Published by the same Author, SERMONS, on Subjects chiefly Practical; with Illustrative Notes, and an Appendix, relating to the Character of the Church of England, as distinguished, both from other Branches of the Reformation, and from the modern Church of Rome. — Second Edition, price 10s. 6d. in boards. Printed by A. and R. Spottiswoode, COMPRISING A REVIEW OF THE PRINCIPLES OF COMPOSITION LAID DOWN BY THE LATE ROBERT LOWTH, D.D. LORD BISHOP OF LONDON, IN HIS PRÆLECTIONS AND ISAIAH: AND AN APPLICATION OF THE PRINCIPLES SO REVIEWED, TO THE ILLUSTRATION OF The New Testament; IN A SERIES OF CRITICAL OBSERVATIONS ON THE STYLE AND STRUCTURE OF THAT SACRED VOLUME. BY THE REV. JOHN JEBB, А.М. RECTOR OF ABINGTON, IN THE DIOCESE OF CASHEL. I use the Scripture, not as an arsenal, to be resorted to only for arms and THE HONOURABLE ROBERT BOYLE. LONDON: PRINTED FOR T. CADELL AND W. DAVIES, IN THE STRAND; AND W. BLACKWOOD, EDINBURGH. TO THE MOST REVEREND AND RIGHT HONOURABLE CHARLES BRODRICK, D. D. LORD ARCHBISHOP OF CASHEL. MY LORD, IN permitting me to place where it now stands, a name so justly and so generally revered and beloved, Your Grace has conferred upon this work, and upon the author of it, no ordinary benefit. On such an occasion, were my language to keep pace with my feelings, I am conscious, that, instead of imparting pleasure, I should inflict pain. They who most delight themselves in shewing kindnesses, are the most unwilling to have those kindnesses proclaimed: and when Providence connects one with a benefactor of this stamp, he should, in expressions at least, confine himself to "The still small voice of gratitude." There are facts, however, which, as connected with the volume now submitted to your censure, I have not the self-denial wholly to suppress. Your Grace can scarcely have forgotten, and I hope never to forget, the conversations whence originated the first rude sketches of the present work; conversations held within your palace walls, and elicited by your mild graciousness of manner: it has more probably escaped your recollection, that, in the earlier stages of my progress, I was indebted to your discriminative judgment, for several valuable hints: and it is morally certain, that, were it not for the lettered retirement, which, through Your Grace's long-tried and unintermitting friendship, I have enjoyed during the last ten years, this effort, whether successful or unsuccessful, toward elucidating Holy Scripture, could never have been made. To other, and invaluable friends, I am largely indebted, both for counsel and encouragement. But the earliest and best of those |