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prefent (for fo much as all the danger was at the ririfing of the Houfe) it was earnestly defired of the Lords that fome care might be taken of our fafety: The motion was received by fome Lords with a fmile, fome other Lords, as the Earl of Manchester, undertook the protection of the Arch-bishop of York and his company (whofe fhelter I went under) to their lodgings; the reft, fome of them by their long ftay, others by fecret and far-fetch't paffages escaped home. It was not for us to venture any more to the House without fome better affurance; upon our refolved forbearance therefore, the Arch-bishop of Tork fent for us to his lodging at Westminster, layes before us the perillous condition we were in, advises for remedy (except we meant utterly to abandon our Right, and to defert our Station in Parliament) to petition both his Majefty and the Parliament, that fince we were legally call'd by his Majefties writ to give our Attendance in Parliament, we might be fecured in the performance of our Duty and Service against those Dangers that threatned us; and withall to protest against any fuch Acts as should be made during the time of our forced Abfence, for which he affured us there were many Prefidents in former Parliaments, and which if we did not, we fhould be. tray the Trust committed to us by his Majeftie, and fhamefully betray and abdicate the due right both of our felves and Succeffours. To this purpose in our prefence he drew up the faid petition and protesta


tion, avowing it to be legall, juft and Agreeable to all former Proceedings, and being fair written fent it to our severall Lodgings for our Hands, which we accordingly fubfcribed, intending yet to have had fome further Confultation concerning the delivering and whole carriage of it. But ere we could suppose it to be in any hand but his own, the first Newes we heard was, that there were Meffingers addreffed to fetch us in to the Parliament upon an Accufation of high Treafon. For whereas this Paper was to have been delivered, first to his Majefties Secretary; and after perufall by him to his Majestic, and after from his Majeftie to the Parliament, and for that purpose to the Lord Keeper, the Lord Littleton, who was the Speaker of the house of Peers; all these profeffed not to have perufed it at all, but the faid Lord Keeper willing enough to take this Advantage of Ingratiating himself with the House of Commons and the faction, to which he knew himself fufficiently obnoxious, finding what use might be made of it by prejudicate minds, reads the fame openly in the house of the Lords: and when he found fome of the faction apprehenfive enough of mifconftruction, Aggravates the matter as highly offenfive, and of dangerous confequence; and thereupon not without much heat and vehemence, and with an ill Preface, it is fent down to the House of Commons; where it was entertain

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ed hainously, Glynne with a full mouth crying it up for no lefs then an high Treafon; and fome comparing, yea preferring it to the Powder-plot, VVe poor fouls (who little thought that we had done. any thing that might deferve a chiding) are now called to our Knees at the barr, and charged feverally with high Treafon, being not a little aftonished at the fuddainness of this Crimination, compared with the perfect Innocence of our own Intentions, which were only to bring us to our due places in Parliament with fafety and fpeed, without the leaft purpofe of any mans offence; But now Traytors we are in all the hafte, and must be dealt with accordingly; For on January 30 in all the extreamity of Froft, at Eight a Clock in the dark Evening, are we voted to the Tower; Only two of our Number had the favour of the black Rod by reason of their Age, which though defi red by a Noble Lord on my behalf, would not be yielded, wherein I acknowledg, and bless the Gracious providence of my God, for had I been gratified, I had been undone both in body and Purfe; the rooms being ftrait, and the expence beyond the reach of my eftate: The newes of this our crime and imprisonment foon flew over the City, and was entertained by our well-willers with ringing of Bells and Bonfires; who now gave us up (not without great Triumph) for loft men railing, on our perfidiousness, and adjudging us


to what foul Deaths they pleased; and what scurrile and malicious pamphlets were fcattered abroad, throughout the Kingdom, and in forraign parts, blazoning our Infamy, and exaggerating our treafonable practises? what infultations of our adverfaries was here? being caged fure enough in the Tower, the faction had now fair oportunities to work their own defignes, they therefore taking the advantage of our restraint, renew that bill of theirs, (which had been twice before rejected fince the begining of this Seffion) for taking away the votes of Bishops in Parliament, and in a very thin house easily paffed it: VVhich once condefcended unto, I know not by what ftrong importunity, his Majefties affent was drawn from him thereunto; we now instead of looking after our wonted Honour muft bend our thoughts upon the guarding of our lives, which were with no fmall eagerness, purfued by the violent Agents of the Faction. Their fharpeft wits and greatest Lawyers were imployed to advance our Impeachment to the height; but the more they lookt into the business, the lefs crime could they find to fasten upon us: In fo much as one of their Oracles, being demanded his judgment concerning the fact, profefled to them, they might with as good reafon accufe us of Adultery Yet ftill there are we faft; only upon petition to the Lords obtaining this favour, that we might have tounfel G 2



affigned us; which after much Reluctation; and many menaces from the Commons, against any man of all the Commoners of England that should dare to be seen to plead in this cafe against the reprefentative body of the Commons, was graunted us; the Lords Affigned us five very worthy Lawyers, which were nominated to them by us; what trouble and charge it was to procure those eminent and much employed Counsellors to come to the Tower to us, and to obferve the strict lawes of the place, for the time of their ingrefs, regrefs, and stay, it is not hard to judg. After we had lyen fome weekes there, however the house of Commons, upon the first tender of our Impeachment had defired we might be brought to a speedy tryall, yet now finding belike how little ground they had for fo high an Accufation, they began to flack their pace, and suffered us rather to languish under the fear of fo dreadfull Arraignment. In fo much as now we are fain to Petition the Lords that we might be brought to our tryall the day was fet, feveral fummons were sent unto us; the Lieutenant had his warrant to bring us to the Barr; Our impeachment was feverally read; we pleaded not guilty Modo & forma, and defired fpeedy proceedings, which were accordingly. promifed, but not to haftily performed. After long expectation another day was appointed for the profecution of this high charge. The Lieute


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