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GLORY be to God on | high || and on earth | peace, good- | -will towards men.

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We praise thee, we bless thee, we worship | thee || we glorify thee, we give

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Ó Lord God | heaven-ly | King | God the | Fa-ther | Al- ✶ — | -mighty.

O Lord, the only-begotten Son | Je-sus Christ | O Lord God, Lamb of God, I Son * - of the Father

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That takest away the | sins ✶ of the | world || have mercy up- | -on ⋆ — ❘ us.

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Thou that takest away the sins of the world || have mercy up- |-on * ❘ us. J

Thou that takest away the sins of the | world || re- |-ceive our | prayer.

2 J

Thou that sittest at the right hand of God the | Father || have mercy up-| -on- -❘ us.

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For thou only art | holy || thou | on-ly | art the Lord.


Thou only, O Christ, with the | Ho-ly | Ghost || art most high in the | glory * of God the Father | A- | -men.

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GLORY be to God on | high | and on earth | peace, good- |-will towards | men.


We praise thee, we bless thee, we worship | thee we glorify thee, we give

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O Lord God, heaven-ly | King | God the | Fa-ther | Al- * - |-mighty.

Part II

O Lord, the only-begotten Son | Je-sus Christ | O Lord God, Lamb of G8d, |
Son * - of the | Father

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That takest away the sins of the world | have | mer-cy | up-on | us.

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Thou that takest away the sins of the world || fe- |-ceive * | our *



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Thou that sittest at the right hand of God the Father || have | mer-cy | up

Part III

-on us.

For thou only art | holy || thou | on-ly | art the | Lord.

d d

Thou only, O Christ, with the | Ho-ly | Ghost | art most high in the glory of |
God the Father. | A-men.


This alternative setting of the Gloria in Excelsis is given because the Old Chant, though venerable, obscures the true form of this beautiful ancient hymn.

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WE praise thee O | God | we acknow-ledge | thee to ❘ be the | Lord.

All the earth doth | wor-ship | thee | the| Fa-ther | ev-er- | -lasting.

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To thee all An-gels | cry a- | -loud || the Heavens, and | all the | Powers ✶ there- | -in.

To thee Cher-ub-im and | Ser-aph- | -im || con- | -tin-ual- | -ly do | cry,

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Heaven and earth are full of the | Maj-es- | -ty || of thy

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The glorious com-pan-y | of the A- |-postles || praise | -⭑

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- | glo- ⋆ — | -ry.

- *

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-|-ther of an | infin-ite | Maj-es- | -ty;

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| thee.

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The Fa- *

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When thou tookest upon thee to de- |-liv-er | man || thou didst humble thyself to be born *

| of a Virgin.

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When thou hadst overcome the | sharpness of death || thou didst open the King

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Thou sittest at the right | hand of | God || in the | Glo-ry | of the | Father.

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We therefore pray thee | help thy | servants || whom thou hast redeem-ed | with thy | pre-cious blood.

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Make them to be num-bered | with thy | Saints || in | glo-ry | ev-er- | -lasting.

O Lord, I save thy | people | and | bless thine | her-it- | -age.

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Vouch- |-safe O | Lord || to keep us this | day with- |-out *

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| sin.

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O Lord, let thy mer-cy | be up- | -on us || as our | trust *

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O Lord, in thee | have I trusted | let me nev-er | be con- | -founded.

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