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Parker, Horatio (1863- -), 382.
Parratt, Walter (1841-), 172.
Parry, Joseph (1841-1903), 256.
Parry, Thomas Gambier, 74.

Peace, Albert Lister (1844- -), 117, 253, 326.
Perry, E. Cooper (1856-), 398.

Piae, Cantiones, T. P., Nylandensis (1582), 150.
Pitts, William (1829-), 149.
Pleyel, Ignace (1757-1831), 389.
Powell, Clement, 234.

Praetorius, Michael (1571-1621), 91, 437.

Praxis Pietatis Melica (Cruger, 1653), 41, 67.
Prichard, R. H. (1811-1887), 76.
Psalmodia Sacra, Gotha (1715), 200.

Quaile, Robert N., 14.

Ravenscroft's Psalter (1621), 224, 324.

Reay, Samuel (1822), 101, 348.

Redhead, Richard (1820-1901), 45, 118 (222),
304, 309.

Redner, Lewis H. (1831-1908), 92.

Reinagle, Alexander Robert (1799-1877), 4, 210,
239, (322), 442.

Richards, B., 129.

Richardson, John (1816-1879), 111, (320).

Rimbault, Edward Francis (1816-1876), 306, 314.
Ritter, Peter (1760-1846), 21.
Ryley, Geoffrey C. E., 241, 431.

St. Gall Gesangbuch (1863), 96.
Scheffler's Seelenlust (1657), 419.
Schicht, J. (1753-1823), 127.

Scholefield, Clement Cotterill (1839-1904), 39.
Schultes, Wilhelm (1816-1879), 225.
Schumann, Robert (1810-1856), 11, 35, 396.
Scottish Psalter (1615 and 1635), 48, 191, 353
(393), 405.

Selby, B. Luard, 165.

Sherwin, William Fisk (1826-1888), 36.

Shore, William (1791-1877), 160.

Shrubsole, William (1760-1806), 147.

Smallwood, W., 205 (337).

Smart, Henry (1813-1879), 88, 227, 286, 208,

347, 355 (378), 448.

Smith, H. Percy (1825-1898), 335.

Smith, R. A. (1780-1829), 94.

Smith, Samuel (1821-), 418.
Sohren, F. (d. 1692), 368.

Southgate, Thomas Bishop (1814-1868), 79.
Stainer, John (1840-1901), 8, 44, 108, 307, 327.
Stanley, J. (1713-1786), 339.

Stathham, Francis Reginald (1844), 260, 360.
Stephenson, T. Bowman, 290.

Stewart, Robert Prescott (1825-1894), 134.
Storl's Choralbuch (1711), 113, 390.

Sullivan, Arthur (1842-1900), 89, 131, 133, 276,
310, 316, 367, 433, 435.

Tallis, Thomas (1520-1585), 15. 163, 446.
Teschner, Melchior (17th century), 114.
Tilley, Edna C., 110.

Tochter, Sion, Cologne (1741), 111, 320.

Torrance, George William (1836-1907), 106, 385.
Tours, Berthold (1838-1897), 413.

Troyte, Arthur H. D. (1811-1857), 272.
Turle, James (1802-1882), 58.

D'Urhan, Chretien (1790-1845), 306.

Venua, Frederick M. A. (1788-1872), 372.
Vehe's Gesangbuch (1537), 96.

Wagner, Richard (1813-1883), 403.
Wallhead, T., 254.

Walther's Gesangbuchlein (1524), 103.
Walton, J. G. (1821-1905), 365.

Ward, Samuel Augustus (1847-1903), 308.
Webb, George James (1803-1887), 358.
Webbe's Collection (1792), 161, 404.
Webbe, Samuel (1740-1816), 10, 28 (343).
Wesley, Charles (1757-1834), 427.
Wesley, Samuel (1766-1837), 109.

Wesley, Samuel Sebastian (1810-1876), 6, 25,

95, 126, 143, 175 (180), 266, 277, 288.

Wilkes, John B. (1785-1869), 65.

Williams, Aaron (1731-1776), 179, 246.

Williams' Psalmodia Evangelica (1789), 112.

Wilson, Hugh (1764-1824), 280.
Woodward, George R., 437.

Wooldridge, Harry Ellis (1845-), 258.

Yoakley, William (c. 1821), 333.

Zundel, John (1815-1882), 327.

Inder of Authors


Abelard, Peter (1079-1142), 317.

Adams, Sarah Flower (1805-1848), 285.

Addison, Joseph (1672-1719), 74.

Adler, Felix (1851), 347.

Bronté Anne (1819-1849), 360.

Brooke, Stopford A. (1832-), 105, 385.
Brooke, W. T., 84.

Brooks, Charles Timothy (1813-1883), 402.

Alexander, Cecil Frances (1823-1895), 130, 142, Brooks, Phillips (1835-1893), 92.

215, 295, 338, 417, 421, 425.

Alexander, James Waddell (1804-1859), 120.

Alford, Henry (1810-1871), 286, 318, 412.

Ambrose of Milan (340-397), 3.

Anatolius (Greek, 8th Cent.), 106.

Brownlie, John (1859-), 14.

Bruce, Michael (1746-1767), 144.

Bryant, William Cullen (1794-1878), 379, 408.
Buckoll, Henry James (1803-1871), 5.
Bunyan, John (1628-1688), 354.

Anonymous: English, 47, 227, 231, 244, 308, 309, Burleigh, William Henry (1812-1871), 266.

German, 9, 91, 148.

Greek, 13, 14, 16, 369.

Latin, 12, 33, 48, 81, 84, 98, 139, 141, 168, 169,

Anstice, Joseph (1808-1836), 248.

Aquinas, Thomas (1227-1274), 193.

Auber, Harriet (1773-1862), 170.

Bacon, Leonard (1802-1881), 400.

Baker, Henry Williams (1821-1877), 124, 150,
307, 325.

Barbauld, Anna Letitia (1743-1825), 414.
Baring-Gould, Sabine (1834- -), 19, 367, 396.
Barton, Bernard (1784-1849), 176, 282.
Barton, H., 296.

Baxter, Richard (1615-1691), 32, 290, 395.

Bernard of Clairvaux (1091-1153), 120, 192, 321,

Bernard of Cluny (12th Century), 312, 313, 314,

[blocks in formation]

Burns, James Drummond (1823-1864), 75, 433.
Butler, H. Montagu (1833-). 289.

Campbell, Jane Montgomery (1817-1878), 413.

Canitz, Friedrich R. L. von (1654-1699), 5.
Caswall, Edward (1814-1878), 9, 12, 321, 322.
Cawood, John (1775-1852), 93.

Cennick, John (1718-1755), 161, 389.

Chadwick, John White (1840-1904), 284, 303.
Chandler, John (1806-1876), 33, 97.

Chope, Richard R. (1830--), 32.

Clark, John Haldenby (1839-), 364.
Claudius, Matthias (1740-1815), 413.

Coffin, Charles (1676-1749), 35, 97, 394.
Coffin, Henry Sloane, 91.

Collins, Henry (c. 1832——), 332.

Conder, Eustace Rogers (1820-1892), 96.
Conder, Josiah (1789-1855), 59.
Cotterill, Thomas (1779-1823), 31.

Cousin, Anna Ross (1823-1906), 306.

Cowper, William (1731-1800), 37, 202, 231, 238,

Cox, Frances Elizabeth (1812-1897), 132, 390,

Coxe, A. Cleveland (1818-1896), 181.

Crewdson, Jane Fox (1809-1863), 254, 259, 330.
Croly, George (1780-1860), 167.

Cross, Ada Cambridge (1844), 29.
Cummins, James John (1795-1867), 212.

Bonar, Horatius (1808-1889), 79, 186, 197, 217, Dayman, Edward Arthur (1807-1890), 405.
226, 252, 271, 331, 337.

Bowring, John (1792-1872), 242, 277.
Bridane, Jacques (1701-1767), 127.

Bridges, Matthew (1800-1894), 152, 224, 229.
Bright, William (1824-1901), 41, 195, 223.

Denny, Edward (1796-1889), 159, 187.

Dix, William Chatterton (1837-1898), 90, 119,

Doane, George Washington (1799-1859), 111,

Doddridge, Philip (1702-1751), 31, 82, 237, 264,

Duffield, George (1818-1888), 358.

Duncan, Mary Lundie (1814-1840), 416.
Dunsterville, Patty C. (d. 1887), 432.
Dwight, John S. (1813-1893), 402.
Dwight, Timothy (1752-1817), 179.

Ellerton, John (1826-1893), 39, 42, 121, 131, 274,
300, 302, 397, 411, 420.

Elliott, Charlotte (1789-1871), 216, 272, 329, 351.
Elliott, Emily E. S. (1836-1897), 228.
Everest, Charles William (1814-1877), 206.

Faber, Frederick William (1814-1863), 38, 58,
122, 200, 210, 298, 350, 365, 431.
Fawcett, John (1740-1817), 388.
Findlater, Sarah Borthwick (1823-1907), 162,
205, 398.

Fortunatus, Venantius (530-609), 131.

F. P. B. (16th Century), 308, 309.

Gellert, Christian F. (1715-1769), 132.

Gerhardt, Paul (1607-1676), 86, 113, 120, 174,
239, 240, 333.

Johnson, Samuel (1822-1882), 178, 268,
Julian, John (1839-), 374.

"K." in Rippon's selections (1787), 232.
Keble, John (1792-1866), 10, 21, 279.
Kelly, Thomas (1769-1854), 153, 241.
Ken, Thomas (1637-1711), 1, 15.
Kethe, William (16th Century), 49, 52.
Key, Francis Scott (1779-1843), 76.
Kingsley, Charles (1819-1875), 341, 345.
Kipling, Rudyard (1865), 403, 437.

Lathbury, Mary Ann (1841-), 36.
Laurenti, Laurentius (1660-1722), 162.
Leeson, Jane E. (1807-1882), 428.
Littledale, Richard Frederick (1833-1890), 171.
Longfellow, Samuel (1819-1892), 40, 70.
Luke, Jemima Thompson (1813-1906), 426.
Luther, Martin (1483-1546), 61, 423.

Lynch, Thomas Toke (1818-1871), 107, 177, 383.
Lyra, Davidica (1708), 137.

Lyte, Henry Francis (1793-1847), 25, 30, 68, 230,

Gill, Thomas Hornblower (1819-1906), 53, 100, McCheyne, Robert Murray (1813-1843), 299.

164, 166, 287, 339, 410.

Gladden, Washington (1836- -), 335.

Grant, Robert (1784-1838), 52.

Grigg, Joseph (c. 1720-1768), 201, 221.

Hardenberg, G. F. P. von (1772-1801), 136.
Havergal, Frances Ridley (1836-1879), 154, 165,
336, 366, 409.

Haweis, Hugh Reginald (1838-1901), 316.
Hay, John (1838-1905), 349.

MacKay, Margaret (1802-1887), 301.
Macdonald, George (1824-1905), 7.

Maclagan, William Dalrymple (1826-1910), 126.
Madan, Martin (1726-1790), 161.

Mant, Richard (1776-1848), 45, 125, 275.
Marriott, John (1780-1825), 380.
Martineau, James (1805-1900), 117.
Mason, John (c. 1645-1694), 34, 73.
Massey, Gerald (1828-1907), 362.
Matheson, George (1842-1906), 276, 326.

Heber, Reginald (1783-1826), 17, 46, 95, 188, 361, Matson, William Tidd (1833-1906), 104.

Hedge, Frederick Henry (1805-1890), 61.
Hedge and Huntington's Hymns (1853), 8.
Heermann, Johann (1585-1647), 334.
Herbert, George (1593-1632), 64, 158.
Herbert, Petrus (d. 1571), 23.

Hill (Rowland) Psalms and Hymns (1783),

Holland, Henry Scott (1847), 404.

Holmes, Oliver Wendell (1809-1894), 60, 260,

Hopper, Edward (1818-1888), 257.

Hosmer, Frederick Lucian (1840), 108, 233,
288, 348.

How, William Walsham (1823-1897), 123, 135,
175, 203, 392, 418.

Hughes, Thomas (1823-1896), 344.
Husband, Edward (1843-), 26.

Ingemann, Bernhardt Severin (1789-1862), 396.

Jacobi, John Christian (1670-1750), 113, 174.
John of Damascus (8th Century), 133, 368.

Maxwell, Mary Hamlin (1814-1853), 378.
Mercer, William (1811-1873), 17.

Milman, Henry Hart (1791-1868), 115, 304.

Milton, John (1608-1674), 65.

Mohr, Joseph (1792-1848), 83.

Monsell, John S. B. (1811-1875), 66, 273, 371,

Montgomery, James (1771-1854), 88, 118, 156,
191, 250, 269, 297, 343.

Morison, John (1749-1798), 94, 219.
Morris, F. G., 103.

Muhlenberg, William Augustus (1796-1877), 183.

Neale, John Mason (1818-1866), 16, 18, 81, 98,
106, 114, 133, 150, 208, 218, 291, 312, 313, 314,
315, 317, 368, 369.

Neander, Joachim (1650-1680), 67.

Neumark, Georg (1621-1681), 262.

Newman, John Henry (1801-1890) 196, 258.
Newton, John (1725-1807), 43, 44, 182, 211, 267,

Noel, Caroline Maria (1817-1877), 149.
North, Frank Mason (1850-), 340.

Oakeley, Frederick (1802-1880), 84.
Olivers, Thomas (1725-1799), 63.

Palgrave, Francis Turner (1824-1897), 109, 346.
Palmer, Ray (1808-1887), 168, 192, 245, 320.
Parker, Theodore (1810-1860), 157.
Perronet, Edward (1726-1792), 147.
Phillimore, Greville (1821-1884), 4.

Pilgrim Hymnal (1904), 227.

Plumptre, Edward Hayes (1821-1891), 101, 436.
Pollock, Thomas Benson (1836-1896), 127, 209.
Pott, Francis (1832-1909), 139.

Potter, Thomas Joseph (1827-1873), 435.

Tappan, William Bingham (1794-1849), 116.
Tate, Nahum (1652-1715), 85.

Tate and Brady's New Version of the Psalms
(1696), and Supplements, 48, 137, 280.
Taylor, Thomas Rawson (1807-1835), 310.
Tennyson, Alfred (1809-1892), 305.

Tersteegen, Gerhard (1697-1769), 205, 293.
Theocistus of the Studium (9th Century), 218.
Theodulph of Orleans (9th Century), 114.
Thring, Godfrey (1823-1903), 22, 384.

Todi, Jacopone da (14th Century), 125.
Toplady, Augustus Montague (1740-1778), 222,

Procter, Adelaide Anne (1825-1864), 20, 234, Tuttiet, Lawrence (1825-1897), 160.


Prudentius, Aurelius Clemens (348 c. 413), 150.

Quarles, Francis (1592-1644), 110.

Rawson, George (1807-1889), 54, 173, 190.

Rinkart, Martin (1586-1649), 62.

Rippon, John (1751-1836), 147.
Robinson, Robert (1735-1790), 281.

Rossetti, Christina Georgina (1830-1894), 207,

Russell, Arthur Tozer (1806-1874), 113.
Russell, F. A. Rollo (1849-), 357.

Scheffler, Johann (1624-1677), 80, 419.
Schenk, Heinrich Theobald (1656-1727), 390.
Schmolke, Benjamin (1672-1737), 184.
Scottish Paraphrases (1781), 94, 144, 219, 237.
Scottish Psalter (1650), 246, 324.
Scudder, Eliza (1821-1896), 77, 143.
Seagrave, Robert (1693--?), 278.

Sears, Edmund Hamilton (1810-1876), 89.
Shairp, John Campbell (1819-1885), 235.
Shepcott, Mrs. E., 430.

Shirley, Walter (1725-1786), 129.
Shurtleff, Ernest W. (1862-), 355.
Smith, Samuel Francis (1808-1895), 401.
Smith, W. Chalmers (1824), 56.
Smyttan, George Hunt (1825-1870), 99.
Spitta, Carl J. P. (1801-1859), 398.
Steele, Anna (1716-1778), 220, 249.
Stennett, Samuel (1727-1795), 323.
Sternhold, Thomas (d. 1549), 57.
Stone, Samuel J. (1839-1900), 180, 376.
Stowell, Hugh (1799-1865), 270.

Twells, Henry (1823-1900), 102.

Vere, Aubrey de (1814), 125.
Vernon, Ambrose White (1870-), 91.
Very, Jones (1813-1880), 6.

Watson, George (1816-), 415.

Watts, Isaac (1674-1748), 11, 28, 50, 51, 55, 69,
71, 78, 128, 151, 163, 194, 198, 236, 328, 359,
372, 373, 391.

Weissel, Georg (1590-1635), 112.

Wesley, Charles (1707-1788), 2, 50, 87, 137, 138,
140, 146, 155, 161, 214, 256, 327, 363, 393, 429.
Wesley, John (1703-1791), 80, 239, 240, 293, 333.
Whateley, Richard (1787-1863), 17.

Whiting, William (1825-1878), 406.

Whiton, James Morris (1833-), 294.

Whittier, John Greenleaf (1807-1892), 263, 265,
352, 353, 385, 386, 407.

Williams, Helen Maria (1762-1827), 251.

Williams, Isaac (1802-1865), 145, 213.

Williams, William (1717-1791), 261.

Winkworth, Catherine (1829-1878), 23, 62, 67,

86, 112, 136, 184, 262, 334, 423.
Wolcott, Samuel (1813-1886), 342.

Woodford, James Russell (1820-1885), 35, 141,

Wordsworth, Christopher (1807-1885), 24, 27,
134, 172, 370, 387.

Wotton, Henry (1586-1637), 427.

Wreford, John Reynell (1800-1881), 225.

Yattendon Hymnal (1899), 3, 13, 169, 328, 394.

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