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For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope.

IN the original constitution of man, we find that intelligence and uprightness, were combined. By the fall he lost his uprightness, whilst he retained his intelligent nature. The effect of this loss was, that his understanding became darkened, his will perverse, and his affections polluted. Hence it was necessary for his happiness, that God should reveal to him, in a way adapted to his intelligent nature, the manner in which he might recover his uprightness. This revelation was made at first by God himself in

an audible manner, when he promised him, that "the seed of the woman should bruise "the serpent's head"." In this first promise was contained the substance of all subsequent revelations. God afterward gave clearer and fuller information of the nature, extent, and effects of this promise. These revelations, whilst the number of mankind was comparatively small, and the lives of men prolonged to several centuries, were safely handed down from one generation to another through the medium of tradition.

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The first command which was given to reduce any of them to writing, was to Moses, the great legislator of the Jews'. From the creation to the time when Moses received this command, was about 2513 years. The following chronological facts will enable you to judge of the perfect safety of tradition, during this interval. Methuselah was 243 years old when Adam died, and Noah 599 when Methuselah died. From the creation to the flood, therefore, a period of 1655 years, but one person was necessary between Adam and Noah to convey the revelations of God down to others. Abraham b Ex. xvii. 14. and xxxiv. 27.

a Gen. iii. 15.

was 150 years, and his son Isaac 50, when Shem, the son of Noah, who was 97 years at the time of the flood, died. The year after Joseph interpreted Pharaoh's dream, and was promoted in Egypt, Isaac died. Moses was born 64 years after the death of Joseph, and lived to the age of 120 years. Thus, in a period of 858 years, from the flood to the first command for committing the revelations of God to writing, four persons only, namely, Abraham, Isaac, Joseph, and the father of Moses, were necessary to preserve and convey to their generations respectively, God's revealed will. But as now the life of man was shortened, and the number of the race was increased, tradition became dangerous, and therefore God's revelations were, in future, committed to writing.

Of these written revelations, or as they are called by the apostle, " oracles of God"," the Jewish nation became the preservers. They are comprised in that part of our Bibles which are called the Old Testament, beginning with Genesis, and ending with the prophecies of Malachi. These are call

b Rom. iii. 2.

ed in the text, " The Scriptures," that is, the writings, namely, of God; or those works which were written by men inspired by his Spirit. The same name the Lord Jesus gave to them, when, in one of his addresses, he exhorted the Jews, "Search the Scriptures." Though the apostle thus refers to the writings of the Old Testament in the text, yet Peter calls the writings of this apostle by the appropriate name of " Scrip"tures." Following his example, we cannot err in assuming this as a truth, that the New Testament, being composed by men divinely inspired, constitutes equally with the Old, the writings of God.

These Scriptures, in the enlarged sense, were written for the learning, that is, the instruction of the children of men in those matters which pertain to their best and eternal interest, their chief good. Here they are taught the way in which they can regain the original uprightness of their nature, in which consists their chief good. After this they have in all ages eagerly and perseveringly sought, cherishing the secret hope that they would ultimately find it.

John r. 39.

Hence, in all ages, and

d 2 Pet. iii. 16.

among all men, you find forms of religious worship established, and pretensions to revelation from heaven, believed and honoured by a prompt obedience to their requisitions. But though hope has been cherished in the human breast, and its promised good sought for by the human race, none know what it is, or have ever experienced its enjoyment, save they who have embraced the seed of the woman, Christ the Saviour. He is the chief among ten thousand, and the hope of glory to all who know him. Such characters the apostle is addressing in the text, assuring them, that in a particular manner, "whatsoever was written afore"time, was written for their learning, that they through patience and comfort of the

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Scriptures might have hope." Though the text thus has a special reference to believers, yet it may be used as affording instruction to unbelievers also. Thus extensively understood, without adverting to the connexion, it unfolds to our attention these two truths:

I. That in the Scriptures alone man can find real hope, a hope that shall not make him ashamed.

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