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that the reunion of Christendom, for which we cannot labour and pray too earnestly, can be promoted by unauthorised and ill-considered attempts to assimilate our worship in detail to the worship of other Communions. Continuity and reunion are noble, vital, vitalising ideas. But let us be sure of this, that the only continuity that is tenable, the only reunion that can be hoped for, is a continuity, a reunion not of minute details but of great main lines. To change the metaphor, if the divided members of Christendom are ever again to be reunited, it must be by their agreeing to drink the water of life where it issues fresh from the pure source of Apostolic and primitive Christianity. We can make-we ought to make -large allowance for those whose taste still inclines them to draw their supplies from the stream where it flows broad but sullied far down the centuries. But it is false charity and shortsighted wisdom on our part to disparage the wholesomer taste which, by God's providence, we have ourselves inherited, to force strange draughts upon the reluctant palates of our own people, and so to stir up fresh strife at home while we are endeavouring to join hands abroad.

6. Finally, let us never forget that sound principles should bind us to consistent practice. Let us therefore take good heed that, from the altar of our hearts and lives, there does indeed rise up continually the true, evangelical incense of prayer and praise, of virtuous and holy living. St. Paul has taught us that kind deeds may be an odour of a sweet smell, a sacrifice acceptable, well-pleasing to God." He bids us "Walk in love as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour."

if we do them.


If we know these things happy are we

Abelard, 6
Acton, Lord:


on conscience in thirteenth century,

on Papacy's assassination policy, 96
on Ultramontane mendacity, 109,
116, 133, 135, 136
"Administration" preferable to "Cele-
bration," 313 n. 2
Adolphe Monod's Farewell, 166
Adoration of the Host, the, 144, 146,
150, 157 n. 1, 159, 162-163, 184,
315, 316-317

Adrian VI., Pope, 62
Advent Sermons (Liddon), 196
Aegean Sea, historical epoch of, 50, 51
Against Celsus (Origen), 186

Age of the Fathers, The (Bright), 223
Alexander VI., Pope, 61, 71

Alleged Failures of Infallibility (Coupe),

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[blocks in formation]


Antiquities of the Christian Church
(Bingham), 150, 318
Antoninus Pius, 25

Apocalyptic character of present times,
Apocrypha, the, 16

Apostles' Creed, the, 17, 29, 165
Apostolic succession, the, 17-18, 307-

Appeal to All Christian People, An, 29,
165, 166, 273-274

its proposals, 29-30, 41, 276-277
results of, 278-279

the doctrine of the Sacrament and,
29, 165-168

Aquinas, St. Thomas, 82, 112-113, 114
Arcudius, 315

Arezzo, the Virgin of, 214

Aristotle, 25

Arnold, Matthew, 78

Arnold of Brescia, 6-7

Art, Roman Catholic, 213-214
Articles, the Thirty-Nine. See Thirty-
Nine Articles

Ascended Christ, The (Swete), 152-153
Asceticism, mistake of, 258, 259
Assumption of the Virgin Mary, the,


Athanasian Creed, the, 286
Athanasius, 253

Atlantic Ocean, historical epoch of, 48,
49, 50, 51

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Bolsena, the miracle of, 163

Bona, Cardinal, 318

Bonaventura, 204-206
Boniface VIII., Pope, 63
Bonner, Bishop, 88

Bossuet, J. B., 65, 224, 316
Bramhall, John, 157 n. I
Brandt, Sebastian, 54

Bread, the Sacramental, its form, 171,

Bretons at Home, The (Gostling), 210
Breviary, the Roman, 198-199, 202
cultus of the Virgin Mary in, 199,
202-204, 231-232

Bright, Canon, 223, 320
Brinckman, A., 125, 131, 134
Brittany, local Virgins of, 210

Browne, Bishop Harold, 145, 149-150,

[blocks in formation]

"Catholic," the word, 31, 178, 210
Catholic Dictionary, A, 314, 315, 319-

Catholic Truth and Historical Truth
(Coulton), 134

Catholicity, the formula of, 148, 178
Roman Catholic tenets and usages
tested by, 147-152, 182-186
Celebration," the word, 313 n. 2
Celibacy, clerical, Wyclif and, 59
Celsus, 186


Censorship imposed by Roman Catholic
Church, 53-54, 63, 106-111, 118-
119, 125, 132-133
Chapman, Dom, 123, 124, 125
Charges (Thirlwall), 153
Charles I., 54

Charles V., 65, 71, 72, 92
Chaucer, 100

Chillingworth, William, 15

His Authority supreme, 20-23, 24-
25, 40-41

the Creeds in relation to, 30-33
His criticism of His own Church, 5,

God and, the oneness of, 153, 154,

155, 159, 223, 224, 225

the Incarnation of, 223-224, 287-288
His Kingdom, 4, 5

new knowledge of, 262

as the Divine Logos, 20, 24-25, 40-41
His Mother, His recorded references
to, 217-221

His Personality and its influence, 8-9,

10, 23, 24-25, 41, 251-252, 266
His continual Presence contradicted
by the Mass, 156-158, 316-317
in Roman Catholic art, 213-214
the Sacrament as instituted by, 153-
154, 158-160, 167, 176

His Sacrifice a perfect redemption,
144, 148, 149, 152-154, 155-156,
159-160, 317

His Second Coming, 249
and the State's authority, 83
His Teaching, as reconciling liberty
and law, 25-28; its purity, 187
Virgin-worship an offence to, 199,
211-212, 216-217, 229, 237-238
Christ of Faith and the Jesus of History,
The (Ross), 151

Christ, St. Francis, and To-Day (Coul-
ton), 114 n. 2, 115 n.

Christianity :

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Christianity (continued) —
fruitfulness of, 35-36
mission of, spiritual, 4
primitive, how corrupted, 179-182
Chrysostom, St., 319
Church, the :

the Bible and, relations of, 14-20, 40,
77, 196, 292

in Middle Ages, monarchical position
of, 4-5, 14, 20, 39, 46
reunion in. See Reunion
the State and Patristic attitude, 83-
86; mediaeval, 46; Reformation
view, 64-66, 67; present con-
nection, 279-280, 285

Church and Commonwealth, The (Rid-
ding), 172 n.

Church History (Alzog), 118-119
Cicero, 85

Clement of Alexandria, 83, 184

Clement of Rome, 82

Clement VII., Pope, and Henry VIII.'s
divorce, 72-73

Clergy, vestments of the, 184-185, 321
Cobern, C. M., 156
Coleridge, Father, 109
Coleridge, S. T., 68

Colet, Dean, 52, 53, 62, 63, 269
Collected Essays and Reviews (Law), 96
Columbus, 46, 48, 51, 54, 61
Commentary on Corinthians (Robertson
and Plummer), 154

Commentary on St. Luke (Plummer), 154
Commonitorium (St. Vincentius), 148,

Communion, Holy, 29

Christ's institution of, 153-154, 158-
160, 167, 176

Christ's presence in, 156-158, 316-

fasting before, 160 n. 2, 171, 310-313
"loaf " used in, 171, 319

non-partakers of, presence of, 146,

[blocks in formation]

Conciliar Movement, failure of the, 62-63 | Dechamps, Mgr., Gratry s letter to,

Conference with Fisher (Laud), 165-166

[blocks in formation]

Controversial Statistics of Romanism
(Brinckman), 131 n. 2

Convocation prayer, the, 182
Copernicus, 9, 46, 47, 51, 54, 61
Corpus Christi, Festival of, 163
Cosin, Bishop, 157 n. 1, 318 n., 320
Coulton, G. C., controversies with
Roman Catholics, 122-123, 125,
133-135, 138
Coupe, Father, 110
Coverdale, Miles, 73

Cranmer, Archbishop, 52, 59, 73, 100;
Bible of, 76; Litany of, 87;
martyrdom of, 88; Prayer Book
of, 87-88, 143

on the Sacrament, 143, 145

on transubstantiation, 80-81, 148-

[blocks in formation]


Defence of the True and Catholic Doctrine
of the Sacrament (Cranmer), 148
Define Your Terms (Dowden), 157 n. I,

Devotional literature, Roman Catholic,
and cultus of Virgin, 199, 204-207,

Diaconate, the, Anglican and Swedish,

Dibdin, Sir Lewis, 146

[ocr errors]

Dissuasive from Popery (Taylor), 300
Divorce" question, the, and Reforma-
tion, 71-73, 92

Doctrine of the Church and Christian
Reunion (Headlam), 166-167
Doctrine of the Church of England on the
Holy Communion (Meyrick), 162


Döllinger, I. von, 136-137
Donatist schism, the, 83-84
Douay Bible, the, 216, 218, 220
Dowden, Bishop :

on auricular confession, 306-307, 309
on reservation of Sacrament, 157 n. 1,

Duperron, Cardinal, 157 n. I

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