a voice and animation which surprised those present, she cried, "Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Precious Jesus! Precious Jesus! O, how precious is Jesus! He saves me, He washes me, He waits for me. Angels beckon me, and Jesus bids me come. I shall soon be there, and be as clean, and as white, and as beautiful as any of them. I am washed, washed in the blood of the Lamb." Turning to us, she said, "Jesus will save you all. Make haste and come to me there. Why don't you all believe? Jesus would save everybody." These were only a few of her triumphant sayings on that memorable afternoon. I have often gladly listened to the utterances of God's saints when standing on the brink of Jordan, ready for the command to cross over, and take possession of the promised land; but never did I hear words of sweeter experience and brighter hope. In such cases is seen the indisputable evidence of the value of true religion. It was a privilege indeed to hear the testimony and counsels of this young but devoted disciple of the Redeemer. Her husband : entering the room, she took him by the hand, and affectionately exhorted him to seek God, and meet her in the skies. She seemed anxious, while she lived, to speak of her heavenly Father, and of Jesus, her Strength and Righteousness. "It is sweet," she said, "to die with Jesus; and yet it is hard to struggle. Satan has tempted me very much he wants to destroy me. I cannot now pray; but I look to Jesus, and say, Precious Jesus! precious Jesus!' and Satan flies away.' "Thus she continued a few hours longer, suffering much; but, though tempest-tossed, she had not only peace, but joy in the Holy Ghost. Surrounded by adversaries, she triumphed through the blood of the Lamb. On the morning of July 9th, 1856, she was evidently just entering into life. Her head drooped; the silver cord was loosed, the golden bowl was broken; the mortal strife ended. She passed through the gates into the city. WILLIAM R. ROGERS. DIED, May 11th, 1856, SUSANNA GOODEY, aged eighty-six, in St. Johnstreet Road, Islington. In childhood and youth she was in circumstances unfavourable to the attainment of piety. Her parents were respectable, morally correct in social life, but strangers to the knowledge and grace of Christ. In early life she married, and with her husband kept a public-house in the Barbican. When once intent upon a day's pleasure at Edmonton, she had an alarming dream the previous night, that, if she went, a serious accident would happen ; which made her falter in her purpose. She was persuaded, however, by her husband to go; and a spacious amphitheatre, in which a large number of persons were congregated, broke down, and many were seriously injured. The catastrophe occurred precisely as she had seen it in her dream; and the escaping unhurt, notwithstanding her disregard of the premonition, superinduced, by the blessing of God, much serious thinking. Mr. and Mrs. Goodey went to the City-road chapel; and the first discourse which they heard was singularly appropriate to their state of mind. The text was, "Come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord; and I will receive you, and will be a Father unto you," &c.; and the sermon was on the duty and advantages of "having no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness." This solemn service resulted in a united decision for God and His people. Both joined the Methodist church; and, convinced that their mode of life was incompatible with their Christian calling, they abandoned it with promptitude, notwithstanding its gains, and went to reside at Tottenham. before the present Tottenham chapel was erected, they opened their house for class-meetings and other services. By their upright conduct, fervent piety, and active efforts, many were led to the ministry of the Gospel, converted, and nurtured in godliness. They took a deep interest in the erection of the chapel, where a mural monument perpetuates the remembrance of Mr. Goodey's holy life, happy death, and bequest of £100 to the trust. Mrs. Goodey survived her excellent husband about thirtyseven years. In the records of her diary, which run over that space of time, she often refers to the greatness of her loss, and the unspeakable happiness of meeting him in the presence of their common Saviour. She had also to bemoan the death of five children in early life. A widow and childless, she employed her solitary hours in self-investigation, devotion, and heavenly contemplations. Her memoranda yield ample evidence that she was "after the Spirit," and "minded the things of the Spirit; ""a widow indeed, and desolate,' "trusting in God, and continuing in supplications and prayers night and day." Infirmities early and rapidly increased upon her, and at times she suffered extreme pain; but meek Long ness, fortitude, and resignation to God's will vanquished fretfulness and precluded complaint. Perhaps her greatest trial was deafness, increasing with age, which cut her off for many years from the fellowship of saints, in which she delighted. The Ministers of the Gospel shared largely in her sympathies and prayers. She had a heart of compassion, and an open hand, for the poor. The institutions of Methodism she supported to the utmost of her power. Her daily and even constant companion was the Bible; and the most prominent feature of her religious character was devotion, with their inseparable accompaniments of humility and love. Long before she departed this life, her heavenliness of mind was apparent, and she truly desired "to depart and to be with Christ." The period at length arrived when this mature and venerable disciple of the Saviour should be admitted into His presence. For a long time she was almost blind and deaf, greatly enfeebled, and tortured with violent pains in her head; but she remained a noble example of patience, thankfulness, and hope. When informed that death was near, she exclaimed, with unwonted emphasis, "Glory be to God for such good news!" and "languished into life." Some of her last thoughts were of the destitute, and she bequeathed £19. 19s. to the Strangers' Friend Society. JOHN HALL. DIED, at Brighton, Victoria, May 14th, 1856, MRS. MILLENDA WELLARD, aged eighty years; during sixtyfive of which she had been a member of the Wesleyan-Methodist church. For some time during her sojourn in her native land, she was a member of our church in the Sheerness and Woolwich Circuits. In the year 1821 she accompanied her husband, who was also a member, and "an Israelite indeed," to Hobart-Town, Van-Diemen's Land; and, in that early and trying period of colonial history, she strenuously endeavoured to maintain the fervour of her own piety, and to train her sons and daughters in the fear of the Lord. With her husband, she came over to Port-Philip (now called Victoria) in 1841; and for thirteen years she resided in the city of Melbourne. Although remarkably retiring in her habits, she is known to have frequently visited her neighbours, and to have earnestly besought them to seek the power of true religion. After the death of her husband in 1849, she lived with her son at Brighton. As long as she was able, she diligently attended all the means of grace; and, when she sickened to die, her mind enjoyed an unwavering repose upon the merits and intercession of Christ. Never, perhaps, was the indescribable advantage of the Christian who sits, for a succession of years, under the sound of an evangelical ministry, more convincingly manifested than in the last affliction and triumph of Mrs. Wellard. The doctrine of justification by faith without the works of the law was her chief support in that season of sorrowful trial. "Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth," was her constant theme; and this great truth inspired her with "boldness" to 66 enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus." "Now it is," said she, "that I feel I have no righteousness of my own to plead. 'Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee,'" &c. She had been evidently impressed that her time was short; for, on visiting her daughter, (who with her husband and family had just returned from England,) she stated that she was "going home to die." Her pains, in her last affliction, were severe indeed; and she frequently said, that, if it were the will of the Lord, she would rather "depart to be with Christ." Yet there was none of the fretfulness or impatience which is commonly attributed to aged persons: hers was a spirit of sweet submission to the Divine will, and of deepest thankfulness to all who ministered to her relief and comfort. A short time before her death, she exclaimed, "I am coming! I am coming!" Occasionally her chamber seemed to her to be filled with celestial visitants : "Can you not see them?" she said to her affectionate grandaughter. "Can you not see them? I hear the singing.' In this humble spirit of trust in the efficacy of Christ's atonement and intercession, this "widow indeed" and "mother in Israel" passed away from earth, to live and love in a brighter and better world. JAMES BICKFORD. DIED, May 28th, 1856, at Wednesbury, MR. DODO ADAMS. In very early life he was the subject of religious impressions, and at the age of sixteen was truly converted to God. Not long after, he was received on the Plan as a Local Preacher. In this office he was truly useful, and, through a long life, highly and deservedly acceptable. As a Class-Leader, also, for many years he rendered valuable service. Some yet live OBITUARY. who retain a grateful recollection of his care over them, and the wise instruction he gave them; but numbers he saw happily pass before him into the eternal world. His blandness and kindliness secured the esteem both of the rich and the poor; and that, not only among the members of the church to which he belonged, but among all respectable society. classes of before his family, he was In his daily walk deserving of imitation; punctual in his a pattern habits, uniform in his conduct, and most attentive to domestic worship. During the last three years, the writer had many profitable interviews with him, when, as aged Christians, they conversed freely on the deep things of God, related their experience, and united in fervent prayer ; for he delighted in spiritual conversation, and in acts of social devotion. weakness and increasing infirmities, Great months before his decease, rendered it necessary for him to give up his class, and cease to preach, a work in which he had taken great delight. Still, when health allowed, the house of God was frequented; and from the sanctuary on earth he might indeed be said to have passed to the sanctuary in heaven. Seven weeks before his own death a beloved and pious son was taken from him. The aged father felt the stroke, but bowed with submission; and when he saw that youthful son, strong in dying grace, joyful in holy hope, preferring death to life, sacred pleasure beamed in the parent's face. Soon he was called to "follow in the flight. His departure, though for months expected, was at the last sudden; but the messenger found him ready and well employed. May 25th, he was seated in his longOn Sunday morning, occupied pew, and joining in the service of praise; but, feeling indisposed, he had to withdraw before worship closed. After dinner, as his custom was, he retired to his chamber. longer than usual, the door was opened, As he continued and he was found in a state of unconsciousness, from which he never recovered. He expired on the day of completing his seventy-fourth year. WILLIAM NAYLOR. DIED, June 26th, 1856, aged seventyfour, MR. JOHN BATES.-He was born at Swadlingcote, Derbyshire. When very young he lost his parents; but, when thus forsaken, the Lord took special notice of him, and received him into the family of grace by the Spirit of adoption. His convictions of the evil and danger of sin were deep and strong, and terminated in a clear conversion. Led by the guidance of Divine Providence to attend on the ministry of the Gospel among the Methodists, he was taught the way of salvation by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Living at a distance from the house of prayer, he had to pass to his abode down a long solitary lane; and one evening, as he returned from a prayermeeting, such was the agony of his wounded soul, that in the midst of deep snow he kneeled down, resolving not to rise until he had obtained Divine mercy. He continued for a considerable time pouring out his heart's complaint; but not in vain. The Lord heard him, peace was spoken to his troubled mind, and he went on his way rejoicing. From that hour for near fifty years, it is believed, he becoming an inhabitant of Wednesbury, never lost the testimony of the Holy Spirit to his acceptance with God.-On profession, young as he was, led to his appointment to the office of a Classhis upright conduct, and grave Christian Leader, which he sustained forty-eight years with great success. his class was divided, but soon again Repeatedly became numerous. He had a peculiar talent to comfort, to encourage, and to establish; and many were by him directed to a saving knowledge of Christ.-When attacked by the affliction which terminated in death, he had two large classes under his care. For nearly two years he was laid aside; but the joy of the Lord DIED, June 30th, 1856, at Trews Weir Mill, near Exeter, MR. WILLIAM SAUNDERS WANSBROUGH. Descended nexion with Wesleyan Methodism in the from a family which for three preceding generations had held honourable concity of Bristol, he was blessed with the advantages of an early religious training. His conversion to God took place during revival of religion at Watchet. Having OBITUARY been justified by faith, and renewed in the spirit of his mind, he thenceforward endeavoured to adorn the doctrine of God his Saviour. His Christian career was marked throughout by strict conscientiousness, unassuming modesty, and unblemished consistency. His aim was to be good rather than to be thought good; yet he so practised "whatsoever things are lovely," that he secured the cordial esteem of all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance. He had but newly removed to the neighbourhood of Exeter, when he was seized with the illness that terminated his life. From the first he seems to have had the impression that his sickness would be unto death; and, during the second week of his affliction, he relinquished all concern about secular affairs. On that occasion, while lamenting that there had been too much of formalism about his piety, he earnestly sought and obtained a fresh baptism of "the Spirit from on high," and was enabled to avow how thoroughly sufficient he found the Saviour to be. From that time, until life's wheels stood still, his confidence was unmoved, his peace unbroken. Though reduced to extreme physical prostration, he was a stranger to both doubt and fear, and was even raised above gloom and depression. who visited him, he was a marvel of serenity, and appeared as one with whom, through mercy, all conflict was already past. In the word of God and our truly evangelical hymns he found unspeakable comfort; especially in those portions which give prominence to the atonement. Once he was heard to sing, throughout, the hymn, To those "Jesu, Lover of my soul," &c. At another time, while the hymn,— "The God of Abraham praise," was being read, he appeared to be drinking in with greed and pleasure every word as it was uttered. This was more particularly the case at the lines,— "He calls a worm His friend, which he repeated, laying a peculiar emphasis on the expression, "a worm His friend."-For a few days before his decease, his friends had been entertaining hopes of his recovery, as the crisis of his disorder was past, and the symptoms were not unfavourable. Their hopes, however, were doomed to be disappointed. A change of room produced a cold; and in three days, to their sudden dismay and grief, they perceived an alarming alteration in his appearance. His medical attendant was immediately sent for; but human skill was unavailing. In one brief hour, without a sigh or groan, he gently fell asleep in Jesus, in the thirtysixth year of his age. J. S. J. MRS. JANE BERESFORD was born near Belper Pottery, August 25th, 1822. When very young she was sent to the Pottery Sunday-school, and manifested betimes an anxious desire to receive the truths of the Gospel in which she was instructed. It was not enough that she had read about this subject at school; but such were her conversation and conduct at home, that her parents and friends saw clearly enough that the Holy Spirit was working a saving change in her heart. Obedience to parental authority was cheerfully and promptly rendered; so much so, that not a single instance to the contrary can be recalled. When she was a little more than fourteen years of age, she joined the church, and made an open profession of religion. This was done after much serious reflection and careful thought; and the gracious effects of the more private means of grace soon convinced her that her union with the people of God was a happy event in her life. Being thus instructed in the way of righteousness, she became more thoroughly and practically acquainted with the g.eat doctrines of salvation, and resolved not to rest without the evidence of her acceptance with God. By a personal trust in Christ as the sacrificial offering to God for her transgression, she obtained a sense of pardoning mercy, and could say, "I know whom I have believed." From this time her course was steady and consistent. She looked well to her ways, and carefully guarded the precious treasure she had received from being injured by the blighting influence of this vain and perishing world. She seemed always to have that passage deeply engraven on her mind," Know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God?" At the age of twenty-one she was united in marriage with Mr. James Beresford, who now mourns her departure hence. Deeply did she feel the responsibility of her new situation; and she sought special help from God, to enable her to discharge its duties with fidelity. Nor did she seek in vain. The Christian graces shone forth conspicuously in her; and, while "she looked well to the ways of her household," she was nevertheless diligent in the ordinances of God's house. No trivial matters were allowed to interfere with her religious duties, either public or private; and when affliction, or any other unavoidable cause, prevented her attendance, she regarded it as a serious loss. During the late unholy strife, which threatened to desolate our Zion, she mourned bitterly before God on account of the ruin spread by erring and misguided men. Across this part of the Lord's vineyard that storm swept with violence, tearing up and destroying many of the trees of righteousness which had been planted therein. It required not a little firmness to bear the reproach which was then cast upon the church of her choice; but that firmness was found in her. Her heart was fixed, trusting in the Lord. The affliction which preceded her death was not long, though somewhat tedious and painful. The prospect of death occasioned her no undue anxiety. Although she had strong and tender ties to earth, she meekly submitted to the will of God. Truly could it be said, that in her "patience had her perfect work," and that by its habitual exercise she became "perfect and entire, wanting nothing." When her medical attendant informed her that her end was fast approaching, she calmly replied, "I have been preparing for that event for some time past;" adding, that she expected soon to be at home in her Father's house above. On another occasion she rose to rapture. "I shall soon drink the living stream of bliss," she exclaimed, while the room seemed filled with the glory of God. In her longing desire to be gone, she repeated, "Cease, fond nature, cease thy strife;" and then, as if afraid of being too anxious for her exit, she said, "O for patience! Almost her last request was, that her husband would train her child for heaven; and then, with inexpressible tenderness, she commended them both to God. "You are now very near the valley," said a friend: "is it still light?" (referring to that expression as used by herself on a previous occasion.) She faintly replied, "Quite light-farewell.' These were her last words. So gradually and peacefully did she sink into the arms of death, that it was scarcely known when the happy spirit passed away to be for ever with the Lord. Seldom has it fallen to our lot to witness a more consistent life, or to record a more triumphant death. JOSEPH PORTREY. DIED, November 21st, 1857, at Dover, aged seventy-three, MRS. ANN BIRCH, wife of Thomas Birch, Esq., Mayor.She feared the Lord from her youth. Her conversion to God took place about the year 1803. There was no doubt as to the reality of the great change. She then received not "the Spirit of bondage again to fear," but "the Spirit of adoption," whereby she was enabled to cry, "Abba, Father." The genuineness of her conversion was manifest throughout her deportment, exhibiting as she did the fruit of the Spirit, not in boisterous profession, but in unostentatious piety, both at home and in public. For upwards of fifty years she was one of the most consistent members of the Methodist church in Dover. In the earlier part of her union with God's people, she took a lively interest in the Sunday-school, and for many years afterwards she was an efficient ClassLeader. The sick and necessitous had at all times her sympathy and assistance. While she loved all Christians, she was decided in her attachment to the people among whom she had received her first religious enjoyments. She had to lament the instability of some, and the loss of others, once in church-fellowship with her. But no faithlessness in others, no divisive measures, altered her love to God, or to His people. The consequences of such decision was, stability in the faith, growth in grace, peace of mind, and strong confidence in God. She honoured God by child-like faith and trust, and He honoured her with peace and joy in believing. She was a happy, cheerful, joyous Christian. The following is the testimony of one of the oldest Local Preachers in the place, and her Leader after she became unable to take charge of a class :"Having myself had personal knowledge of her for more than fifty years, and sufficient opportunities to observe her character from the commencement to the close, I [can bear witness that I] have seen nothing but uniform and untiring steps in the path of duty." A Clergyman of the Establishment, who improved her lamented departure in a sermon preached at Trinity church, made the following observations "I cannot conclude, brethren, without one word of tribute to the memory of one who has just been taken from us, and laid in the tomb, in the hope of a glorious resurrection; one who eminently welcomed her Saviour here, and looked ever forward to meet Him hereafter, though humble and unostentatious in her life. She was unknown, probably, to most of you; but known by |