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Emperial Magazine;





AMONG the literary pursuits which engage the attention of mankind, there is scarcely any species more instructive than that which traces the march of intellectual energy from obscurity to eminence. It records the progress of perseverance in surmounting difficulties; embodies the virtues by which individuals have been distinguished; and holds out both invitation and encouragement to those who are climbing the steep ascent to imperishable honours. The statesman, the warrior, and the man of science, claim, from their fellow-mortals, the meed of praise; and the pen of the biographer is rarely backward to transmit their names and actions to posterity.

But while these, and characters such as these, arrest our attention, and command our esteem, we must not forget, that the man who devotes his time to the cultivation of literature, mounts into a still higher region, and expatiates at large in the vast empire of the intellectual world. He traces the operations of the mind through the diversified labyrinths of its excursions, connects abstraction with fact, and combines, in new associations, the harmonious agreement of ideas.

In the more elevated ranks of this class, stands that man, who endeavours to improve the morals of his contemporaries, by directing them to survey the excellence of virtue, and stimulating them to the possession of this noble acquisition. The mere moralist, however, unaided by the light of revelation, can have but contracted views of that boundless ocean of realities on which his mind is afloat. He sees the vast expanse immeasurably diffused on all sides around him, but he navigates the hoary deep without a sun to enlighten him, or a polar star to direct his course.

Of these important truths, the pious and intelligent divine is well aware; 84.-VOL. VII.




might deserve the honour with which | lege. Here his conduct was exemhe had been so unexpectedly compli- plary: he scrupulously attended to all mented. the duties of his station, and soon acquired the reputation of having made great proficiency as a scholar.

Having attained his fourteenth year, he was taken from school to be apprenticed to some trade; but to this mode of life, in all its forms, his disinclination was so decided, that his father abandoned the intention, and he was again sent to school. Here he found himself in his proper element, and the height of his ambition was, that he might find his way to one of our famous universities. With this design his father was made acquainted; but as the period of his probable removal drew near, some serious obstacles arose respecting the means of defraying the expense of a college educa


The governors of the school, on hearing this, and being willing to further his views, generously offered him one of their exhibitions, amounting to twenty pounds per annum. But still the additional expense was beyond the father's means, and it is probable that all his hopes would have been blasted, if the governors had not augmented their former liberality. This they did, by granting him the privilege of a double exhibition.

But although his conduct was decorous, and every way becoming his station, and even formed a contrast with the manners of those around him, his religious views were somewhat obscure and indistinct; nor had they acquired that consistency and stability, for which he was afterwards distingnished.

Having been at college about a year, he happened one day to meet with the celebrated dialogue of Mr. Harvey, between Theron and Aspasio. This work he perused with much attention, and its contents so deeply affected his mind, that he became convinced salvation was only attainable by the mercy of God through Jesus Christ. From this he was led to examine the sacred writings with devout attention, to pray for the assistance of the Holy Spirit, to spend every sabbath in the duties of religion, and in earnestly seeking a spiritual acquaintance with God. The evenings of this sacred day he spent with some pious friends in a garret, which served them as a All obstacles being now removed, chapel; and here they presented their preparations were made for his depar- petitions to the throne of grace, that ture, and he was admitted as a sizar they might be prepared, by their stuof Trinity College, Cambridge. The dies, to become the honoured instrureport of his going to college was soon ments of setting forth the divine glory. circulated throughout his native town; A portion of the Greek Testament was and becoming for a time, among his generally read, and commented on, acquaintances, the subject of general and the evenings concluded with conconversation, it gave rise to the follow-versation on religious topics. ing anecdote, which ought not to be In his public intercourse, Mr. Robinomitted. son preserved the same uniform conNot long before his departure, asistency of deportment. Indelicate shoemaker, who lived in the town, meeting him accidentally, inquired if he was going to be a parson. On receiving a reply in the affirmative, he observed, “Then I hope, sir, you will study your bible, that you may be enabled to feed the flock of Christ with spiritual food." This friendly and solemn admonition was followed by an offer to lend him some books on practical subjects. The books, accepted with gratitude, were perused with advantage; and the circumstance altogether, was not without its influence on his future life.

In the month of October, 1768, Mr. Robinson repaired to Cambridge, and took up his residence in Trinity col


and unbecoming expressions rarely failed to draw from him some marks of disapprobation, and not unfrequently a well-timed censure. This drew upon him the honourable stigma of being "righteous overmuch;" and, "his holiness," and "the pope," were epithets by which he was occasionally distinguished. His principles had, however, acquired a stability which the sneer of sarcasm was unable to shake.

Although Mr. Robinson confined his pursuits chiefly to mathematical and classical studies, he did not neglect to read works on divinity, among which those of President Edwards, of New England, claimed his chief attention,

and from the perusal of them he de- | your example." But every effort was rived considerable benefit.

In April, 1771, he was chosen a scholar of Trinity college, and in the December following, he gained the second of Dr. Hooper's prizes for English declamation. In the senatehouse he stood seventh, on which occasion bishop Tomline was his competitor. But this circumstance, instead of creating envy, gained for him the friendship of that afterwards worthy prelate; who, from that time forward, cherished for his talents a high degree of respect.

used in vain, for nothing could lead him to alter his prior determination.

A few weeks after he had received his first degree, he was appointed to the curacies of Wicham and Wichford, two small parishes within about fourteen miles of Cambridge. In these places he preached twice on the Sun. day, and once in the week. In addition to this, he visited from house to house, to enforce in private, those truths which he delivered in public from his pulpits. These exertions soon attracted general attention, not In October, 1772, he was elected only in his own parishes, but among fellow of Trinity college in a very the inhabitants in the neighbouring flattering manner; and in 1773, he districts. In consequence of this, his gained the second of the middle bache-church was speedily so crowded with lor's prizes, for the best Latin essay. hearers, that additional forms were On this occasion, his tutor, Dr. Postle-placed in the aisles for their accommothwaite, declared, that, among the numerous pupils committed to his care, he did not remember one who excelled him as a general scholar.

Having gained a fellowship much carlier than it was usually obtained, he was sent for immediately on his election, by bishop Hinchcliff, who, congratulating him on the event, endeavoured to prevail upon him to take up his residence in the college. "You have now," said his lordship, "a much brighter prospect in life, than what I had when at your age. Come among us, and it shall be my aim to recommend you to some nobleman;—you may thus attain to an eminent station in the church." Mr. R. was not insensible to the pecuniary advantages of this generous offer, but after deliberately weighing it in all its branches, he, with suitable thanks for the favour intended him, begged leave to decline it.

dation. His discourses were chiefly addressed to the consciences of his numerous hearers in a solemn and affectionate manner, and to many among them his ministry was much blessed.

Consonant with the experimental and practical tendency of his preaching, are the following observations made by him, to a man who desired to be admitted to the holy communion. "Do you cordially grieve on account of sin? Do you depend simply on Christ? Are you fully resolved to serve the Lord in holiness?" On being answered in the affirmative, he added, "Then come, and may God be with you."

Continuing to draw crowded audiences to his church, it was not long before Mr. Robinson had to encounter a formidable opposition from persons who sagaciously discovered that he was tinctured with Methodism. This is, at all times, a serious charge, but Of the high estimation in which he it was then a crime of almost inexpiwas held by his fellow-students, the able turpitude. The report gained following fact gives ample evidence. ground; and his former tutor, Dr. PosDuring the time of his under graduate-tlethwaite, half believing the charge to ship, an attempt was made to set aside subscriptions to the thirty-nine articles, and a petition for this purpose was handed round the university for signatures. In his own college, the inquiry was, "has Robinson signed it?" and when it was found that he had declined, the students refused to give their names. To induce him to alter his resolution, he was waited upon in form; and, among other arguments, it was urged, "If you will give your name, all the others will follow

be true, became alarmed for the safety of the church, and for the honour of his own and of his pupil's reputation. He accordingly sent for Mr. R. and, assuming the charge as founded on fact, seriously admonished him to avoid every thing that should merit this dishonourable epithet. On being asked to explain what it was in his (Mr. R.'s) conduct that had given so much offence, the worthy tutor informed him, "that he had impressed upon the minds of his people, the necessity of

attending to the doctrines delivered, as they would have to give an account at the day of judgment of their treatment of them." To this Mr. R. replied: "If this be a prominent feature of Methodism, the prophets, apostles, and even Christ himself, must doubtless be classed under that order."

Among the methodistical crimes of Mr. Robinson, one was, that of having introduced hymns into his churches, instead of the compositions of Sternhold and Hopkins. At this the vicar of Wichford, during Mr. R.'s temporary absence, took the alarm, and began a controversy which created a ferment, that the latter thought likely to prevent his usefulness. He, therefore, prepared to take his departure from a place in which he had been preaching about two years. No sooner was his resolution known, than three curacies were immediately offered for his acceptance, by men in power, who knew his zeal, piety, and talents, and were well aware how much these excellencies were wanted in the Establishment. One of these, in the gift of Mr. Haines, was at Leicester, which his friend, Dr. Stevens, then a fellow of Trinity college, used every endeavour to procure for him, and strenuously urged him to accept.

This offer Mr. R., for some time, resolutely refused, from the following circumstance. Happening to pass through Leicester, during the heat of a contested election, he was so disgusted with the scenes which he witnessed, that he mentally prayed to God he might never have his lot cast in this city. His friend, however, urged the wickedness of the people as a reason why he should endeavour to reclaim them, and that where he was most wanted was the station of duty.

Overcome by the importunity and arguments of his friend, Mr. R. at length reluctantly consented, but accompanied his compliance with this remark, that he was persuaded he should be dismissed within three months. It is to be lamented that the character of Leicester, at this time, gave a melancholy sanction to this prediction. The higher orders were devoted to feasting, frivolity, and amusements, and the lower classes were sunk in sensuality. The little piety which the city contained, was among the dissenters, and even here

its prevalence was not remarkably conspicuous.

Mr. R. having accepted the offer of the curacy, reached Leicester on a Saturday, and the next morning entered on the duties of his office, by preaching at St. Martin's church. His fame having arrived before him, public expectation was strongly excited.The pious few were highly delighted with his discourse, but many others were greatly offended, and hesitated not to avow their disapprobation. Among the latter, were two gentlemen belonging to the corporation, who, though much displeased with his doctrines, signified their willingness to bear with him, from a persuasion that, from his bodily appearance, he would not long be an inhabitant of time. It, however, so happened that they were both first called to give an account of their stewardship; and it is pleasing to add, that, before their death, their animosity against Mr. R. had so far subsided, that they spoke of him with much respect.

On Mr. R. coming to Leicester, it was intimated by his friends, that, in a Mr. L. he would find a sturdy foe, and under these impressions he entered on his duties. Mr. L. was among his first hearers; but, on having an interview, his fears were dissipated, and he afterwards found him to be a sincere friend. On their first meeting, Mr. R. observed, "I suppose, sir, the good people of St. Martin's begin to think they have a singular sort of man among them?" "Indeed," replied Mr. L. "they do: the ladies feel more difficulty in going from their prayers to the card-table, than they did formerly. It is time we had something new; the humdrum has continued long enough."

In 1774 Mr. R. was appointed chaplain to the Infirmary, for which office he was particularly qualified. In this abode of disease and pain, he generally selected some suitable portion from the church service, and a chapter from the sacred scriptures, on a few verses of which he spoke about a quarter of an hour, and then concluded with prayer. His services in this place were rendered a blessing to many, and several pleasing testimonies have been preserved, of persons who were benefited by his ministry.

During many years of his life, while established at Leicester, he gave in

struction to young gentlemen, preparatory to their going to college. Among these were four sons of a gentleman with whom he was acquainted, for whose tuition he refused to receive any remuneration, although they remained under his care five or six years, and made considerable proficiency in their learning. This favour, however, was not forgotten. Through the patronage of one of them, a son of Mr. Robinson has been promoted to an exalted situation in India, which has been filled with credit to his own family, and much satisfaction to his benefactor.

While Mr. R. had officiated as curate at Wicham, he became attached to a young lady, but, having no permanent settlement, all thoughts of a matrimonial alliance were then viewed at a distance. But, on his becoming established at Leicester, the acquaintance was matured into an engagement, and they were married on the 20th of October, 1774. This lady was in every respect qualified for her station. She became the mother of eleven children; and died at the age of forty-three, leaving six sons and daughters to deplore her loss. For some time prior to her departure, she was the subject of much bodily affliction, but the consolations of religion supported her under all her sufferings, and she was enabled to say, "I have a Saviour who is fully adequate to all my necessities. One less than this could not suffice me." This severe trial Mr. R. bore with true Christian resignation, considering it as a test of those principles by which he had been actuated.

In 1778, Mr. Joseph Wheatley, a respectable manufacturer in Leicester, projected the plan of a weekly evening lecture, which the poor might have an opportunity of attending. This design having met the approbation of the incumbent, and the sanction of the bishop being secured, Mr. Robinson was appointed the first lecturer. The motives which led to the establishment of this institution, were stated by Mr. R. in his inaugural address, in a manner highly creditable to the worthy projector; and though the founder and the first lecturer have ceased to prove its utility, the memory of both is still honoured by its continuance.

About this time the late pious earl of Dartmouth, the patron and advocate |

of the zealous clergy, on becoming acquainted with Mr. Robinson's unwearied exertions to do good, desired him to apply for the living either of St. Martin or St. Mary, according as either should happen to become vacant. This recommendation was speedily adopted; and in August, 1778, the death of Mr. Simmons led the applicant to look for the issue of his former petition. The lord chancellor was accordingly reminded of the previous application, and in about four months Mr. Robinson was instituted to the living of St. Mary's.

But while this change in his circumstances operated to his pecuniary advantage, it was accompanied with troubles that tended to diminish his peace. His former opponents, on finding that his residence among them was now likely to be permanent, renewed their hostility, and became more formidable from their determined virulence, and the additional means of annoying him, which his new situation afforded. The pretended subject of contention, was the mode of singing which had been adopted. This, the new vicar disapproving, endeavoured to suppress; but, in attempting to remove the evil, he became entangled with many serious difficulties. The churchwardens supported the singers, while the clerk sided with the minister. The consequence was, that two psalms were announced, and sung at the same time, one in the gallery, and the other in the body of the church, and the utmost confusion prevailed. At length things wore so serious an aspect, that the wardens closed the church doors against their new vicar, and it was with difficulty they were prevailed upon to open them without the application of force.

Peace, however, being at length restored, his audience, which was very large, settled down into a respectable congregation of attentive hearers; and his mind regained that tranquillity, of which, by the late conflicts, it had been for a season deprived. In all his sermons, his grand object was to impress divine truth upon their hearts, and to call forth its strongest evidence, a correspondent holiness in their lives. To accomplish this, he left no method untried; and although his success was not equal to his wishes and his exertions, he had sufficient proof that he was not labouring in vain,

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