THE 1826. ANNUAL REVIEW; AND HISTORY OF LITERATURE; FOR 1802. ARTHUR AIKIN, EDITOR. VOL. I. LONDON: PRINTED FOR T. N. LONGMAN AND O. REES, PATERNOSTER-ROW. By T. Gillet, Salisbury-Square. PREFA C E. THE Proprietors and Editor, in submitting the present Volume to the Literary Public, that great tribunal to which critics as well as authors are ultimately amenable, gladly avail themselves of the customary indulgence of a preface. They regret the necessity that compels them, in the very outset of their undertaking, to have recourse to the language of apology, for the length of time that has elapsed since the period which they fixed upon for publication. Part of the delay is owing to the unfortunate loss of a con siderable portion of manuscript, and the rest to the inexperience of the Editor, in not foreseeing and making proper allowances for the interruptions, which must necessarily happen to the completion of so extensive a work. These causes, however, it is confidently hoped, will not occur again: the details of business will become more and more familiar; and our preparations for the second volume being already commenced, will, we doubt not, enable us to fulfil for the future, our engagement to the Public. To what extent we have succeeded, in the execution of the plan laid down in our Prospectus, is not for us to determine; but we hope that it will be considered as a respectable effort, and the earnest of greater and still more meritorious exertions. With the Prices at which the various Works are sold in Boards, By MESSRS. LONGMAN & REES, Paternoster-Row. $ Mackenzie's Voyages in North America, 4 Collins's Account of New South Wales, 5 Fischer's Travels in Spain, 8vo. 7s 6 Journal of a Party of Pleasure to Paris, 7 Voyage Pittoresque dans le Jura, par Le- Acerbi's Travels in Sweden, 2 vol. 4to. 9 Travels in the Crimea, by a Secretary to the Russian Embassy, 8vo 7s 6d 10 Mrs. Guthrie's Tour in the Taurida, 4to 11 Pallas's Travels, vol, i. 4to 31 3s 12 Kotzebue's Account of his Exile to Sibe- 19 Barthelemy's Travels in Italy, 8vo 8s 15 Sonnini's Travels in Greece and Turkey, 11 J. Moore, Prophetiæ de Septuaginta, 12 Burder's Oriental Customs, 8vo. 93 13 Foster's Essay on the Method of Illus- 14 Paley's Natural Theology, 8vo 9s 15 Lindsey's Conversations, 8vo 4s 17 Wrangham's Abridgment of Leslie's short 18 Simpson's Plea for Religion, 8vo 63 6₫ 19 Daubeney's Discourses, 8vo. 85 20 Pearson's Letter to Overton, on Justifi- 21 Pearson's Second Letter to Do. Svo 23 6d 22 Kipling's, Articles of the Church of Eng- 16 Olivier's Travels in the Ottoman Empire, 52 Dodwell's Vindication of the Athanasian with an Atlas, 4to 21 12s 6d and g 18 Hornemann's Travels, 4to 15s 19 Priest's Travels in the United States, 8vo 20 Willyams's Voyage up the Mediterranean, 4to 91 19s 6d 21 Aikin's Denon's Travels, 3 vol. 8vo el 2s, 22 Kendal's Denon do. 2 vol. 8vo. 18s 26 Plumptree's Christian Guide, 8vo. 7s 27 Fuller's Calvinistic and Socinian Systems 28 M'Lean's Reply to Fuller's Appendix, $5 Sandford's Sermons, 12mo 4s 6d 37 Scott's Four Sermons, 8vo 25 6d 98 Simeon's Helps to Composition, 2 vol |