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SER M. no regard to religion and virtue. If God XVII. has a regard to the general good, how

can that be effected, but by promoting religion and virtue; and therefore, if the conduct of providence is rational, there must be some tendency in the course of events to fupport this defign, that at laft the cause of truth and righteousness may prevail. It is true, that we do not fee that things have this direction in the world; perhaps, through the narrowness of our minds, as we have not access to view the whole of the divine plan; yet it is impoffible but that it must be fo, when we confider the difficulties on every fide. The course of things toward this end must indeed be flow, as they are to be carried on confiftently with the freedom of human actions; and the wickedness of mankind may retard their progrefs, as God does not act by forcible means upon his reasonable creatures; but it will not always do fo; there must be a time, when religion and righteoufnefs fhall profper and flourish in the universe. And this is not only probable from reafon, but the fcriptures alfo affure us of it. All the great things, that are spoken of the advancement


vancement and profperity of Chrift's SER M. kingdom, are to be understood in this view; namely, that things will constantly have a tendency to the establishing of true religion; and that in the end, as it is expreffed by the prophet, the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the fea.

From what has been faid, we may' make the following inferences. And

1. From hence we may fee the reasonableness of the duty of prayer; for if God exercises a providence over mankind, and is concerned for every individual, then there is a neceffity for our applying to him, in the various circumstances we may be under. And our prayers will not be in vain, as they are made to the Governor of the univerfe, who has a tender regard for our happiness. And as we may be affured, that in the conduct of his providence, he will have a regard to the intereft of religion and virtue, so he will have a due respect to our fincere addreffes to him, fo far as is confiftent with our own, and the general good.

2. From hence alfo, good men may receive great confolation, through all the various


SER M. various viciffitudes and events of their life. For they may be well affured, that if God, who loves virtue and innocence, governs the world, he will have regard to their happiness. And if they cannot difcern, in the course of his providence, his favour here in this small part of their existence, yet they may reft fatisfied that there fhall be a juft balance of things, and that upon the whole they fhall be rendered happy. In this life, God frequently orders fuch a connection of things, that good men are rendered happy in the practice of religion and virtue; but if it. is fometimes otherwife, and they are afflicted for wife reafons, which poffibly, we cannot comprehend, they will, no doubt, have a full compensation in their future being, from the juft Governor of the world.

3. From hence alfo, vicious and wicked men, may have always juft ground of fear and terror; for it is certain, that they can have no right to the care and concern of providence; they can have no grounds to truft in it, or to hope in its favourable protection. Though for fome time they are permitted to go on and profper, they have no claim to the continu



ance of its favour; and they may juftlys ER M. dread the judgment which will at length take place. Some circumstances, and fome connection between them and good men, may prevent at present, a juft vengeance; but this will not always be; there will be a time when the juftice of heaven shall be confpicuous. And how terrible must it be for a reasonable mind, to reflect, that it has no claim to the goodness of heaven, and that it has nothing to expect from thence but wrath and punishment? What pleasure and satisfaction can a man have in life, when he seriously confiders that he is an Outlaw of heaven, and as it were, a rebel against the Sovereign of the universe, whofe wife providence can defeat at once all his schemes of happiness, and bring him to everlasting deftruction.



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