Spiritual ThoughtsThis is a journal of spiritual thoughts to be used as a template to finding the true path. |
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Common terms and phrases
1Samuel 2Corinthians 2Timothy Accepting Jesus adultery angel ask for forgiveness behold believe Bible Blessed brethren Christ-like church Colossians cometh commandment Continued Continued Next Page Creator Da Vinci Code daily darkness Deuteronomy doeth earth enemy Ephesians eternity evil eyes faith Father fear fornication fruit gave gift give glory God’s word gospel grace Gulags hate hath heaven heavenly Isaiah Jesus Christ judgment keep King kingdom kingdom of heaven knoweth light Little voices live LORD thy Luke lust Man’s Matthew mercy mind never Numbers ourselves peace Pharisee praise pray prayer preach pride Proverbs Psalms reward righteousness Romans salvation Satan Savior say unto scripture seek God’s serve sins soul speaks Spirit Stanley Jones strength Thank thee things thou art thou hast Thou shalt tithe took tribulation trust truth understand valley of decision Verily I say victory walk whosoever wife wisdom