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his edition is printed from a collation of the texts nd and third edd. of the Speech (Dodsley), and collected ed. of Burke of 1803 (Rivington). The d punctuation follow modern American usage. ch was delivered in the House of Commons, March The delivery took three hours. Within three xington and Bunker Hill were fought and the had begun.

LINE 1-Sir. The Speaker of the House.-aushe Chair. Just impartiality of the Speaker.

tion. The motion made at the end of the speech. and penal Bill. Proposed February 10, 1775, by 1. It provided that all commerce of the Colonies d to Great Britain and Ireland and the British s, and prohibited most of their important fishing

be returned. From the House of Lords, which ave it made more inclusive.

st had the honor of a seat. When was that? aking place in America? See Introduction. own about by every wind. Cf. St. Paul's Epistle sians IV, 14.

orthy member. Mr. Rose Fuller.

rmer methods. Those of the Whig minority. tform. Scheme, ground-plan-the original sense

reputably. To the damage of the reputation of g them.

bitious of ridicule. Allusion to Young's linembitious of disgrace alone!" (Payne.)

er Government. Mere theorizing.

-24 in DaAAA Note the force of brevity

ject which has been lately laid upon your table. = "Propositions for Conciliating the Differences ■, "' which provided that a proportionate share of ch colony should be contributed to the common

in the blue ribbon. The blue ribbon is he Order of the Garter, of which Lord North was

ony agents. As the Colonies had no representaliament they sent agents who watched proceeds legitimate lobbyists do to-day in our own Conklin was at one time agent for Pennsylvania, s, Maryland, and Georgia.

ce. Symbol of authority borne by the sergeantexecutive officer of the House.

acing front of our address. The address of Pare King, February 9, 1775, urging that the King ne of his power over the Colonies. "Menacing" fact that this "address" had declared a state n Massachusetts.

y bills of pains and penalties. The bills passed after the Boston Tea Party, including that which s of Boston to all commerce until the town made

[blocks in formation]

deeds of hi "Eclogues,

13, 29-f George II. 13, 30-1 first Duke the Brunsw

13, 321707.

13, 35which he p 13, 36title of Ba 15, 4-d 15, 21Cimon, an

was secretl ter Xanthi 15, 27ment had r 16, 2-f southern co

16, 3-F fishers. E

but had n

16, 10

"Moby Di

16, 23

from them.

16, 24-g

16, 37-c

nary use.

18, 6-m them.

18, 36-s perceived by

government 19, 3-gr



Couse of Brunswick. The House began with Otto, f Brunswick, in 1235. The Georges belonged to ck-Lüneburg branch.

ade Great Britain. By the union with Scotland,

igher rank of peerage. Earl, higher than Baron, eviously held.

new one. Lord Bathurst's son was given the on Apsley when he became Lord Chancellor. ceive. Make appear lighter.

oman charity. Alluding to the Roman story of old man who, condemned to death by starvation, nourished by milk from the breasts of his daughpe.

eemed even to excite your envy. Since Parliacently curtailed their fishing privileges.

ozen serpent. The Hydrus or Water Serpent, a stellation.

lkland Island. A base of supplies for whale gland and France had quarrelled over the islands, fought.

un the longitude. Sail south. See Melville's k" for its picture of New England whale-fishery. spicious. Of possible evil to the Colonies, not

ensible. The original meaning, capable of being the senses. "Liberty inheres in good and steady (Burke).

that kind. Dissenters.

ablishments. State churches.

■ad and general. "As broad and general as
."-Shakespeare, "Macbeth," III, IV, 23.
hic. Loosely used for Teutonic.-such in our
e Poles. Poland was partitioned between Aus-
and Prussia, in 1772.
ntations. Colonies.

ackstone's Commentaries. A great law work,
ority, published in 1765-1769, by Sir William

neral Gage. British general, made governor-intain-general of Massachusetts in 1774.

successful chicane. As the Colonists were for1 any town meeting after August 1, 1774, they journed to meet at some set time. See also p. 26. norable and learned friend. Thurlow, then at1, afterward Lord Chancellor.

Lo condescends to mark. To take notes, a corum in the House of Commons.

unt studia in mores. "Our pursuits take shape '—Ovid, Heroides, xv, 83; Bacon's essay "Of

far shalt thou go. Allusion to the story of

he sea.

ypt. Under British control since 1883.
mea. Under Russian control since 1783.
giers. Controlled by France since 1830.
Ch all its imperfections. "Hamlet,'' I, v, 79.
rd Dunmore. Governor of New York, and later
He was forced to flee to a man-of-war for
or a time carried on hostilities against the Colo-

ogated the ancient government of Massachu

22. The same act that forbade town meetche royal governor to appoint and remove judges


ing up the Colonies. Proposed by Dr. Tucker, cester, in 1774.

30, 15Dr. Johns Governor D

30, 27the Helots one occasic 30, 34attempted been check 31, 231, 9-Poetry," 31, 36Raleigh w attack on hast a Spa 32, 1-9 1552-1618

32, 4-D 32, 22. 33, 30 33, 32tioned to h 34, 11

men were ▾ were added brought the 35, 3-st 35, 22592-94. T and Damie swallowed 36, 29-1 pealed in 1 37, 3-A

nue could I yielded abo than £15,00


her people. The Spartans several times armed nd in the war against Carthage the Romans on armed slaves.

y same title. By popular vote.

vi termini. "By the force of the expression." claring a rebellion. See 8, 6, note.

dressed to have traitors brought hither. Petie, etc., February 13, 1769.

contemptible strength. 2,000 additional seated by Parliament, February 13, 1775, and 4,383 o the land forces by vote of February 15. This and forces up to 10,000.

tle. Intransitive use, now rare.

rbonian bog.-Milton, "Paradise Lost," II, e bog by Lake Serbon'is between Mount Cassius a, Egypt, near the border of Palestine. It has armies.

peal of a Revenue Act. The Stamp Act, re56.

erican financiers. Those who believed that reve

raised from Amanicon LOWON The set of 1767


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