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endurance of persecution for the sake of Christ. | fore, was the confession for which he declares He conjures them by the ties of their common himself to be in bonds. Now let us inquire profession and their common sufferings, " to how the occasion of St. Paul's imprisonment fulfil his joy;" to complete, by the unity of is represented in the history. The apostle had their faith, and by their mutual love, that joy not long returned to Jerusalem from his sewith which the instances he had received of their cond visit into Greece, when an uproar was zeal and attachment had inspired his breast. excited in that city by the clamour of certain Now if this was the real effusion of St. Paul's Asiatic Jews, who "having seen Paul in the mind, of which it bears the strongest internal temple, stirred up all the people, and laid hands character, then we have in the words "the on him." The charge advanced against him same conflict which ye saw in me," an authen- was, that "he taught all men every where tic confirmation of so much of the apostle's against the people, and the law, and this place; history in the Acts, as relates to his transac- and farther brought Greeks also into the temtions at Philippi; and, through that, of the in-ple, and polluted that holy place." The for. telligence and general fidelity of the historian.



No. I.


mer part of the charge seems to point at the doctrine, which he maintained, of the admis sion of the Gentiles, under the new dispensation, to an indiscriminate participation of God's favour with the Jews. But what follows makes the matter clear. When, by the interference of the chief captain, Paul had been rescued out of the hands of the populace, and was permitted to address the multitude who had followed THERE is a circumstance of conformity be- him to the stairs of the castle, he delivered a tween St. Paul's history and his letters, espe- brief account of his birth, of the early course cially those which were written during his first of his life, of his miraculous conversion; and imprisonment at Rome, and more especially is proceeding in this narrative, until he comes the epistles to the Colossians and Ephesians, to describe a vision which was presented to him, which being too close to be accounted for from as he was praying in the temple; and which accident, yet too indirect and latent to be im- bid him depart out of Jerusalem, "for I will puted to design, cannot easily be resolved in- send thee far hence unto the Gentiles." Acts, to any other original than truth. Which cir- xxii. 21. "They gave him audience," says cumstance is this, that St. Paul in these epis- the historian, "unto this word; and then lift tles attributes his imprisonment not to his up their voices, and said, Away with such a preaching of Christianity, but to his asserting fellow from the earth!" Nothing can shew the right of the Gentiles to be admitted into more strongly than this account does, what it without conforming themselves to the Jew- was the offence which drew down upon St. ish law. This was the doctrine to which he Paul the vengeance of his countrymen. considered himself as a martyr. Thus, in the mission to the Gentiles, and his open avowal epistle before us, chap. i. 24. (I Paul) "who of that mission, was the intolerable part now rejoice in my sufferings for you"-" for of the apostle's crime. But although the you," i. e. for those whom he had never seen; real motive of the prosecution appears to for a few verses afterwards he adds, "I would have been the apostle's conduct towards the that ye knew what great conflict I have for Gentiles; yet, when his accusers came beyou and for them in Laodicea, and for as many fore a Roman magistrate, a charge was to be as have not seen my face in the flesh." His framed of a more legal form. The profasuffering therefore for them was, in their ge- nation of the temple was the article they chose neral capacity of Gentile Christians, agreeably to rely upon. This, therefore, became the to what he explicitly declares in his Epistle to immediate subject of Tertullus's oration bethe Ephesians, iv. 1: “For this cause, I Paul, fore Felix, and of Paul's defence. But that he the prisoner of Jesus Christ, for you Gentiles." | all along considered his ministry amongst the Again, in the epistle now under consideration, Gentiles as the actual source of the enmity iv. 3: "Withal praying also for us, that God that had been exercised against him, and in would open unto us a door of utterance to particular as the cause of the insurrection in speak the mystery of Christ, for which I am which his person had been seized, is apparent also in bonds." What that "mystery of Christ" from the conclusion of his discourse before was, the Epistle to the Ephesians distinctly in- Agrippa: "I have appeared unto thee," says forms us: "Whereby when ye read, ye may he, describing what passed upon his journey to understand my knowledge in the mystery of Damascus," for this purpose, to make thee a Christ, which in other ages, was not made minister and a witness, both of these things known unto the sons of men, as it is now re- which thou hast seen, and of those things in vealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the which I will appear unto thee, delivering the Spirit, that the Gentiles should be fellow.thee from the people and from the Gentiles, heirs, and of the same body, and partakers of his unto whom now I send thee, to open their promise in Christ by the Gospel." This, there- eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light,

and from the power of Satan unto God, that ly undesigned, had Aristarchus stood alone. they may receive forgiveness of sins, and in- The observation that strikes me in reading the heritance among them which are sanctified by passage is, that together with Aristarchus, faith that is in me. Whereupon, O king Ag- whose journey to Rome we trace in the historippa, I was not disobedient unto the heavenly ry, are joined Marcus and Justus, of whose vision; but showed first unto them of Damas- coming to Rome the history says nothing. cus, and of Jerusalem, and throughout all the Aristarchus alone appears in the history, and coasts of Judea, and then to the Gentiles, that Aristarchus alone would have appeared in the they should repent and turn to God, and do epistle, if the author had regulated himself by works meet for repentance. For these causes that conformity. Or if you take it the other the Jews caught me in the temple, and went way; if you suppose the history to have been about to kill me." The seizing, therefore, of made out of the epistle, why the journey of St. Paul's person, from which he was never Aristarchus to Rome should be recorded, and discharged till his final liberation at Rome; not that of Marcus and Justus, if the groundand of which, therefore, his imprisonment at work of the narrative was the appearance of Rome was the continuation and effect, was not Aristarchus's name in the epistle, seems to be in consequence of any general persecution set unaccountable. on foot against Christianity; nor did it befall "Marcus, sister's son to Barnabas." Does him simply as professing or teaching Christ's not this hint account for Barnabas's adherence religion, which James and the elders at Jeru- to Mark in the contest that arose with our salem did as well as he (and yet, for any thing apostle concerning him?" And some days afthat appears, remained at that time unmolest- ter, Paul said unto Barnabas, Let us go again ed;) but it was distinctly and specifically and visit our brethren in every city where we brought upon him by his activity in preaching have preached the word of the Lord, and see to the Gentiles, and by his boldly placing them how they do; and Barnabas determined to take upon a level with the once-favoured and still self-with them John, whose surname was Mark; but flattered posterity of Abraham. How well St. Paul's letters, purporting to be written during this imprisonment, agree with this account of its cause and origin, we have already seen.

No. II.

Chap. iv. 10. "Aristarchus my fellow prisoner saluteth you, and Marcus, sister's son to Barnabas, (touching whom ye received commandments: If he come unto you, receive him;) and Jesus, which is called Justus, who are of the circumcision."

Paul thought not good to take him with them, who departed from Pamphylia, and went not with them to the work; and the contention was so sharp between them, that they departed asunder one from the other: and so Barnabas took Mark and sailed unto Cyprus." The history which records the dispute has not preserved the circumstance of Mark's relationship to Barnabas. It is no where noticed but in the text before us. As far, therefore, as it applies, the application is certainly undesigned.

We find Aristarchus as a companion of our "Sister's son to Barnabas." This woman, apostle in the nineteenth chapter of the Acts, the mother of Mark, and the sister of Barnaand the twenty-ninth verse: "And the whole bas, was, as might be expected, a person of city of Ephesus was filled with confusion; and some eminence amongst the Christians of Jehaving caught Gaius and Aristarchus, men of rusalem. It so happens that we hear of her Macedonia, Paul's companions in travel, they in the history. "When Peter was delivered rushed with one accord into the theatre." from prison, he came to the house of Mary And we find him upon his journey with St. the mother of John, whose surname was Mark, Paul to Rome, in the twenty-seventh chapter, where many were gathered together praying." and the second verse: "And when it was de- Acts, xii. 12. There is somewhat of coincitermined that we should sail into Italy, they dence in this; somewhat bespeaking real delivered Paul and certain other prisoners un-transactions amongst real persons.

No. III.

to one named Julius, a centurion of Augus tus's band and, entering into a ship of Adramyttium, we launched, meaning to sail by The following coincidence, though it bear the coast of Asia; one Aristarchus, a Mace- the appearance of great nicety and refinement, donian of Thessalonica, being with us. But ought not, perhaps, to be deemed imaginary. might not the author of the epistle have con- In the salutations with which this, like most sulted the history; and, observing that the of St. Paul's epistles, concludes, "we have historian had brought Aristarchus along with Aristarchus and Marcus, and Jesus, which is Paul to Rome, might he not for that reason, called Justus, who are of the circumcision," iv. and without any other foundation, have put 10, 11. Then follow also," Epaphras, Luke down his name amongst the salutations of an the beloved physician, and Demas." Now, epistle purporting to be written by the apostle as this description, "who are of the circumfrom that place? I allow so much of possibili-cision," is added after the first three names, it ty to this objection, that I should not have pro- is inferred, not without great appearance of posed this in the number of coincidences clear-probability, that the rest, amongst whom is

Luke, were not of the circumcision. Now, can| And this result is the effect either of truth we discover any expression in the Acts of the which produces consistency without the wri Apostles, which ascertains whether the author ter's thought or care, or of a contexture of forof the book was a Jew or not? If we can dis-geries confirming and falling in with one anocover that he was not a Jew, we fix a circum-ther by a species of fortuity of which I know stance in his character, which coincides with no example. The supposition of design, I what is here, indirectly indeed, but not very think, is excluded, not only because the puruncertainly, intimated concerning Luke: and pose to which the design must have been diwe so far confirm both the testimony of the rected, viz. the verification of the passage in primitive church, that the Acts of the Apostles our epistle, in which it is said concerning was written by St. Luke, and the general rea- Onesimus," he is one of you," is a purpose, lity of the persons and circumstances brought which would be lost upon ninety-nine readers together in this epistle. The text in the Acts, out of a hundred; but because the means made which has been construed to show that the use of are too circuitous to have been the subwriter was not a Jew, is the nineteenth verse ject of affectation and contrivance. Would a of the first chapter, where, in describing the forger, who had this purpose in view, have field which had been purchased with the re- left his readers to hunt it out, by going forward of Judas's iniquity, it is said, "That it ward and backward from one epistle to anowas known unto all the dwellers at Jerusalem; ther, in order to connect Onesimus with Phiinsomuch as that field is called in their pro-lemon, Philemon with Archippus, and Arper tongue, Aceldama, that is to say, The field chippus with Colosse? all which he must do of blood" These words are by most com- before he arrives at his discovery, that it was mentators taken to be the words and observa- truly said of Onesimus," he is one of you." tion of the historian, and not a part of St. Peter's speech, in the midst of which they are found. If this be admitted, then it is argued that the expression, "in their proper tongue," would not have been used by a Jew, but is suitable to the pen of a Gentile writing concerning Jews. The reader will judge of the probability of this conclusion, and we urge the coincidence no farther than that probability extends. The coincidence, if it be one, is so remote from all possibility of design, that nothing need be added to satisfy the reader upon that part of the argument.

No. IV.

Chap. iv. 9. "With Onesimus, a faithful and beloved brother, who is one of you."



No. I.

It is known to every reader of Scripture, that the First Epistle to the Thessalonians speaks of the coming of Christ in terms which indicate an expectation of his speedy appearance: "For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord, shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord Observe how it may be made out that One- himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, simus was a Colossian. Turn to the Epistle with the voice of the archangel, and with the to Philemon, and you will find that Onesimus trump of God; and the dead in Christ shall was the servant or slave of Philemon. The rise first: then we which are alive and remain, question therefore will be, to what city Phile- shall be caught up together with them in the mon belonged. In the epistle addressed to him clouds-But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, this is not declared. It appears only that he that that day should overtake you as a thief." was of the same place, whatever that place (Chap. iv. 15, 16, 17; ch. v. 4.) was, with an eminent Christian named Ar- Whatever other construction these texts may chippus. "Paul, a prisoner of Jesus Christ, bear, the idea they leave upon the mind of an and Timothy our brother, unto Philemon our ordinary reader, is that of the author of the dearly beloved and fellow-labourer; and to epistle looking for the day of judgment to take our beloved Apphia, and Archippus our fellow-place in his own time, or near to it. Now the soldier, and to the church in thy house." Now use which I make of this circumstance, is to turn back to the Epistle to the Colossians, and deduce from it a proof that the epistle itself you will find Archippus saluted by name was not the production of a subsequent age. amongst the Christians of that church. "Say Would an impostor have given this expectato Archippus, Take heed to the ministry which tion to St. Paul, after experience had proved thou hast received in the Lord, that thou ful-it to be erroneous? or would he have put infil it," (iv. 17.) The necessary result is, that to the apostle's mouth, or, which is the same Onesimus also was of the same city, agreeably thing, into writings purporting to come from to what is said of him, "he is one of you."

[blocks in formation]

his hand, expressions, if not necessarily conveying, at least easily interpreted to convey, an opinion which was then known to be founded in mistake? I state this as an argument to

shew that the epistle was contemporary with lonia, came to Thessalonica, where Paul openSt. Paul, which is little less than to show that ed and alleged that Jesus was the Christ, Acts, it actually proceeded from his pen. For I ques-xvi. 23, &c. The epistle written in the name tion whether any ancient forgeries were exe-of Paul and Sylvanus (Silas,) and of Timothecuted in the life-time of the person whose name us, who also appears to have been along with they bear; nor was the primitive situation of them at Philippi, (vide Phil. No. iv.) speaks the church likely to give birth to such an at-to the church of Thessalonica thus: "Even tempt.

No. II.

after that we had suffered before, and were shamefully entreated, as ye know, at Philippi, we were bold in our God to speak unto you the Gospel of God with much contention." (ii. 2.)

The history relates, that after they had been some time at Thessalonica," the Jews who believed not, set all the city in an uproar, and assaulted the house of Jason where Paul and Silas were, and sought to bring them out to the people." Acts, xvii. 5. The epistle declares," when we were with you, we told you before that we should suffer tribulation; even

Our epistle concludes with a direction that it should be publicly read in the church to which it was addressed: "I charge you by the Lord, that this epistle be read unto all the holy brethren." The existence of this clause in the body of the epistle is an evidence of its authenticity; because to produce a letter purporting to have been publicly read in the church of Thessalonica, when no such letter in truth had been read or heard of in that church, would be to produce an imposture de-as it came to pass, and ye know." (iii. 4.) structive of itself. At least, it seems unlikely The history brings Paul and Silas and Tithat the author of an imposture would volun- mothy together at Corinth, soon after the tarily, and even officiously, afford a handle to preaching of the Gospel at Thessalonica :-so plain an objection.-Either the epistle was" And when Silas and Timotheus were come publicly read in the church of Thessalonica from Macedonia (to Corinth,) Paul was pressduring St. Paul's lifetime, or it was not. If ed in spirit." Acts, xviii. 5. The epistle is it was, no publication could be more authen-written in the name of these three persons, tic, no species of notoriety more unquestion- who consequently must have been together at able, no method of preserving the integrity of the time, and speaks throughout of their minithe copy more secure. If it was not, the clause stry at Thessalonica as a recent transaction : we produce would remain a standing condem-“ We, brethren, being taken from you for a nation of the forgery, and one would suppose, short time, in presence, not in heart, endeaan invincible impediment to its success. voured the more abundantly to see your face, with great desire." (ii. 17.)

If we connect this article with the preceding, we shall perceive that they combine into The harmony is indubitable; but the points one strong proof of the genuineness of the of history in which it consists, are so expressly epistle. The preceding article carries up the set forth in the narrative, and so directly redate of the epistle to the time of St. Paul; the ferred to in the epistle, that it becomes necespresent article fixes the publication of it to the sary for us to show that the facts in one writchurch of Thessalonica. Either therefore the ing were not copied from the other. Now, church of Thessalonica was imposed upon by amidst some minuter discrepancies, which will a false epistle, which in St. Paul's life-time be noticed below, there is one circumstance they received and read publicly as his, carry- which mixes itself with all the allusions in the ing on a communication with him all the epistle, but does not appear in the history any while, and the epistle referring to the continu- where; and that is of a visit which St. Paul ance of that communication; or other Chris-had intended to pay to the Thessalonians durtian churches, in the same life-time of the ing the time of his residing at Corinth:apostle, received an epistle purporting to have "Wherefore we would have come unto you been publicly read in the church of Thessalo- (even I Paul) once and again; but Satan hinnica, which nevertheless had not been heard dered us." (ii. 18.) "Night and day prayof in that church; or, lastly, the conclusion remains, that the epistle now in our hands is genuine.

No. III.

ing exceedingly that we might see your face, and might perfect that which is lacking in your faith. Now God himself and our Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ, direct our way unto you." (iii. 10, 11.) Concerning a design Between our epistle and the history the ac- which was not executed, although the person cordancy in many points is circumstantial and himself, who was conscious of his own purpose, complete. The history relates, that, after should make mention in his letters, nothing Paul and Silas had been beaten with many is more probable than that his historian should stripes at Philippi, shut up in the inner prison, be silent, if not ignorant. The author of the and their feet made fast in the stocks, as soon epistle could not, however, have learnt this as they were discharged from their confine- circumstance from the history, for it is not ment they departed from thence, and, when there to be met with; nor, if the historian they had passed through Amphipolis and Apol- [had drawn his materials from the epistle, is it

likely that he would have passed over a cir-Timothy came to the apostle at Athens, a fact cumstance, which is amongst the most obvi- which the epistle, we have seen, virtually asous and prominent of the facts to be collected from that source of information.

No. IV.

No. V.

Chap. ii. 14. "For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judea are in Christ Jesus; for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews."

serts when it makes Paul send Timothy back from Athens to Thessalonica. The sending back of Timothy into Macedonia accounts also for his not coming to Corinth till after Paul Chap. iii. 1-7. "Wherefore when we had been fixed in that city for some considercould no longer forbear, we thought it good able time. Paul had found out Aquila and to be left at Athens alone, and sent Timotheus, Priscilla, abode with them and wrought, beour brother and minister of God, to establish ing of the same craft; and reasoned in the syyou, and to comfort you concerning your faith; nagogue every Sabbath day, and persuaded the but now when Timotheus came from you Jews and the Greeks. Acts, ch. xviii. 1-5. unto us, and brought us good tidings of your All this passed at Corinth before Silas and Tifaith and charity, we were comforted over you motheus were come from Macedonia. Acts, in all our affliction and distress by your faith."ch. xviii. 5. If this was the first time of their The history relates, that when Paul came coming up with him after their separation at out of Macedonia to Athens, Silas and Timo- Berea, there is nothing to account for a delay thy staid behind at Berea: "The brethren so contrary to what appears from the history sent away Paul to go as it were to the sea; itself to have been St. Paul's plan and expecbut Silas and Timotheus abode there still; tation. This is a conformity of a peculiar speand they that conducted Paul brought him to cies. The epistle discloses a fact which is not Athens." Acts, ch. xvii. 14, 15. The his- preserved in the history; but which makes tory farther relates, that after Paul had tar- what is said in the history more significant, ried some time at Athens, and had proceeded probable, and consistent. The history bears from thence to Corinth, whilst he was exer- marks of an omission; the epistle by reference cising his ministry in that city, Silas and Ti- furnishes a circumstance which supplies that mothy came to him from Macedonia. Acts, omission. ch. xviii. 5. But to reconcile the history with the clause in the epistle, which makes St. Paul say, "I thought it good to be left at Athens alone, and to send Timothy unto you," it is necessary to suppose that Timothy had come up with St. Paul at Athens; a circumstance which the history does not mention. I remark, therefore, that although the history do not ex- To a reader of the Acts of the Apostles, it pressly notice this arrival, yet it contains inti- might seem, at first sight, that the persecumations which render it extremely probable tions which the preachers and converts of Christhat the fact took place. First, as soon as tianity underwent, were suffered at the hands Paul had reached Athens, he sent a message of their old adversaries the Jews. But if we back to Silas and Timothy "for to come to attend carefully to the accounts there deliverhim with all speed." Acts, ch. xvii. 15. Se-ed, we shall observe, that, though the opposicondly, his stay at Athens was on purpose that tion made to the Gospel usually originated from they might join him there: "Now whilst Paul the enmity of the Jews, yet in almost all plawaited for them at Athens, his spirit was stir- ces the Jews went about to accomplish their red in him." Acts, ch. xvii. 16. Thirdly, purpose, by stirring up the Gentile inhabitants his departure from Athens does not appear to against their converted countrymen. Out of have been in any sort hastened or abrupt. It Judea they had not power to do much mischief is said, "after these things," viz. his dispu- in any other way. This was the case at Thestation with the Jews, his conferences with the salonica in particular: "The Jews which bephilosophers, his discourse at Areopagus, and lieved not, moved with envy, set all the city the gaining of some converts, "he departed in an uproar." Acts, ch. xvii. ver. 5. It was from Athens and came to Corinth." It is not the same a short time afterwards at Berea: hinted that he quitted Athens before the time" When the Jews of Thessalonica had knowthat he had intended to leave it; it is not sug-ledge that the word of God was preached of gested that he was driven from thence, as he Paul at Berea, they came thither also, and was from many cities, by tumults or persecu-stirred up the people." Acts, ch. xvii. 13.— tions, or because his life was no longer safe. And before this our apostle had met with a Observe then the particulars which the histo-like species of persecution, in his progress ry does notice that Paul had ordered Timo- through the Lesser Asia: in every city “the thy to follow him without delay, that he waited unbelieving Jews stirred up the Gentiles, and at Athens on purpose that Timothy might made their minds evil-affected against the brecome up with him, that he staid there as long thren." Acts, ch. xiv. 2. The epistle thereas his own choice led him to continue. Lay-fore represents the case accurately as the hising these circumstances which the history does tory states it. It was the Jews always who disclose together, it is highly probable that set on foot the persecutions against the apos

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