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his spirit, and many indications were given of a ripening for his heavenly home. At the age of fifty-one, on November 4th, 1876, he passed away. G. A. P.

MR. HENRY RICHARDSON died at Hartlepool, November 1st, 1876. Mr. Richardson enjoyed a clear sense of God's forgiving love, and walked in His fear and the comfort of the Holy Ghost. He was devotedly attached to the doctrines and discipline of Wesleyan-Methodism. His very love for the Church, and his eager zeal to promote its welfare, seemed to give a stern aspect to him in the position he sometimes felt it his duty to assume; but underneath there was a kind and tender heart. He sustained all the offices in which a layman can serve Methodism, with the exception of that of a Local Preacher. During his last illness he was graciously supported by the Divine Presence.


was often humbled before God, and confessed himself unworthy of the least of His mercies, but was enabled to triumph in the Atonement. On a Sabbath afternoon a few weeks before his death, he desired to partake of the Lord's Supper with a few of his friends. The Lord filled the room with His glorious Presence. Our dying brother exclaimed: O the precious blood of my Lord Jesus Christ?' and then, lifting his almost fleshless hands toward heaven, he prayed that the Church might be preserved, and that all present might meet in heaven. He was a true man, a loyal Methodist, who lived, prayed, and contributed of his substance to promote the Church's welfare.


MR. WILLIAM BAILEY GILBERT was born at West Ville, Lincolnshire, May 4th, 1820. He was favoured with the rich heritage of pious ancestry. His parents were consistent members of the WesleyanMethodist Society; and his grandfather, John Gilbert, was for many years a Local Preacher, and was honoured with the friendship of the Rev. John Wesley, who spent several nights under his roof at Wrangle. The old Wesleyan chapel at Wrangle was built by Mr. John Gilbert, who was removed to the better land when William was only four months old. His devoted mother faithfully trained him in 'the nurture and admonition of the Lord.'

In answer to his mother's prayers, the gracious influences of the Holy Spirit were given to the fatherless boy; and to the day of his death he cherished grateful recollections of her care in taking him to the Class-meetings and Prayer-meetings in very early life.

At the age of sixteen he left home to reside with his uncle, Mr. Riggall, of Ulceby; and whilst there the good seed of the kingdom, sown by his mother, sprang up and brought forth fruit. In January, 1837, he was brought to religions decision under a sermon preached in the Alford Chapel by the late Charles Richardson, 'the Lincolnshire Thrasher.' There and then he cried to the Lord for mercy; and, before leaving, was enabled to rejoice in the God of his salvation.

In 1864 he removed to New Leake, in the Wainfleet Circuit, where he remained until his death, in 1876. During the last ten years of his life he filled the offices of Society-steward and Treasurer of the Sunday-school; and as a Steward was found faithful. From conversion to death, & period of forty years, he retained a clear sense of his acceptance with God. He was esteemed by all who knew him. He was an affectionate husband, a sincere friend, a good neighbour, and a loyal disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. M.R.

MR. ROBERT FEATHERSTONE was born at Commondale, near Guisborough, in the year 1794, and died at Skelton, in Cleveland, where the later years of his life were spent. His early life was carefully watched over by godly parents, who endeavoured to train him for heaven; and at the age of seventeen, after returning from a Lovefeast at Guisborough, he gave his heart to God. From this time until his death he was a consistent member of the Wesleyan Church.

The testimony of all who knew him is, that he was an Israelite indeed'; he walked circumspectly before the world, and maintained a conscience void of offence toward God, and toward men,' As the result of a firm faith in a loving Saviour, followed by a holy life, his end was peaceful and triumphant. Almost his last words were, 'Praise God from Whom all blessings flow, etc.' On January 29th, 1877, his spirit took its flight to the better land.

W. H. E.


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Engraved by J COCHRAN from a Photograph by APPLF TON & Co Brauford



JULY, 1879.




MR. HENRY CARTWRIGHT was extensively known in Methodist circles in the neighbourhood of Manchester. His spotless and amiable character, his activity and usefulness, his intelligent and devout piety, his catholic and brotherly spirit, constrained every one who knew him, to take knowledge of him that he had been with Jesus,' and to regard him with affection and confidence. He was born at Toynton-All-Saints, near Spilsby, in September, 1799, and was from boyhood singularly religious and upright. A schoolfellow states that he was regarded by every one as a most exemplary lad, who was ready to reprove sin whenever he observed it. He received an ordinary education, and in his early teens was apprenticed to a draper in Spilsby, where he soon became a member of the Wesleyan-Methodist Society, and was distinguished for goodness and superior business abilities. At this time he was the means of the conversion of both his parents, who became active members of the Society, and after nourishing and promoting the cause of God in the Spilsby Circuit for many years, died happy in the Lord.

In 1823 he removed to Leeds, to occupy a situation of responsibility in the firm of Sadler, Roberts and Sadler, and was greatly valued and esteemed by that distinguished member of the firm, Michael Thomas Sadler, M.P.

To the Methodism of Leeds, Mr. Cartwright ever held himself to be under great obligations: the holy influences which there surrounded him lifted him into a higher state of grace, and prepared him for future usefulness. He there became acquainted with some eminently devoted young men, whose example and conversation led him to an acquaintance with 'the deep things of God,' and stimulated him to the pursuit of things that are excellent.' He had never previously been clear as to his acceptance with God, but soon after going to Leeds he was stirred up to seek the 'knowledge of salvation by the remission of sins.' In a diary which he kept for many years, but which he destroyed, with the exception of a few pages accidentally preserved, he made the following record under the date July 28th, 1823:

'Last Monday will be remembered by me while memory holds her seat, being the day on which I entered fully into liberty. I had been visiting two sick families, and whilst engaged in praying with them I felt unusual power to plead with God, and again after going home in conducting family prayer I felt still more power. I then retired into secret and poured out my soul to God, without, however, expecting anything

extraordinary; but just as I was concluding, it came into my mind to open the Bible, and as I did so, I solemnly promised that if God would direct me to a passage, and by it testify to my heart of my acceptance with Him, I would never doubt again. Immediately on opening the Book I read the words: "Him hath God exalted with His right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour, for to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins." And from that moment I have not dared to doubt that I am in the liberty of God's dear children.'

Once upon the Rock, he held on firmly amid the assaults of evil. The higher Christian life upon which he entered on that memorable Monday began at once to bring forth fruit. He became more diligent in 'redeeming the time,' that he might have opportunities for secret intercourse with God, for the visitation of the sick, and for the public means of grace. Without infringing upon business hours not his own, he found time for religious duties, which he attended to with earnestness and self-denial, presenting himself 'a living sacrifice to God.' A fragment of his diary shows what manner of man he was at the age of five-and-twenty; and the Methodist people of the present day would do well to note how their predecessors in the early part of this century employed their leisure hours and Sabbaths, and how the energy of their faith made them 'not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord':

‘August 2nd, 1825.-Last evening I retired into secret determined to plead with God for the full sanctification of my soul; but I felt shorn of strength, partly, perhaps, from too long abstinence from food; and, O! the distress of soul which I felt. It would have been impossible to live unless relief had come; but, after a dark night, joy came in the morning, and during the greater part of this day I have enjoyed liberty of soul. At the Band-meeting this evening, at which Messrs. Morley and Reece were present, I was enabled to testify to the great deliverance which God had wrought out for me; and the fervent desire of my heart just now is to love God with all my powers.

Sunday, August 3rd.-I spent some time profitably in my closet in reading the Scriptures and prayer. At six o'clock I went to the Prayer-meeting. At seven o'clock Mr. Speight preached, and God was pleased to pour His consolation into my heart under the sermon. After breakfast I spent about an hour in fervent prayer, and found much power. Several blessed promises were applied to my mind, and I can truly say I realized a present salvation. At half-past ten o'clock I went to Wesley Chapel, and heard Mr. Pinder. In the afternoon I visited five sick families; two of them very distressing In the evening I heard Mr. Morley, and the word was spirit and life to my soul. I concluded the day happy in God and resting upon Christ.'


Mr. Cartwright was an old-fashioned Methodist, trained up amid Bandmeetings, Love-feasts and Class-meetings, and attaching great importance

to these means of grace. His Band-mates were devoted young men, whe greatly 'strengthened his hand in God.' Their faithfulness, advanced piety, knowledge and zeal, made their fellowship a great blessing to him, going får to counteract the spirit of the world, and to brace up his spiritual life from time to time.

If the busy Ministers, hard students, over-worked professional men and toilers in commercial life amongst the Methodists of the present day, would secure the help and stimulus of the old private Band-meeting, they would

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