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36. Basal joint of the female genital appendages with two or three style-shaped spurs. Generally one or two spinules in addition to the claw of the legs 4. 4a. Tarsus of legs 1-13, 3-jointed; tarsus 14, 4- to 6-jointed; tarsus 15, 5- or 6


46. Tarsi 1-13, 1- or 2-jointed.

5a. Tarsi 1-15, 2-jointed.

5b. Tarsi 1-12, 1-jointed.

6a. Tarsus 15 divided into numerous secondary joints.

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7a. Tarsus 13, 1-jointed. Three ocelli on each side. Legs 14 and 15 of male considerably thickened.

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76. Tarsus 13, 2-jointed. One ocellus on each side, or none. Antennae with 1946 joints. Claw with two spinules

8a. Antennae 19-21-jointed; coxa of maxillipedes with 4-6 teeth


Wailamyctes Archey.


8b. Antennae 24- or more jointed; coxa of maxillipedes with 2 or 3 teeth 9a. One ocellus on each side

96. No eyes

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Lamyctes Mein. Lamyctinus Silv.


1868. Lamyctes Meinert, Naturh. Tidsskr., v, p. 266. 1880. Henicops Latzel, Myr. Ost. Ung. Mon., i, p. 132. 1887. Henicops Haase, Indo-Austral. Chilop., p. 35. 1901. Lamyctes Pocock, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (7), viii, p. 449. 1907. Lamyctes Verhoeff, Bronn's Class. u. Ordn., v, p. 238. 1908. Lamyctes Attems, Myr. Deutsche Südpolar Exp., p. 420. 1909. Lamyctes Attems, Schultze's Forsch. Reise D. S.W. Afr., p. 5. 1912. Lamyctes Chamberlin, Bull. Mus. Harvard Coll., lvii, p. 5. One ocellus on each side. Frontal furrow deep; a median notch visible only in the fore part, not continued into a median furrow. Antennae with 24-46 joints. Coxae of toxicognaths with 2-3 teeth on each side. Posterior angles of tergites rounded or toothed; surface smooth, rarely granulated. Tibia of the legs 1-11 always, 12 generally, 13-14 rarely with tooth-like process distally at the side. Tarsus of legs 1-12, 1-jointed; 13-15, 2-jointed. Claw with two spinules. Coxae of legs 12-15 with one row of pores. Genital appendages of female 3-jointed, generally with 2+2, rarely with 3+3 spurs.

Mandible with four groups of paired teeth, 7-11 sickle-like bristles. A few bifid bristles, and a pad with fine hairs. First maxillae: sternite small, triangular, and fused with the coxae, but the sutures still visible; the coxae connected with their bases. Coxal process with

some strong, simple bristles; on the lateral side of its base a little group of spinules. A fine line separates a cuneiform piece of the coxa from which the telopodite arises. This line is distinct in L. castanea, less clear in the other species. The telopodite is 2-jointed. The basal joint is fused on the inner side with the coxal process. The distal joint bears simple and ramifying bristles. Second maxillae : sternite and coxae fused, forming a coxosternum, the boundaries of the component parts still visible. The sternite is small and rhomboid, the telopodite is 3- or 4-jointed; the trochanter and femur are separated or fused. Terminal joint with a 4-lobed claw and simple and branched bristles. Tergite and sternite of the praegenital segment of male and female well chitinised, the sternite longitudinally divided in the male. The genital appendages of the male 4-jointed, the last joint long, thin, bristle-shaped, and clothed laterally with small hairs.

Distribution.-Palaearctic Region, Cape Province, Cameroon, East Africa, United States N. America, Chile, Hawaii, Tristan d'Acunha, Juan Fernandez, Java, Australia.

Synopsis of the Species of Lamyctes.

la. 3+3 genital spurs in the female.

albipes Poc.


16. 2+2 genital spurs in the female 2a. Legs 1-14 with tooth-like process on the tibia; tergites densely granulated

sinuata Por.

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26. Legs 1-12 or 13 with tooth-like process on the tibia. Tergites smooth 3. 3a. Posterior angles of tergites 9-, 11-, 13-toothed 4a. 2+2 teeth on the toxicognaths

46. 3+3 teeth on the toxicognaths

36. Posterior angles of all tergites rounded

5a. Tibia of legs 12 not toothed. Dorsum dark chestnut


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, denticulata Att. numidica, Latz. 5.

castanea Att., neozelandicus Arch. Dorsum yellow or reddish-yellow* 6.

56. Tibia of legs 12 toothed. 6a. Tibia of legs 13 toothed; the process of the coxa of the maxillipedes very short, the teeth minute

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brevilabiatus Rib.

66. Tibia of legs 13 not toothed. Coxa of maxillipedes with longer process, the teeth larger

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7a. The majority of the bristles of the legs are very small and slender; between them are longer ones. Coxal pores very small .

micropora Att. 8.

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76. All bristles of the legs long and of equal size. Coxal pores large 8a. Toxicognaths with 2+2 teeth. The spinules, especially on the posterior pair of legs, relatively large, nearly half the length of the main claw. Genital spurs of female short and thick africana Por.

* Here also the dubious species: L. chathamensis Arch., kermadecensis Arch., munianus Chamb., oticus Arch.

86. Toxicognaths with 3+3 teeth. The spinules of the legs only a quarter the length of the main claw

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9a. First tarsal joint of legs 15 four times as long as its greatest breadth. Genital spurs of female long and slender

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fulvicornis Mein.

96. First tarsal joint of legs 15 eight or more times as long as its greatest breadth tivius Chamb.,* pinampus Chamb.,* pius Chamb.*


3. Lamyctes africana Por.

1871. Henicops africana Porat, Öfvers. Vet. Ak. Förh., p. 140. 1891. Henicops insignis Pocock, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (6), vii, p. 154. 1894. Henicops africana Porat, Bih. Sv. Ak. Handl., xx, p. 10. 1907. Lamyctes fulvicornis africana Attems, Deutsche Südpolar Exp., p. 421.

1909. Lamyctes africana Attems, Schultze's Forsch. Reise, p. 7. 1911. Lamyctes africana Attems, Fauna S.W. Austral., p. 150.

(Pl. XIX, figs. 455, 456; text-figs. 11-14.)

Yellow; the large dark eyes standing out very conspicuously. Same size as L. fulvicornis. Head-plate narrowed in front, with shallow median notch; posterior border straight. On each side one very large ocellus, sometimes one or two smaller ocelli besides. Antennae 25-38-jointed, 2+2 teeth on the coxa of the toxicognaths; a male from St. Paul had on each side a third small colourless tooth. The bristles on the lateral margin of the labrum branched, the remainder simple (fig. 456). Mandible with 10-11 sickle-like bristles, very few bifid bristles, four groups of paired teeth, and one hair-pad. The two drawings (text-figs. 11, 12) taken from the mandibles of the same specimen show that we must not attach too much weight to the shape of the teeth. The group of teeth next to the hair-pad is almost divided into two groups in one mandible and is normal in the other.

The sternite of the first maxillae is small, triangular, and fused with the adjacent parts of the coxae; the coxae themselves have grown together in the basal part, but the sutures are still visible. Coxal process with strong, simple bristles. Telopodite 2-jointed. The first joint is completely fused on the median side with the coxal processes, the suture not being visible. The basal boundary and the junction with the distal joint distinct. The distal joint with simple

*The differences between these three species are somewhat vague; reference must be made to the paper by Chamberlin.

and branched bristles (fig. 455). The sternite of the second maxillae is fused with the coxae, forming a coxosternum; the limits of the component parts only just visible. Trochanter and praefemur fused, the telopodite therefore 3-jointed. The claw 4-lobed; two of the lobes smaller than the others. The posterior angles of all tergites rounded. Posterior border of tergites 3, 5, and 8 slightly sinuate, 10, 12, 14, and 15 more strongly sinuate, equal in both sexes.


TEXT-FIGS. 11 and 12.—Lamyctes africana Por. Right and left mandible of the same specimen.

margins and the surface of the tergites clothed with dispersed hairs, as are also the margins of the sternites.

Genital region of and (text-figs. 13, 14) with only one well-developed sternite and tergite belonging to the praegenital segment. The genital segment is rudimentary and visible only in the neighbourhood of the genital aperture. The tergite of the praegenital segment ( is connected immediately with tergite 15, while it is connected by a broad, more or less visible intersegmental membrane (sk) with the telson. The sternite of the ♂ ( is longitudinally divided. Formerly I took these plates to be basal joints of the gonopods, but I now agree with the view of Verhoeff, who considers them a divided sternite. The genital appendages of the ♂ are inserted on its posterior margin, so that the ventral wall

of the basal joint lies in the continuation of the sternite, while the remaining parts of the basal margin of the first joint pass into the

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TEXT-FIG. 13.-Lamyctes africana Por. Posterior end of ♂, dorsal view.

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TEXT-FIG. 14.-Lamyctes africana Por. Posterior end of ♂, ventral view.

soft membrane in the sides. The basal joints are fused with the first part of their internal margins. The appendages are 4-jointed,

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