themselves the disciples of Christ, received, and were decided, in following, such advice; when worldly advantages and religious advantages seem to come in competition, as to the education and disposal of their children. 1 148 zealous friends suppose the Scriptures to represent them; genuine Philanthropy alone might, one would suppose, induce us to communicate them, if possible, to such as still "sit in darkness and the shadow of "death." But besides the benumbing power of sel-. fishness in its varied forms, and disregard to God and reügion, compared with what are judged the personal or political interests of mankind; infidelity has diffused its contagion even among Christians: and the antiscriptural sentiment, that heathens, and Mahometans, and Jews, may be saved by their religions, if sincere in them, as well as Christians by their's, has cut the very sinews of exertion, and led men to undervalue the Gospel itself. But if this sentiment be true why were apostles and evangelists sent forth to preach to all nations? To what purpose their labours, suffer. ings and martyrdom? For what were they so zealous and earnest? Did they, or did they not, consider all men, of every nation, exposed to the wrath of God, under condemnation, and in danger of everlasting misery, from which they could not possibly be deliver. ed, except by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ? If this were their judgment, they acted consistently; and if this "judgment were according to truth," they acted with genuine wisdom and disinterested philanthropy, as well as ardent zeal for the glory of God. The lan. guage of their conduct may be expressed in the words of the apostles " The same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him: for whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. How then the in shall they call on him, on whom they have not be"lieved? And how shall they believe in him of whom a T for "te "ad "they have not heard? And how shall they hear with" out a preacher? And how shall they preach except "they be sent? As it is written, How beautiful upon "the mountains are the feet of them that preach the "gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good "things! So then faith cometh by hearing, and hear"ing by the word of God." And "without faith it is "impossible to please God." But if this were not anti- their view of the subject, their whole conduct is perters fectly unaccountable: if they erred in judgment, they SO ffus ech Ber were left to act in a manner suited to mislead all men, through successive generations, who should look up to them as declaring the will of God to men, and illustrating it by their example. And who can help perceiving that this sentiment both represents the apostles as enthusiasts and bigots; and impeaches the wisdom ale of Christ him-self in sending them forth into the world? That avowed infidels should admit these concluGrsions, is not at all wonderful: but that an opinion so derogatory to the honour of Christ, and even, if carried to its consequences, subversive of christianity, should obtain favour among the friends of our holy religion, and influence their practice, can be ascribed to nothing but the extreme deceitfulness of the human heart; and the deep subtlety of Satan, who thus endeavours to retain his destructive sway, without disturbance from the disciples of him, who came to destroy his works and subvert his kingdom. Before we proceed to examine the judgment of the apostle, I would make a few remarks on the charge of uncharitableness, and even malevolence, which is brought against those, who in this respect undoubted MISSIONARY SERMONS. A SERMON, PREACHED AT THE PARISH CHURCH OF ST. ANDREW BY THE WARDROBE, AND ST. ANNE, BLACKFRIARS, On Tuesday in Whitsun Week, May 26, 1801. BEFORE THE SOCIETY FOR MISSIONS TO AFRICA INSTITUTED BY MEMBERS OF THE ESTABLISHED CHURCH, BEING THEIR FIRST ANNIVERSARY. Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature: he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, and he that believeth not shall be damned. Mark xvi. 16. How then shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? Or how shall they hear without a preacher? Or how shall they preach except they be sent. Rom. x. 14, 15. |