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runs no Hazard of his own Reputation by profeffing a fingular Efteem for that Piece. But after all, he thinks it too dry, and that it would have been proper to infert a greater number of Paffages from Hiftory, for giving more Force to his Precepts, and fome Proofs for convincing fuch as fhould not eafily receive the Maxims proposed.

HAVING thus dispatch'd fingle Perfons, he proceeds to attack a whole and formidable Body, viz. the Scholaftic Profeffors of Morality, or the Moral Philofophy, as taught in the Schools. He affirms, that hardly any thing is deliver'd there, which is of use for the Conduct of Life, fixing the Rule of Manners or raising such Motives as may make it agreea ble to us. Therefore, fays he, this part of Philofophy, as taught in Colleges, is still the most defective, and confifts chiefly of puzzling and metaphyfical Queftions. They, who have had the Opportunity of obferving the Practice of the foreign Schools in this Particular, will not think Father Buffier's Cenfure too fevere; and perhaps the fame may be faid of that of our own Univerfities. But our Author produces an Apology ufually offer'd on this Occafion, viz. that this is done with a View of furnishing young Students with Subjects for Difputation, and exercifing their Wit. To which he replies: That the practice of difputing is not preferable to fuch Inftructions as are neceffary for teaching us how to behave ourselves in our refpective Stations, and acquire Happinefs: that the true Subjects of Morality will furnifh us with proper Matter for Difcuffion, and confequently of Difputation For Example, fays he, Whether the Practice of gratifying

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gratifying our Paffions contributes to our Happinefs? Whether there be any Vices in private Perfons, which are not prejudicial to Society? Whether we are obliged to make it our care to please others, and what is the Rule in this Cafe?

THE laft Part of the Collection had not been printed, before it appear'd in this Volume. It contains Answers to fome Difficulties, propofed on feve ral of the preceeding Treaties. In regard to that of firft Truths, we find fome fubtile and ingenious Objections, which had been inferted in the French Mercury; with clear Replies to each of them. In his Anfwer to the Difficulties propofed on Occafion of his Treatife Of the Principles of Reasoning, he prevails with himself to bestow large Commendations on thofe urged by Father Rougé, a Francifcan Friar. He owns they are well fupported; but infinuates that what gave room for them was fome Expreffions, which he owns less exact than they ought to have been.

THE Author of Critical Obfervations on what he had written On Civil Society, is not treated fo tenderly. He declares he had discover'd in that Piece fome faint Glimmerings of Wit or Malice, in the midst of a great Scarcity of Truth and common Senfe. An Author must be convicted of uncommon Abfurdity and Extravagance, before he can be fuppofed to deferve fo fevere a Cenfure; and perhaps fuch Language is never neceffary; but the Abfence of it would always be better fupplied by clofe and calm Reasoning.

THESE Anfwers are followed by a Difcourfe on Study, and the Method of learning the Sciences. The Author infinutes, that the Methods propofed for this Purpose in Books, are of no ufe in Practice; becaufe every Writer has


one peculiar to himself, which is not agreeable to others. Befides, the Methods must be varied, according to the Neceffity, Condition, and Views of each Student. Hittory, for Example, is to be ftudied by an Ecclefiaftic, in a very different Manner from that, which is proper for a Man of Bufinefs and a Politician.

THE other Differtations, contain'd in this Volume, are on different Subjects, fome of which feem to have no particular Connexion. with the Sciences. The Author has made Choice of this Variety, in order to fhew what Affiftance may on all Occafions be received from Grammar, Metaphyfics, Logic, and the other Sciences.

HE undertakes in one of thefe Pieces to enquie, whether the Beauties of Mufic are real, or arbitrary. This gives him Occafion to make a small Treatise on Mufic, which is coherent and intelligible, even to thofe who are entirely unacquainted with that Science. The whole concludes with three Differtations, which have no Relation to the general Defign of the Work. The firft is on a Queftion in the Civil Law; the fecond on the Nature of Exchange; the third on the Origin and Nature of Law and Equity.

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State of Learning.


R. Drapier, Advocate in Parliament, having formerly published a Treatifé of Benefices, which was very well received both by Divines and Lawyers, has lately given the World a Second Edition of that Work in a different Form, and with confiderable Additions. His prefent Title is: Recueil des principales decifions fur les Matieres beneficiales, extraites des Canons, des Conciles, & des plus celebres Auteurs, conformes aux Edits & Declarations du Roi, & à la Jurisprudence du Royaume & du Grand Confeil. 2 Volumes in 12mo.

2. Father le Breton a Jefuit, has published a large and accurate Defcription of the chief Plants found in America.

3. Mr. Reftault has printed his Principes generaux & raifonnez de la Grammaire Françoife, corrigés & augmentés de plus de Moitié. To which he has added, Abregé des regles de la verfification Françoife.

4. Hiftoire

4. Hiftoire de l Academie Royale des Sciences, pour l'Année 1728. avec les Memoires de Methamatique & de Phyfique pour la même année. In 4to.


Pozzano Bookfeller in this City, has

'M. lately published a Tranflation of Father

Bourdaloue's Spiritual Retreat, which is intituled, Retiramento ad ufo delle Communità Religiofe, and done by M. Canturani. In 12mo.

2. Also a Tranflation of the Bishop of Aire's Lent Sermons, called Quarefimale di M. Giovanni Fromentieres, &c. in 4to. That Prelate was Preacher in Ordinary to Lewis XIV. and these Sermons were delivered in 1680.

3. Mr. Muzio has printed, Sentimenti di Spirito propofti ad unanima, che afpira alla fua perfezone. In 12mo. written by Gius. Maria Penimezzi, formerly of the Order of Minims, now a Bishop.



Ather Pietro Maria Ferreri, of the Society of Jefus, has published here, Inftruzione in forma di Catechifmo, per la pratica della Dottrina Chriftiana. 3 Vol. in 4to.

2. Il Cavaliero inftruito nella propria virtú; 'colla Guida della retta razione. Opera di Nicolo Notar Bartolo, de Principi della fciara. In



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