AS CONNECTED WITH THE INTRODUCTION OF CHRISTIANITY, INTENDED PRIMARILY FOR THE USE OF YOUNG PERSONS OF EITHER SEX, DURING THE COURSE OF PUBLIC OR OF PRIVATE EDUCATION. By THOMAS GISBORNE, A. M. r "Jefus faith to Peter, Simon, fon of Jonas, lovest thou me ?—He THE SECOND EDITION. JOHN, xxi. 15. LONDON: Printed by A. Strahan, Printers-Street; FOR T. CADELL JUN. AND W. DAVIES IN THE STRAND. ΤΟ THE REVEREND BENJAMIN HEATH, FELLOW OF ETON COLLEGE, ETC. D.D. DEAR SIR, IF I venture to affert that more than customary attention might advantageously be allotted to the inculcation of Christian principles and knowledge on the youth of this country; let me not be thought defirous of loading their inftructors with harsh and indifcriminate cenfure. My own perfonal experience might lead me to a more equitable conclufion. Nearly fix of the earlier years of my education were configned to the care of a clergyman (a); whofe life exemplified the religious leffons, which he endeavoured to imprefs on his pupils. The years intervening between private tuition and the univerfity were paffed at the very eminent public (a) The Rev. John Pickering, of Mackworth near Derby. (iv) school (b), over which you then prefided. I recollect with pleasure that the head clafs, which was under your immediate fuperintendence, was regularly occupied during one morning in the common days of the week in the ftudy of fome book of a religious nature. Nor was this the only effort pointed to the fame end in the conduct of the fchool. But I fear that many young perfons, if summoned from feminaries of repute to a public examination, would give a better account of the fabled wanderings of Ulyffes and Æneas than of the heaven-directed journeyings of Mofes and Saint Paul; and would display a more intimate acquaintance with the fortunes of Athens and Rome, than with the historical progress of a religion defigned to be their supreme comfort and guide through life, and the means of acquiring eternal happiness. The principal fault, when faults exist, is not in the preceptor, but in the parent. The former is to water the plant; the latter must fow the feed. But how often does the parent limit his concern for the best interefts of his children to the decorum of mere morals: without impreffing on their minds, perhaps without (b) At Harrow on the Hill. feeling |