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The Countess of Ailesbury, June 13, 1761. Thanks for a



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G. Montagu, Esq. Arlington-street, July 28, 1761. First
appearance of Mr. Bentley's play............

The Hon. H. S. Conway, Strawberry-hill, Aug. 5, 1761.

General Wolfe's monument-Sale and resale of the

ground in Westminster Abbey


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G. Montagu, Esq. Strawberry-hill, Oct. 10, 1761. Mr.
Pitt's peerage and pension.............

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To G. Montagu, Esq. May 25, 1762. Expected resignation of

the duke of Newcastle



G. Montagu, Esq. June 8, 1762. Fête at lady Northumber-



The Rev. Mr. Cole, July 29, 1762. Inviting him to Straw-



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-Christening of the prince of Wales


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The Rev. Mr. Cole, Sept. 30, 1762. Invitation to Straw-

berry, &c.


The Right Hon. Lady Hervey, Oct. 1, 1762. Congratulation
on her son's safe return

The Hon. H. S. Conway, Arlington-street, Oct. 4, 1762. On
fame-Public feeling

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illness-Party at Princess Emily's

The Rev. Mr. Cole, Dec. 23, 1762. Thanks for some prints 176

The Hon. H. S. Conway, Strawberry-hill, Feb. 28, 1763. On


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G. Montagu, Esq. Strawberry-hill, April 14, 1763. Lady
Waldegrave and family-New administration



The Hon. H. S. Conway, Arlington-street, May 6, 1763. The
release of Mr. Wilkes-Fire at Lady Molesworth's





G. Montagu, Esq. May 30, 1763. Description of Kimbolton,
Hinchinbrook, &c........

G. Montagu, Esq. Strawberry-hill, June 16, 1763. Offering
a visit to Mr. Montagu

... ..

G. Montagu, Esq. July 1, 1763. Improvements at Straw-




The Rev. Mr. Cole, July 1, 1763. Intended visit to Mr.


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G. Montagu, Esq. Stamford, July 23, 1763, Account of his

G. Montagu, Esq. Hockerill, July 25. Account of bis jour-

ney continued

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On Mr. Conway's postponing his visit to Strawberry...... ib.

The Earl of Strafford, August 10, 1763. Apology for not

having written

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