Missions in Western Africa among the Soosoos, Bulloms, &c.; being the first undertaken by the Church Missionary Society for Africa and the East. With an Introduction containing-I. A Sketch of Western Africa; with a description of the principal tribes inhabiting that coast.-II. A Brief History of the Slave Trade to the present day.-III. Some account of the early African churches.-IV. A condensed Survey of all the missionary exertions in modern times in favour of Africa, By the Rev. Samuel Abraham Walker, A.M.
The Doctrine of Original Sin; or, the Native State and Character of Man unfolded. By George Payne, LL.D.
The Mission of the Church; or, Remarks on the Relative Importance of Home and Foreign missionary Effort in the present state of the world. By Peter Rylands.
The Christian urged to Usefulness. An Address to the Churches of Christ. By Charles Larom.
The Dissenter's Plea for his Nonconformity; exhibited in a course of Lectures on the Rise, Reign, Religion, and Ruin of Antichrist, or Mystical Babylon. By William Jones, M.A.
The Typology of the Scriptures; or, the doctrine of Types investigated in its Principles, and applied to the explanation of the earlier revelations of God, considered as preparatory exhibitions of the leading truths of the gospel. With an Appendix, on the Restoration of the Jews. By the Rev. Patrick Fairbairn Salton.
Richard the Third. A Poem. By Sharon Turner, F.A.S., and R.A.S.L. Elements of Physics. By C. F. Peschel, Principal of the Royal Military College at Dresden, &c. Translated from the German. With Notes. By E. West. Illustrated with Diagrams and Woodcuts. Part I.-Ponderable Bodies.
Christian Philosophy; or Materials for Thought. By the author of 'Skeletons and Sketches of Sermons,' &c.
An Account of the Machine-wrought Hosiery Trade, its Extent, and the Condition of the Frame-work-knitters; being a paper read in the Statistical Section, at the second York meeting of the British Association, held Sept. 18, 1844; together with evidence given under the Hosiery Commission Inquiry, &c. By W. Felkin, F.L.S.
Popery and Puseyism sketched, in two rejected letters. With supplementary remarks on the Signs of the Times. By S. Thorrowgood.
Christ; the Christian's God and Saviour. In Four Parts. By the late Rev. James Spence, M.A.
Memoir of the Rev. John Watson. By William Lindsay Alexander, M.A. Tracts and Treatises. By John De Wycliffe, D.D. With Selections and Translations from his Manuscripts and Latin Works. Edited for the Wycliffe Society. With an Introductory Memoir. By the Rev. R. Vaughan, D.D.
The Druid's Talisman, a Legend of the Peak; with other Poems. By the Rev. John Marshall, A.B.
A Voice from the Sanctuary on the Missionary Enterprise; being a series of Discourses delivered in America, before the Protestant Episcopal Board of Foreign Missions, the American Board of Foreign Missions, &c. By the most eminent divines of that country, belonging to various denominations. With an Introduction by James Montgomery, Esq.
The Biblical Repository and Classical Review. Edited by James Holmes Agnew. Third Series, No. II.; whole No., LVIII. April, 1845.
The Mystery of God's Dealing with the Jews. By A. C. Barclay.
Anderson, W., Discourses, 373 Anti-Corn Law League, 101; statis- tistics of employment, 102; agri- cultural distress, 106; high prices and emigration, 108; and crime, 109; county constituencies, 101, 112; plan for increase of voters, 113; practicable, 115; not uncon- stitutional, 120; power of the League,' 123; its example to be imitated, ib. Anti-State Church Conferènce, tracts
of, 1; a practical interest in the question compatible with spiritu- ality of heart, 3; the Gospel in- cludes controversial topics, as well as essential doctrines, 8; is to be specially applied to the evils of the present time, 10; how to teach, as necessary as what to teach, 11 ; no blessing promised to prudence, or policy, in the exhibition of truth, 15; importance of the state- church question, 17; self-denial and examination required, 18; Christ, sole lawgiver and king in his church, 21
Bähr, W. F., on Colossians, 296 Barrere, Memoirs of, 151; held in great respect in his native pro- vince, 153; editorship of the vo-
lume, 158; its heterogeneous cha- racter, 161; Committee of General Safety, 163; Second Committee of Public Safety, 165; Barrere as its reporter, 166, 171
Beard, Dr. J. R, Latin made Easy, 750
Bell, Dr. Andrew, 249; arrival at Madras, 251; founds the Orphan Asylum, 253; monitorial system suggested and introduced, 254; priority of Paulet, 256; Bell's Si- necure Chaplaincies, 252; en- couragement in the line of the church,' 257; correspondence with Lancaster, 262; with Mrs. Trim- mer, 267, 272; formation of Nati- onal Society, 275; to which he acts as Inspector-general, ib.; his death, 279; character, ib.; ava- rice, 276, 281; vanity, 282; con- trasted with Lancaster, 284 Berkeley, G. F., Defence of Game Laws, 463; such Laws opposed to natural sense of right and justice, 465; injurious to farmers, 466, 489; specific evils, 468, 470; Mr. Berkeley's disregard of facts, 473; fondness for executing the law, 476, 481; new remedy for poach- ing, and argument for Sabbath ob- servance, 480; style, 490; Sydney
Smith, 484; peculiar burdens of land, 485; Mr. Bright's speech,
Böehmer, G., on Colossians, 296; Philippians, 634
Borrer, D., Journey to Jerusalem, 219; Athens, 220; Alexandria, 221; the Pyramids, ib.; Sinai, 222; adventure at Hebron, 223; Jerusalem, 224
Botta, C., History of War of Inde- pendence of United States, 444; character of early colonists, 445 ; their grievances, 446; incompe- tence of British ministers, ib.; and generals, 447; declaration of in- dependence, 448; French alliance, 449; Saratoga, 450; Valley Forge, 452; Wyoming, 453; republican avarice, 456; campaign of the Caro- linas, 458; independence acknow- ledged, 461; lesson to be learnt in regard to Ireland, ib. Bowditch, J., Vindication of Major General Napier, 540 Breen, H. S., St. Lucia, 126 Browning, C. A., Convict Ship, 373
Carlyle, T., his works, 377; Sartor Resartus, 378; French Revolu- tion, 379; Chartism, 382; Essays, 390; Hero Worship, 383; Past and Present, 390; his estimate of Mahommed, 385, Johnson, 388, Rousseau, 389, Burns, ib., Crom- well, 390; his style, 393; Sir Ja- besh Windbag, 391; not a panthe- ist, 394; but to be read with cau- tion, 397 Carpenter, W. B., Animal Physiolo- logy, 375
Christian Union, essays on, 664; subjects and authors, 684; sources of disunion-bitterness of contro- versy, 667; denominationalism, 668; antisocialism, 669; party spirit in Scotland, 672; causes of failure of schemes of union, 672; exclusiveness of state religionism, 673; visibility not the ultimate end of union, 676; truth its basis, 678; practical suggestions, 682 Cobbin, J., Child's Commentator, 245
Colleges, Dissenting, 88; too little valued, 90; Foreign Theological Seminaries, 92; Norwich Confe-
rence, 95; papers read there, ib. ; settlement of students not a col- lege concern, 97
Collegian's Guide, 651; defects of present university system, 656; cramming, 658; ordination as a means of conversion, 661; college debts, 662; low standard of mo- rality, 663 Colossians, Epistle to, 296; its ob- ject, 297; the kind of philosophy condemned, 304; analysis of con- tents, 317; whether Paul founded the Colossian church, 310 Complete Suffrage Almanac, 126 Congregational Calendar, 126
Deane, J. P., Doctrine and Disci- pline of Church of England, 346; confusion of that uniform church, 347; as an institution an enor- mous fraud, 348, and failure, 366; conservative party in it. 350; evangelical, 351; tractarian, 353; policy of its prelates, 354; their nepotism, 356; its servility, 358; lax morality, 359; dread of re- form, 360; assumption and intole- rance, 364; aristocratic sympa- thies, 369; at the mercy of circum- stances and premiers. 367 Dickens, C., the Chimes, 71; de- scription of Toby Veck, ib.; his daughter, 73; Will Fern, 79; wrongs of the poor, 83; Lilian, 85 Dissent, its character, causes, &c., 127 Dittenburger, T. W., on Seminaries for preachers, 88
Duncan, J., History of Guernsey, 540; its institutions, 543; Judi- cial proceedings, 544; legislature, ib. tenure of land, 546; taxation, 547; religious state, 550; strange conduct of governor, ib. ; ques- tion of Habeas Corpus, 554
Ford, D. E., Laodicea, 630 Friends, Society of, their conduct to the Indian tribes, 685; purchase and peopling of the Jerseys, 687; origin of colony of Pennsylvania, 686, 689; aims of Penn, 690; treaty with the Indians, 691; its result and influence, 692; rights of aborigines, 694
Fryxell, A., History of Sweden, 333;
character of translation, 346; phi- lological importance of Scandina- vian annals, 334; early Swedish legends, 336; King Rolph's court, 337; massacre of Stockholm, 340; Gustavus Wasa, 341; genius not hereditary, 343; Erick, XIV., 344 Fuller, A., complete works, 631
Halley, Dr. R., on the sacraments,
129; their true office, 132; error of sacramental salvation, 133; general mistake of the congrega- tional lecturers, 134; sacramental institutions, 136; their perpetuity and design, 143; not attestations of grace, 144; the Agapæ, 137, 142; Jewish proselyte baptism, 146; John's baptism, 150 Hebrew English Lexicon, a new, 124
Johnston, C., Travels in Abyssinia,
400; Sullan of Tajourah, ib.; mi- rage, 403; attempt at assassination, 404; Dankalli war tactics, 406; causes of failure of English em- bassy to Shoa, 410 Justin Martyr, 186; his writings, 189; their moral qualities, 192; defects, 198; his religious charac- ter, 194; opinions on the Logos, 201; influences opposed to chris- tianity in his day, 197
Keble, J., De Poeticæ vi Medica, 22; modern style of composition criticized, 24, 26; author's theory of poetry, 26, 37; source of delight in natural scenery, 28; indications of the poetical in common life, 30; its historical origin, 33; biblical poetry, 34; criteria of true poe- try, consistency, 36, unaffected- ness, 37, reserve in expression, ib.; this definition incomplete, 40; the idea of beauty or sublimity essential, 40
Kitto, Dr., Pictorial Sunday Book, 245
Knight's Book of Reference, 246 Knight, C., Library Edition of Shakspere, 628
Lancaster, Joseph, 247; becomes a schoolmaster, 259; introduces teaching by monitors, 260; his claims to the discovery of the me-
thod, 261; correspondence with Dr. Bell, 262; Mrs. Trimmer's insinua- tions and their effect, 265–7; his progress and popularity, 269; pe- cuniary failings, 270, 272; forma- tion of British and Foreign School Society, 272; second marriage in Carraccas, 277; death at New York, 278; character, 279, 284; his system opposed to unitari- anism and deism, 291; notices of his friends; W. Carston, 285; J. Fox, 286; W. Allen, 288; J. Foster, 289; the State not to be trusted with education, 293 Lee, Mrs. R., Natural History, 45, 52
Literary Intelligence, 129; 248; 376; 508; 631; 751
Macintosh, Sir J., Life of Sir Thomas More, 247
M'Kerrow, J., History of Secession Church, 695; patronage, 696; sermon of E. Erskine, 697; his protest, ib., secession, 701; hos- tility of the assembly to popular rights, 703; the Associate Pres- bytery formed, 705; failure of formularies to secure uniformity, 706; evils of subscription, 707; burghers and anti-burghers, 711 Madge, Thomas; Lectures, 209; commended, 211, 219; persecuting spirit of Puseyism, 213; aposto- lical succession, 215; right of private judgment, 217; distinc- tion between right and power, ib. Marryatt, Captain, Adventures of Monsieur Violet, 712; censurable preface, 714; distinction between love of the wilderness and of savage life, 716; gross improba- bility of the story, 717; adventure with a rattle snake, 720; escape from the buffaloes, 721 Matthias, C. S., on Philippians, 634 Maynooth, Grant to, 490; title of Roman catholics to civil rights, 492, but not to religious endow- ments, ib. foundation of college, 494; original proposal, 496, 502; modified form, 497; subsequent Acts, 498; first legislative grant, 504; fallacy of argument from original contract, 505; protestant episcopacy in Ireland, 506 ;-
Endowment Bill, 606; gross in- consistency of Tory leaders and party, 607; Lord John Russell's opinion, 612; non-conformist al- liance with the Whigs, 613, 743; debate in the Commons, 615; established church the great grievance of Ireland, 616; Mr. Bright's reasons for opposing the Bill, 617; mixed character of its opponents, 621; state of public opinion, 619; resolutions of dis- senting bodies, 623; conferences against the Bill, 735; temper of that held in Crosby Hall, ib.; its resolutions against state inter- ference with religion, 737; and the regium donum 738; false posi- tion of the distributors of the grant, 739; address of the con- ference to the Irish people, 740; electoral resolutions, 744; neces- sity for nonconformist representa- tives in parliament, 746; duty of dissenters, 506, 747
Modern Orator, The, 751
Mynster, J. P., Theological Essays, 634
Nisbet, James, The French in Rheinstadt, 242
Paget, F. E., Prayers on behalf of Church of England, 346 Pascal: Thoughts, &c., edited by P. Faugère, 53; posthumously published, mutilated and corrupt- ed, 54; Vinet's Notice of, quoted, 55; Pascal not a secret sceptic, 64; his writings evangelical, 66; their value at this epoch, 65; outline of contents, 67-69 Payne, Dr., Letter to Sir C. E. Smith on the Maynooth Bill, 622 Pearsall, J. S., Outlines of Congre- gationalism, 372
Penny Cyclopædia, Supplement, 630 Philippians, Epistle to, 634; where
and when written, 635; and by whom, 637; peculiarities in, 643; authenticity of, 645; summary of contents, 648
Pyer, C. S., Wild Flowers, 243
Reynard the Fox, 319; its popu- larity, 320; outline of the satire, 322; general similarity to Vision
of Piers Ploughman, 329; histo- rical importance of such works, 330; the clergy held in no great reverence in the middle ages, 331, 332
Rix, S. W., Peril and Security, 629 Ripa, Father, Memoirs of, 174; his early history, 175; sermons Rome, 177; mission to China, 178; hunting expeditions of the emperor, 179; his amusements, 185; Chinese beds, 184
Ridgeley, T., Body of Divinity, 507 Robinson's Biblical Researches, au- thorship of, 208
Sabine, Lieut. Col., Wrangell's Ex- pedition, 245
Saul, a Dramatic Sketch, 247 Schinz, W. H., on Philippians, 634 Schott, H. A., Theology at Jena, 88 Scott, W., Arithmetic and Algebra, 629
Scott, Walter, Congregational Lec-
ture, Second Edit., 725; defective scholarship, 727; his reply to former criticisms, 726; his philo- logical arguments, 730; reviewer's strictures on, 728-730 Semisch's Justin Martyr, 186; style of the translation, 191
Smith, Sir C. E., Encyclical Letter of Gregory XVI., 247; Dr. Payne's Letter to, 622
Smith, G., Domestic Prayer Book,
Songs for the Nursery, 42; Speci- mens, 43-45
Southey, R., Life of Bell, 247, 295 Spalding, S., Philosophy of Chris- tian Morals, 579; problem of man's nature and destiny, 580; ethics no final science, 582; but not there- fore to be slighted, 584; not really at variance with scriptural repre- sentations, 592; defects of Paley's system, 585; some principles of natural morality in all men, 586; the criteria of internal evidences of christianity, 590; life of author, 595; outline of work, 596; views on conscience, 598; of the nature of virtue, 600-603 Steudel, J. C. F., Seminary at Wir- temberg, 88
Stoughton, J., Notices of Windsor, 372
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