained attention better British Parliament catechism cation cern character chil child Christ christian conduct connex counteract course creatures deceit declension diso dispositions divine blessing divine grace dren duty early educa employed endeavour eral evil example excite Exer exercise exertions expect fault favour feelings give God's blessing grace guard habits happiness heart high importance holy Holy Spirit hope human humour impression indulgence instruction kind lead less lesson ligion look means ment mind motives nature ness obedience object occasions offspring pains parent perhaps Pharisees pleasure ples practice prayer present principles proceed promote punishment religion religious repentance respect rewards Saviour scholar Scripture seldom selfishness sense sion soul specting spirit suffer temper temptations tence tender things tion true truth vicegerents wrong young family
Popular passages
Page 82 - And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: and thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.
Page 20 - Solomon refers to the power of hnltit when he says, " train up a child in the way in which he should go ; and when he is old he will not depart from it ;" a power which cannot be employed too early in the aid of virtue and religion.
Page ii - Co. of the said district, have deposited in this office the title of a book, the right whereof they claim as proprietors, in the words following, to wit : " Tadeuskund, the Last King of the Lenape. An Historical Tale." In conformity to the Act of the Congress of the United States...
Page 102 - ... godliness hath promise of the life that now is," as well as of that which is to come.
Page 163 - And David said unto Gad, I am in a great strait: let me fall now into the hand of the LORD; for very great are his mercies: but let me not fall into the hand of man.
Page 186 - But all is in His hand whose praise I seek. In vain the poet sings, and the world hears, If He regard not, though divine the theme. 'Tis not in artful measures, in the chime And idle tinkling of a minstrel's lyre, To charm His ear, whose eye is on the heart ; Whose power can disappoint the proudest strain, Whose approbation — prosper even mine.
Page 136 - I entreat you, the experiment for yourselves, and you will find that the " ways of religion are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace.
Page 33 - If his own feelings are impressed by the picture he presents, those of his child are not likely to be altogether unmoved. But reverse the case as to the parent, and what is to be expected from the child ? Who can be so absurd as to hope, that, when religious truths are taught as a schoolmaster teaches the grammar, good impressions will be made on the heart ? Do we see in fact, that when the Catechism la so taught, any such i sion is made.
Page 29 - Is it not reasonable to suppose, that if an infant sympathises with a smile, it may also sympathise with a scowl, and catch somewhat of the inward disposition which distorts the features of the nurse ? Thus begin the efforts of a parent to cherish all that is benevolent and affectionate in the bosom of a child ; and to prevent the growth of every thing of an opposite nature. And who shall presume to assign limits to the importance of such efforts in the education of a being whose leading disposition,...
Page ii - DISTRICT OF MASSACHUSETTS, TO WIT. DISTRIcT CLERK'S OFFIcE. BE it remembered, that on the...