| John Norris - Beatitudes - 1707 - 512 pages
...where, as lays Saint Pete ry He received from Cod the Father Honour and p'/cry, when there came fitch a voice to him from the excellent Glory, This is my Beloved Son ?""• l$ f*z whom J am well flea fed. St Peter concludes from hence the certainly of the Chriftian... | |
| William Whiston - Bible and science - 1717 - 376 pages
...after my Deceafe to have tbefe Things always in Remembrance, for we have not followed cunningly devifed fables, when we made known unto you. the Power and. Coming of our Lord Jefus Cbrifl, but were EyeWitneffes oj his Majefly. for be received from God the father, Honour and... | |
| William Whiston - 1725 - 370 pages
...have thefe firings always in Remembrance. For ive have not followed cunningly devifed Fables, •wbm we made known unto you the Power and Coming of our Lord Jefus Cbrift, but were EyeIfitneffes of his Majcfty. For he received from God the Father, Honour and... | |
| Thomas Stackhouse - Apologetics - 1741 - 558 pages
...My Mount, gives us this account of it. ' We have not follow' d cunningly dev'tfecl Fable sy lays he, when we made known unto you the Power and Coming of our Lord Jefas Cbrtfty but were Eye-witneJJes of his Majefty ; for he received from God the Father Honour, and... | |
| William Weston - Miracles - 1748 - 432 pages
...mew that Chriftianity was no impofture. For we have not followed, fays he, cunningly devifedfables, when -we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jefus Chrift, but -were fye-witnej/es of bis Majefty. For he received from God the Father honour and... | |
| John Hutchinson - 1749 - 454 pages
...Jaying, This is my beloved Son, hear him. 2 Pet. i. 1 6. For we have not followed cunningly-devifed Fables, when we made known unto you the Power and Coming of our- Lord Jefus Chrift ; but were Eye-witnejfes of his Majefty, Ver. 17. For he received from God the Father,... | |
| Jeremiah Seed - Sermons, English - 1750 - 406 pages
...fufficient Ground for the Belief of Chriftianity. 2 PETER J. 16. For we have not followed cunningly devifed Fables, when 'we made known unto you the Power and Coming of our Lord JefusCbriji. Pig. ..i: SERMON II. Improbabilities not fufficient to invalidate Moral Certainty. ' '-.•'.'-... | |
| John Tillotson - Sermons, English - 1757 - 496 pages
...CHRIST'S divine authority, 2 Pet. i. 1 6, 17, 1 8. " For we have not followed cunningly ** devifed fables, when we made known unto you the " power and coming of our LORD JESUS CHRIST: " but were eye-witnefles of his majefty. For he re** ceived from GOD the Father honour and glory, " when there... | |
| Thomas Gordon - Great Britain - 1763 - 356 pages
...defcriptions of him in the gofpel. Another paflage in confirmation of the fame principle, is as follows : " We made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jefus Chrift ; we were witnefles of his majefty, for he received from God honor and glory." I fhall... | |
| Thomas Newton (bp. of Bristol.) - Bible - 1766 - 518 pages
...cominoin power and glory was his appearing in : glory and majefty at his transfiguration, (ver. 17, 18.) For he received' from God the Father honor and glory, when there came fuch a-voice to him from 'the the excellent glory, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleafcd.... | |
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